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Everything posted by Maztinho

  1. Maztinho

    The NBA Offseason Thread

    Those two would be acceptable franchise names. THE WIND? The motherfucking name of the soccer team that Bobby Hill was on in that episode of King of the Hill? THE WIND? Whoever suggested that name should be fired. Whoever gave the OK for that name should be shot. Also... yay for not losing CJ Miles. Maybe Sloan will... like use him some now.
  2. Maztinho

    What was the very last thing you purchased?

    I have people walk past a 6 foot tall display of corn, strawberries, whatever else I'm told to make a huge display of and then asked where the corn, strawberries, whatever else I just made a huge display of is. Do you have watermelons? Yeah there's like 16 bins of them, you walked past 8 of them to ask me if we had watermelons. Heaven forbid we sell out of Mann's Broccoli Coleslaw, the people nearly revolted when we couldn't get it in for a week.
  3. Maztinho

    What was the very last thing you purchased?

    No. I want people to know when I've bought microwavable potatoes. I tell this to every person who throws a fit when I tell them we don't carry those anymore. "All potatoes are microwavable. You were paying an extra 50 cents for someone to wash it and wrap in in plastic"
  4. Maztinho


    I declare myself the winner.
  5. Maztinho

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    Somewhere Drury is weeping a single tear for Tatanka.
  6. Maztinho

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    It was pointless blather then too. Back to Tiaga's non-existent eating disorder.
  7. Maztinho

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    Yeah, while you aren't intaking alot of food what little you are eating has a ton of calories. And actually to a point your amount of food could be leading to your weight, since it's not a lot of food your body could be reacting to a famine, and when you do eat more it's turning the extra calories into fat because it's worried that you won't have food for awhile, and you'll need the extra calories to live. That's irony that is.
  8. Maztinho

    Is this move legit?

    Being an E-fed nerd, I'd go with the ankle break rolling over into a jack-knife pin since you can have Austin go for the Owen countering the Sharpshooter ankle lock, rolling Dean to his back after losing his balance. It's a more fluid motion. It can be written that the victim of the Clover Leaf gets an opening when the attacker steps to regain footing or reposition the victim.
  9. Maztinho

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    Watch HTQ reap his vendetta by swiping my logical choice.
  10. Maztinho

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    And whoot... yeah nobody told me nothin'. Not a big deal, ya'll. I came up with a stunning 6-man last night. It's going to rock your faces right off your bodies, but I need two more guys to fill it. I almost took one, but decided he will slip to me in the next round fo sho, since he's more regarded as part of a team (and I have the other piece to that team so yeah.) I choose.... B-Boy He's going to be teaming up with Davey and Super Dragon against... ???/???/??? Prepare your faces.
  11. Maztinho

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    I almost grabbed the Mamalukes, but thought the H8 Club fit better with the next part of my cunning plan.
  12. Maztinho

    Max Payne

    What ever happened to Maxx Payne's (the pro-wrestler) lawsuit against the video game makers? If he hadn't moved away, I'd have my mom go over to his house and ask him.
  13. Maztinho

    The Dark Knight

    Maybe he's trying to top the hype Ledger is getting for dying. Give it up Bale, nothing tops the serial pillist. But he's a jerk, he's gotta try.
  14. Maztinho

    The Dark Knight

    Isn't Bane really smart though as well? Like he's freakin' huge and massive, but he's more than a meat-head. If anything they could go the arms dealer route with Penguin and have Bane as a new guy cutting into Pen's profits causing a turf war that Batman has to sort out.
  15. Maztinho

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    His entrance will take 30 minutes! Actually Glacier was unduly shat upon I think. He wasn't bad, he was just hyped for like 9 months before his debut and then we got Sub-Zero. Kano was the obvious choice they should have gone for.
  16. Maztinho

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    I'm grabbed another team taht I think could mesh well with Jinsei and Haya in blood for blood. Nick Gage Nate Hatred The H8 Club
  17. Maztinho

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    Good thing you grabbed her now. I had her on tap for another member of my women's division of awesome.
  18. Maztinho

    The Dark Knight

    I actually think that Poison Ivy would work on a level for this. Eco-terrorist that uses rare poisons from far fetched flora? It could work. Not the "I can control plants with my mind," but she could work very well in Nolan's universe of Batman. More so that Mr. Freeze actually.
  19. Maztinho

    The Dark Knight

    My town is a little college town that DIES in the summer. And there was a line for the 3:50 showing and was 65% full in the middle of the afternoon when most people were still at work, as I was leaving, the next showing had a line around the corner of the theater which wrapped around to the back. I shudder to think what the night time showings will do.
  20. Maztinho

    The Dark Knight

    I'll add that I really dug them showing the Joker early on, since in the case that people don't know who the Joker is they get a feel for his fun anarchy. I'll edit in the fact that I was sitting next to two couples in their 70's, and one of the ladies made the best comment ever . So the Joker's early entrance probably helped her get into the film a little better.
  21. Maztinho

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    Window is up so I'm grabbing my next pick. El Blazer I think him and Jody running around flying like crazy people's would be fun. Also Mellow PM'd me his next pick... Who is... Super Leather He's going to put him in Sullivan's Army of Darkness. Whooot.
  22. Maztinho

    Things that Amuse or Please You

    Four-Wheel Roller Skating > Cure for AIDS, Cancer, Leukemia, Common Cold, etc. combined Seriously, I spent every Saturday from the age of seven through ten at the roller rink, skating to "Girlfriend" by Pebbles, eating shitty pizza and playing Gauntlet. I had four birthday parties in a row at three different skating rinks. I say this not because it's something to brag about, but because I feel sorry if your childhood did not resemble mine. Unless your parents owned a roller skating rink, of course. My parents didn't. But one of my buddies I used to hang out with all the time did. SCORE! Although it was kinda far away, so we didn't get to totally run wild all the time, but I spent enough time in there to be all kick ass and stuff. I wonder if I still have the high score on BattleToads there?
  23. Maztinho

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    I get it, racism is being excessively "bad" to a race, creed, orientation, reverse racism is being excessively "nice" to a race, creed, oritentation. Almost to make up for the racists.
  24. Maztinho

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    I like the standing rules we have in this one, once we got the kinks worked out. All in all this hasn't been a bad cherry poppin' Wrestling Draft. We've had Ludvig Borga picked, and scandal, and people lamenting they forgot about (insert any number of wrestlers here). And late on the draw, but I think that Lanny Poffo and Chris Nowinski would be a ball bustin' mid-level duo/faction with someone else tossed in the mix.
  25. Maztinho

    Things that Amuse or Please You

    Stripping should be the next Olympic Event.