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Everything posted by Maztinho

  1. Maztinho

    2008 Summer Olympics

    I still laugh when my Blue Collar as Fuck Store Director tries to tell me that NASCAR is more popular than Soccer worldwide. I'd argue that basketball is more popular than Cricket, but just by a small margin. I mean Brazilians don't know what the hell cricket even is.
  2. Maztinho

    Goal line blitz

    I'll just mention that for whatever reason we win when Ironhead gets the ball thrown his way alot. I think that was more of a combination of me and Annie though where I was death across the middle opening up deep bombs on the outside.
  3. Maztinho

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    Shit I knew I should have grabbed Milano. Alas, I have a great back up plan for my Flamboyance stable.
  4. Maztinho

    Raven files a lawsuit against the WWE

    My friend put something to words something similar to this. "I heard a rumor about such and such. I heard this rumor from me."
  5. Maztinho

    Comments that don't warrant a thread.

    Yeah, turns out my cousin was dicking around with my headphones and had them in the wrong jack. That's what I get for trying to figure shit out with no lights on.
  6. Maztinho

    Comments that don't warrant a thread.

    My computer decided it doesn't want to make sound anymore. Nothing on-line makes noise, and I can't listen to any songs I have on my hard drive. Is this a sound card issue? I'm a total failure with anything beyond turning this damn thing on and surfing the Net. And playing video games. So trying to play my musical video game last night was sad. It's done something like this before and then a day later it decided to work normally again. So that might happen, but I doubt lightening strikes twice.
  7. Maztinho

    The Dark Knight

    "She's the most beautiful woman in the world, but she wears glasses, because she's the smartest too."
  8. Maztinho

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    Most likely since he... picked him earlier thinking we could draft commentators for free, and then went with his talent pick instead.
  9. Maztinho

    The Magic Is In The Hole!

    But Dunkin' Donuts? Meh. I'm still sad that the Winchell's Donuts closed in my home town. I loved that place. It was near to my high school so we could talk a teacher into letting us do a donut run on occasion and be back before the on site Officer did his rounds. Edit: Krispy Kreme's are overrated though. I mean yeah they are tasty hot, but they aren't the end all be all of donuts. That being said I prefer cake donuts anyways.
  10. Maztinho

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    Another cruiser borderline heavy that can work well with anyone on my roster. Also... best `fro in wrestling. Seriously... Mohammed Yone YAY! Also I PM'd Fart since he sorta showed back up... I dunno if we are still skipping him or what, so I didn't PM Diamondust.
  11. Maztinho

    How strong are you?

    I am as strong as five... maybe six moosen.
  12. Maztinho

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    I'd actually give up Roberts or Magnum for Muta or both for the Holy Demon Army.
  13. Maztinho

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    Time to get a little discussion brewing. Someone brought up earlier who they'd want from someone elses roster, which is a good question and it kinda got buried do to some activity picking. Also I think you'd need to give up someone from your roster that is an equivalent placeholder on the card. So let's talk. Who would you snipe from someone? And who would you give up in return? No Ludvig Borga's for Shawn Micheals crap though.
  14. Maztinho

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    You PM'd him right? RIGHT?
  15. Maztinho

    Guys on the way out

    I would actually call that an awesome send off if you are leaving the business. It doesn't "bury" Beulah, since what realistically is she supposed to do, and everyone comes out with more heat. I'm surprised, Niedhart's jump to WCW and joining DX only to get low balled by Chyna and tagged on the way out hasn't been mentioned.
  16. Maztinho

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    I searched just for Predator, so this pick might be gone. He could work as a wildman Bruiser Brody knock off, because he's done a similar gimmick in the indies, he's also got a legit shooto background and I could use him as a pupil to Ed Lewis. The Predator
  17. Maztinho

    Awesome Wrestling Pictures

    Asian IRS!!! YES!!!!
  18. Maztinho

    Ohio Inmate Says He's Too Fat to Execute

    You might be right Matt. I was honestly paying more attention to the girl who was wearing a lowcut blouse next to me than paying a whole lot of attention and this was like 15 years ago. I know blanks are involved. I know that Washington had hanging as an option back in the 90's because some child-rapist-murderer chose that method because it would likely be the worst for him.
  19. Maztinho

    Your favorite near fall spots/moves

    Ron Simmons says hello on the Best Powerslam Ever. Didn't it cause Mick Foley the most pain he'd ever had? Mick Foley... most pain. Think about it.
  20. Maztinho

    Ohio Inmate Says He's Too Fat to Execute

    Awww... we banned it? Booooo. Stupid hippies moving in and screwing up our awesome firing squad. The premise was kinda cool though, we had a corrections officer explain it to us during one of those "Scared Straight" thingies that got way off topic. All the officers have to be considered marksmen, and only one of them actually has the bullet, the rest fire blanks so they don't know who actually killed the guy.
  21. Maztinho

    Ohio Inmate Says He's Too Fat to Execute

    Utah has the firing squad. Go us. And I agree just take him off the meds that cause the immunity to the sleeping drug.
  22. Maztinho

    I'm the Worst Son Ever

    Like I remembered it, I just didn't pay attention to what day it was. As in, I know my mom's birthday is July 29th. I just forgot it was July 29th. In closing, I bought her a ruby necklace, which is July's birthstone. See? I know important stuff.
  23. Maztinho

    I'm the Worst Son Ever

    Yell at me. I deserve it.
  24. Maztinho

    I taught somebody a lesson

    Once a little bastard came whipping around the corner on those heelies and I kneed the kid right in the chest because I was looking back at some hot chick. And then his mom yelled at him for riding on them in the store. Whoever developed those damn things should be corporally punished.