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Everything posted by Maztinho

  1. I vote for the countdown ban. This is a great idea, and should be the new way of dealing with posters that annoy, leaving the instant ban for serious offenses like... I dunno flooding the forum with Tubgirl pics or something.
  2. Maztinho

    Spaceman Ross vs. The Internet

    I love everyone's one sentence retorts on this site. Seriousy, no one presents any sort of arguement when they post. Is that the ideal way to post? Clever retorts without any sort of justification as to why they're posting what they are? In all reality, many of the posters here are just sexually repressed people asserting their internet manliness and intelligence in order to compensate for their lack of actual real world communication skills. Ross, internet, Internet, Ross, I don't believe you've met.
  3. I got racked trying to take a charge once in Jr. Jazz, flying knee to the little Mazters. One of the other kids on my teams mom said that the asshole coach of the other team tried to say I moved into it, the ref just turned to him and goes, "Your son just kicked that kid in the junk, that's a foul." They had another player take my foul shots for me because I was crumpled up for awhile.
  4. L2REEDNOOB goldengreek Rossy here in the quote cabbageboy (nobody cares about your skills at guessing games) AmDragFan Tiaga
  5. Maztinho

    Wrestling Roster Draft: Luxe & Reduxe

    I need a team to battle ChoTen, and maybe work some singles matches against them as well. While the next guy isn't a top flight worker, he's got a great look, a weird kinda charisma and I think he'd work really well with the other half of the team I'm creating from the Nether of my mind. Ahmed Johnson
  6. Maztinho

    Wrestling Roster Draft: Luxe & Reduxe

    Me too, and naiwf, just hit me with a dagger, since I was going to grab Killings as one half of a tag team I was going to work out. I guess I'll have to go with the modified version I had in mind.
  7. Maztinho

    This Time Let's Not Eat the Bones

    Power. Respect. Juice. Condoms.
  8. Maztinho

    Signs You Are a Wrestling Fan

    I'll usually do something retarded, then pop off with a "Oooooooooh yeeeeeeeah!" or a "Dig it, yeah!" ala Macho Man Randy Savage, and most everyone gets the reference.
  9. Maztinho

    Pictures I Like

    Schultz City... awesome.
  10. Maztinho

    Wrestling Roster Draft: Luxe & Reduxe

    Maybe he's dead. From a fire.
  11. Maztinho

    TSM Remembers: The Boogeyman

    He was a solid mid-card gimmick that worked for what they needed him to do. His skills in ring weren't the most refined, but I dug the gimmick. Harmless throwback fun.
  12. Maztinho

    Babies dying in parked cars

    Yeah, but July in Utah? Nah, he gets no break.
  13. Maztinho

    Awesome Wrestling Pictures

    Why isn't Chono kicking him in the face?
  14. Maztinho

    Wrestling Roster Draft: Luxe & Reduxe

    Die. Die in a fire. Get genital warts, then die in a fire. I was hoping he'd slip back to me. I'm running out of Las Vegas.
  15. 400 for rent including water, it's about 500 over all for Internet, gas, and electric.
  16. Maztinho

    And the beet goes on...

    There's a high school in Utah whose mascot is Beetdiggers. That's all I got. I'm pretty neutral on the things. I'll eat them, but I don't go out of my way to find them.
  17. Maztinho

    Awesome Wrestling Pictures

    Dude... he's a fucking Barbarian. Duh.
  18. Maztinho

    Babies dying in parked cars

    I think for the most part, like the article states, the parents are punished in their own personal hell. Unless there is willful neglect like a case here in Utah when The Dark Knight came out some father left his 18-month old kid in the car while he went in to watch the movie. Fortunately a guy happened to notice the kid in the backseat pointing at her sippy cup and asking for "wa-wa" and he broke the window and got the girl out before she died.
  19. Maztinho

    Wrestling Roster Draft: Luxe & Reduxe

    My bad OOG, I made my pick then got distracted by a busty girl jumping on a trampoline.
  20. Maztinho

    Keanu Reeves appreciation

    I love Bill and Ted. LOVE. IN fact, I'ma gonna go watch it right now.
  21. Maztinho

    Wrestling Roster Draft: Luxe & Reduxe

    I'm double dipping, but he's like one of my favorite wrestlers. I need someone who can work against Sean, and I think this guys style would mesh really, really well with X-pac. I'll likely have him run around with ChoTen in a trios faction or maybe I'll let him run lone wolf. CIMA
  22. Maztinho

    Jericho and Kelly Kelly

    So, Jericho's a pimp version of Archie who gets both Betty and Veronica? I KNEW there was a reason why he's my hero. Well played sir. Also...
  23. Maztinho

    A challenge for BruiserBrody.

    It's a letter written to pbone from a girl in high school that he shared in the weird girls thread. It's short and concise. Brody, make a masterpiece.
  24. Maztinho

    Weird Girls In School

    Sounds normal to me. Yeah, it was all the little things she did though. Like she was kinda chunky, but not in the "might be cute if she dropped a couple pounds" she carried her weight horribly. And she was always sweating. Like all the time, she was a hug-greeter too. So you'd be talking to someone and then BAM! Sweaty tit hug from behind. Also once she wanted me to take her someplace so she jumped on the hood of my car while I was trying to pull out of the parking lot and wouldn't get off until I did. I guess she did normal high school girl behavior, but she annoyed everyone I knew of that knew her so it wasn't just me.