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Everything posted by Maztinho

  1. Maztinho

    Morgan Freeman Injured in Car Accident

    This warrants a thread. Totally. It seems like he should be okay though.
  2. Maztinho

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    I wanted a big ol guy that's freaky. I mean I have Kane, and Abdullah, so why not another guy that could viably go toe to toe with either man? Plus I love evil clowns. Not a great worker, but could be a decent mid-card heel. Pogo the Clown
  3. Maztinho

    Things that Amuse or Please You

    Yeah, I'm mediocre, but I gave us this thread. You are welcome.
  4. Maztinho

    I'm the Worst Son Ever

    That's how the rest of my family is. My Great Grandma kept track of her Great Great Grandkids birthdays without a calendar. And me? I can bearly remember to get rent in on the first.
  5. Maztinho

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    I wanted to punch my monitor just seeing his mug.
  6. Maztinho

    I'm the Worst Son Ever

    That's actually what happened. I know my mom was born on the 29th. Like I know this, I just spaced dates. I was doing some code pulls, and asked a coworker what day it was... "30th." Realization. SHIT!
  7. Maztinho


    Fun fact... Churrascaria literally translates to Barbeque.
  8. Maztinho

    100 reasons why TheSmartMarks.com

    43- The hilarity of Drury's roster in the All Time Wrestling Draft. It's either brilliant, or horrid. It just depends on how you look at it.
  9. Maztinho


    OH. FUCK. YES! I lived in Brazil for two years, and would hit these places all the time. I was so freakin' happy when I got home and one was in my hometown. There's two there now. Too bad I'm three hours away. What's great in Brazil itself is they are all over the place so while here they are usually "higher end eating" (one of the one's in Provo is more mid-level at 20 something dollars for dinner, and it's pretty solid) there they are more like Denny's. There was one in Vitoria da Conquista that was plain on the decor, but the food was top notch and it was 8 "reias" which at the time was like 4 bucks. And they had 2 liters of soda to purchase instead of a costly drink for 50 centavos. Holy shit I miss that place. The best eating I had was one of the higher end places in Brazil called Boi Preto (Black Bull) it had rabbit, croc, lobster, crab, halibut, practically any animal that wasn't a pet, you could eat it. 15 bucks. AWESOME.
  10. Maztinho

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    I need a tag team to combat the H8 Club... oh and they are viable Tag Team Title threats as well. Current IWGP Tag Champions.... Togi Makabe and Toru Yano Also although I'll be using them as a team I think a Kane/Togi or Togi/Abby feud would be mucho fun for all involved.
  11. Maztinho

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    I think the question was about the venue not the manager, so venues are free game as long as it's your pick. Good times.
  12. Maztinho

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    Aye. Not that I care, since his location isn't anywhere near where I'm "running" but we might need a call on this. Locations free picks every time as long as you are up, or they take a pick out right?
  13. Maztinho

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    I'd say from here on out let people use a pick for whatever. A Team, a manager, a venue if they want. I don't need another venue myself, but if someone is really demanding another spot I don't care.
  14. Maztinho

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    Location location location.... The Tokyo Ariake Colosseum while not as historical as HTQ's pick, it's still got a good wrestling feel, and it has it's own fighting cred. And just because... Ken the Box! You can mark the fuck out now.
  15. Maztinho

    I'm the Worst Son Ever

    Actually it was worse, she called yesterday (her birthday), did some small talk, and then we just hung up. Then this morning I realized what day it was, and that I'd talked to her on her birthday and it never clicked.
  16. Maztinho

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    Danshoku Dino He'll stick your head down his trunks.
  17. Maztinho

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    One of the funniest things that happened during a basketball game when I was in high school was the High School Drill Team blowing the speakers out, and the PA announcer doing the rest of the game through a mega phone. That had little at all to do with what you were talking about aside from the speakers blowing out, but I'm tired.
  18. Maztinho

    100 reasons why TheSmartMarks.com

    If there's more than one of it. We have a Draft for it.
  19. Maztinho

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    Stylistically my roster works any where from mid-90's to now, with the exception of Maeda/Lewis, but that can be booked as a secondary Main Event and given more time. I think we all have some plan (well most of us) of what we are doing, so it's all going to be orgasms and lollipops when it's over.
  20. Maztinho

    All-Time Football (Soccer) Team Draft

    Nature of the beast.
  21. Maztinho

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    Time to round out my 6 man of awesome. IT'S TIME! Since I have Shuji this man can't be far behind. Brother YASSHI I'm going to have Super Dragon/Davey Richards/B-Boy vs CIMA/Kondo/YASSHI Taste the awesome!
  22. Maztinho

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    Yeah, but he is fucking us over by putting the wrong product in the wrong spots causing us to lose money. And they bitch about sales, and if sales are down corporate takes the axe to our labor, which causes me to lose hours. It's the trickle down from Hell effect.
  23. Maztinho

    The NBA Offseason Thread

    At least you can go, Miami Heat... yeah, Miami's hot I guess. Thunder? Shit everyone has Thunder.
  24. Maztinho

    Things that Amuse or Please You

    A coworker let me hold her 4 month old daughter who promptly started screaming until I passed her back. It was funny just to see the expression of WTF are you handing me to this guy for on the daughters face after she calmed down.
  25. Maztinho

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    Along with CG's rant. I'll pop in that I have to argue with my Store Director at least three times a week because he'll come over and face things up incorrectly. Mainly the Salad Kits(which have croutons/dressings packed in with them) over with the regular salad bags. On top of that, our Produce Division Leader has told us to leave a hole even if something sells out so we can do a more accurate order. SD: I worked produce for three years I know what I'm doing. Me: Fine, I'll call Darren and have him explain it to you... again. SD: We look like shit if I don't do this. *I just turn and head to the phone and the SD tells me to forget about it* Also he bitches at me about signing the hourly sweep sheet we have to sign stating our floor is clear of spills and shit, when my signature is the only on it.