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Everything posted by Maztinho

  1. Maztinho


    Do laundry. You can get by with 7, okay, factor in a rough week, 10. Contributing to the thread, I'm a t-shirt and jeans guy. I hit the DI (Utah Thrift store) for old school logo stuff, or just find things that amuse me on-line. I bought the Cena 8-bit shirt, just because it's amused me, I have a Cobra Kai shirt, and some other Threadless born fruit. I have a lot of just plain old uniform colored t's. On my feet, I'm either wearing my Havaiiana's flip-flops or my hi-top sneaks. I've always wanted a pair of Chuck Taylors, but never can find some my size in the stores that sell them around here.
  2. Maztinho

    The College Football Thread 9/25 - 9/27

    A WAC team and two MWC teams in the Top Ten, that's just surreal.
  3. Maztinho

    Goal line blitz

    Mention it to the developers? Might be some sort of glitch.
  4. Maztinho

    Pictures I Like

    There's a T-shirt at threadless with that picture on it, I was going to get it but it was always sold out in my size.
  5. Maztinho

    So, what's your job?

    Produce Monkey. Technically I guess I'm the Produce 2nd which is merely a rank giving me more responsibilities at the same pay, although I do get first dibs on hours.
  6. Maztinho

    The Office Season 5

    Women should gain somewhere between 20 and 30 pounds because that means she's intaking sufficient calories to allow the baby to grow in a healthy manner. Also mother's will need the extra calories to burn while the baby is nursing.
  7. I just watched Beat Takeshi's "Violent Cop", "Zatoichi", and "Kikujiro" via the Netflix. I dig his little saunter he does, and his little facial motions. Out of the three I enjoyed Kikujiro the most, although Violent Cop had some cool visuals despite being fairly meandering for a revenge cop story. Zatoichi was pretty good, and the end line after the random dance number was pretty sweet.
  8. Maztinho

    The Office Season 5

    Yeah, that part was great. Overall a great episode.
  9. I blame the lackluster 90's in the WWF because of the success of the Outsiders in the WCW. That's what allowed make-shift teams of mainevent caliber workers to win the tag team title, because of Nash and Hall teaming up after attaining great success. While main event acts becoming a team had happened in the past (MegaPowers, Savage/Warrior) it never lasted long. The Outsiders gave the writers the idea of pairing up main eventers who needed something to do, and then felt they needed to put them in title matches. Which totally undercut tag team wrestling as a whole. If Mankind and Austin can team up for a month and be contenders, then who is going to buy Snow/Blackman as a real threat to them? The shift from tag teams being a way to hide one workers weakness, or the sum is greater than the parts became any two great parts can get a title shot.
  10. Maztinho

    The Greatness of Muhammed Hassan

    Worlds colliding... ..anyway, his Wiki entry says that he's currently a member of the Writers Guild of America. Who else just pictured him slapping the Camel Clutch on people at random during the strike? Anyone?
  11. Maztinho

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    The song is like... this summer new, it's annoying, but at least our store figured out it's really only viable doing like twice a week because stuff doesn't change that much daily.
  12. Maztinho

    The Youtube thread

  13. Maztinho

    Post in this thread to get warned

    Porter is correct when he says that offenses like Urban Meyer's spread don't equate to good pro-quarterbacks, too gimmicky. Which works, and is splendid in the college ranks, but the skill set that makes them work won't work against the stronger, faster, smarter NFL defense. I could see Tebow working in a West Coast offense though with quick hitting slants, but I think he'll be a decent journeyman at best.
  14. Maztinho

    House Season 5

    I like the PI too. The scene when House makes a call and you see someone tinkering with the IV and him calling out, "She's coding!" and walking out while the camera pans down to his argyle socks and boat shoes was a great little touch, since now House has someone who will do all his dirty business no questions asked. Does anyone seeing this ending in some sort of lawsuit by the PI when House's bill gets astronomical and all of House's naughty acts are aired out in public? I might just be watching too many Judge shows in the afternoon though.
  15. Maztinho

    Things that Amuse or Please You

    Little kids being overjoyed at Bananas though, I mean, I wish I was more child-like in that way. One of the little girls was like hoping up and down because she could see the boxes bananas came from. Actually I think I really have an odd perspective on height, I always have, because my father's side of the family are all quite tall, so at family reunions I'm actually on the shorter end of the spectrum when most of my cousins are like 6'8"- 6'10". Out of the males I'm the third shortest. So I never have considered myself "tall"
  16. Maztinho

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    Actually, we are owned by the same parent company, so they should in theory have the same guidelines. But then again, Utah is used a guinea pig for new programs, if they work here they institute them company wide. Fun fact, if you are in an Albertson's and you hear BTO's "Taking Care of Business" the employees are supposed to have a team huddle. I usually take my break when I hear that song.
  17. Maztinho

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    The store isn't that busy outside of a couple of days a week, so I usually interact with most people who do come into the department. It's story policy to "greet" any customer within a reasonable distance from you, but I was doing that before the policy was instituted anyways. Typically. Me: Finding everything okay? Them: Yes. or... Them: Where's (such and such)? Or something to that effect. As for the bananas, buy green ones and keep them in the plastic bag. They'll be ripe in the morning.
  18. I was coming here to post this exact thing. So... Ditto.
  19. Maztinho

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    Old people digging through my salad display to find the best code date, and then when I point out that the second they open the bag the code date doesn't matter they get upset at me. I wouldn't mind this as much if 90% of people would make some attempt at putting the salads kinda back, I mean sometimes that just means tilting the front bag, but don't take all the salads off the shelf and the just leave them on the goddamn floor. Fuckin' stupid old people.
  20. Maztinho

    Things that Amuse or Please You

    Pre-school or Kindergarten tours through the store. Every little stupid thing enthralls the kids. "This is where we cut the fruit for the bowls." "WHOAAAA!" Also inevitably one of them stares up at me and goes, "You're big." And I just respond, "I'm normal sized, you are just small."
  21. Maztinho

    Tzar Lysergic

    Not sure how you're no longer allowed to change it back. I didn't even do anything to alter that. Anyway, my internet day is no longer ruined, and you're back to being part of the digestive system. Probably had something to do with the name change limit. I thought that was user controlled name changes, not Mod altered ones. Although it might be that only mods can override the name change limit no matter who changed the name to begin with.
  22. Maztinho


    http://www.poopsenders.com/ Greatest idea ever?
  23. Maztinho

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    Even better is technically she didn't need to do the vault at all, they had enough points overall to win even if she scored zero.
  24. Maztinho

    Post in this thread to get warned

    I bet you didn't know this, but a cat light on fire has less wind resistance when shot out of a catapult (HA HA Cat-apult...) than one who isn't set on fire. What if I got a tattoo of a Warning though, would that be some sort of cross culture fad? Would I be both in the past and in the present simultaneously? And would that actually be the future? That Micheal J. Fox would come back to? Think about it.
  25. Maztinho

    The Killers third album extravaganza

    John Morrison.