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Everything posted by Maztinho

  1. Maztinho

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    I wanted a spot-monkey... so I'll grab one. And I needed to prove I can draft people that speak English. I CAN! Jody Fleisch
  2. Maztinho

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    Whoa. That's, like, superdickery. How did you know he called the cops, and what for? Did the guy just tell you, or are the cops in your town such underachieving losers that they actually came out for this call? It's definitely not illegal to take a right turn. Most bikers choose to go through intersections if they're clear. I did that about a block or two from the street I had to turn left on, and lane split the two lanes there were. I got about 10, 15 seconds ahead of everyone else and pedaled like crazy in order to not keep up traffic, moved into the left lane, went through another minor light, and then made my left. A guy even pulled up next to me and said, "BOY GET YOUR PUNK ASS OUT OF THE MIDDLE UH THE DAMN ROAD!" To which I said, "I have to take a left turn, I had to be in this lane." Then after making my left turn, a guy pulls up right behind me in his car, sits perpendicular to my driveway, and pulls out his phone, watching me go into my house. While opening the gate, I turned around and went up to his car and said, "Can I help you with something?" "I'm calling the cops on you, kid. Don't ride your damn bike in the middle of the road." I kinda just rolled my eyes and went back into my house. I don't know if the cops ever came, I left shortly after to go to the city. Do people know that bikes can access the left turn lane? They are considered vehicles, so likely what happened is, guy called the cops, cops told him that you have the right to use the turn lane as long as you aren't slowing the flow of traffic. THE END. *goes and looks for his Cycling Merit Badge he earned like a decade ago.*
  3. Maztinho

    I'm at the hospital right now

    Who else hoped this had, "I JUST GOT SHOT" as the opening line? Anyone?
  4. Maztinho

    Pictures I Like

    Since my original picture broke... edited with another fun tidbit.
  5. Maztinho

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    More like a strawman argument. I was reading a book about that earlier...
  6. Maztinho

    The NBA Offseason Thread

    I remember when Hinrich was supposed to be a Stockton/Hornacek hybrid... I guess Chicago though he was more Jeff than John.
  7. Maztinho

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    Well there's one answer. I just know at my high school job in the food court in the mall the hippie ladies that owned the Beads `N Things store would always come in and want Taco Salads with no animal products on them. So they'd get Lettuce, Beans, and tomatoes (we tossed black olives on them for them as a replacement) in a fried tortilla bowl. They usually came at a fairly busy time of day so I could never ask them why they didn't want cheese. The way they worded it made is seem like it wasn't a lactose intolerance thing either or they could have said, "No dairy" like other people who came in did.
  8. Maztinho

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    Since we aren't that much different genetically from Monkeys... go with Temple of Doom's Chilled Monkey Brains. Also, not to pick a fight, but I don't get the concept that some Vegans have of no-animal product at all. I mean, if you don't milk the cow it causes the cow pain, so using the milk for cheese and the like isn't really harming the animal at all. I get the point of not wanting to kill for food, but why not use something that is actually relief for the animal? I get that it might just be a totally dietary thing with some purification of toxins or something as well, but I've never gotten specifics on how that works. *takes a bite out of his Venison Jerky he got from his boss*
  9. Maztinho

    Things that Amuse or Please You

    It's was kinda cool when I was working freight crew when my store was open 24 hours, you'd get people wandering in around that time and would either be high as fuck, or just straight up weird. I've had more than one disjointed conversation with someone at some ungodly hour while stocking shelves. The girl who got up on the registers and started stripping at 3:30 once was kinda fun too. The most bizarre thing though, was a family of 7 or so with all the kids being under 5 years old all wearing their pajamas coming in at 3 A.M. to get some awesome deal, but the load truck hadn't shown up yet so they just sat down on the bench at the front of the store and waited. The kids started falling asleep, so we drug over some of the spring garden displays (padded foam cushions and swinging chair things) so they could sleep resonably comfortably, and they just sat there for 2 hours quietly waiting for the truck to show up. Kinda creepy in a way.
  10. Maztinho

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Don't we have a poster named Nighthawk? Won't this just cause confusion? I like it.
  11. Maztinho

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    I almost took those two for Dump and Bull to pulverize, for my own amusement of course.
  12. Maztinho

    Pictures I Like

  13. Maztinho

    Subway thread

    YES!!! I always order, "A ridiculous amount of olives" on either Sandwich A Spicy Italian Mayo/Mustard Lettuce Cukes Tomatoes S+P Sandwich B Prime Rib Mayo/Southwest Lettuce Cukes Tomatoes Banana Peppers But it's all about the olives. One girl put so many on it was like another layer or two of meat.
  14. Maztinho

    The NBA Offseason Thread

    Which NBA city is going to have a radio station hand out free/discounted versions of those shirts in their team colors for when the Lakers visit first?
  15. Maztinho

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    http://lawandhelp.com/q298-2.htm Links are fun! Her daughter was still a feminist Nazi whore though.
  16. Maztinho

    Up All Night With MarvinisaLunatic Part 2 Non Gulag Edition

    The last word you'd use to describe Amy Winehouse is fat.
  17. Maztinho

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    HOLY SHIT SOMEONE PICKED LUDVIG BORGA? Drury you must have loved you some early 90's WWF.
  18. Maztinho

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    Look into this case. The coffee was at a temperature unfit for consumption/handling. Yes, coffee is supposed to be hot, not boiling. She required skin grafts. I don't like that this has become the go to example of a frivolous lawsuit, when in this case it was actually justified. All I know is that her daughter was a substitute teacher in my school district and was an insufferable militant feminist whore about every little thing. I was just walking in and she was following me and I held the door open and she bitched me out for like five minutes about how she could open the door just fine by herself until I told her "Fine you insufferable cunt, I won't treat you nicely anymore." If her mother is anything like her she deserved to get burned with scalding hot coffee.
  19. Maztinho

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    I think the 8 hours are up, so I'm jumping in line. Again I highly doubt that Fart had this pick on the radar so he shouldn't be too hurt. I have a couple of brutal heels in my women's division, a couple of solid faces. Why not a straight up ass kicker? Yeah, I thought I needed one too. So I'm drafting Takako Inoue What proof of her bad assness? Spinning Backfist OF DEATH! Tombstone Piledriver... AFTER KNEEING HER OPPONENT IN THE FACE A FEW TIMES! She can go stiff on my heels and play the role of a Steve Austin style roughneck face. That and she's cute too.
  20. Maztinho

    Up All Night With MarvinisaLunatic Part 2 Non Gulag Edition

    Wait... winning is better than losing?
  21. Maztinho

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    It was amusing.
  22. Maztinho

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    For some reason I thought she was picked already, but then I remembered that's the picture from Wrestling Pictures I Like thread. Nice pick up Garth.
  23. Maztinho

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    That's okay. I spent five minutes talking to a lady in Brazil, in Portuguese, having a fine ol' conversation until she asked me where I was from and the second I said, The United States she couldn't understand fuck all I was saying and had to ask my Brazilian friend if I spoke Portuguese.
  24. Maztinho

    Up All Night With MarvinisaLunatic Part 2 Non Gulag Edition

    Hotel for 4 nights = $350 (And thats probably a mid range 2 to 3 star hotel at $75 a night plus taxes booked online) Food for 4 days = $100 ($25 a day which isn't much these days) Admission to Cedar Point for 2 days, parking = $85 Souvenirs and food at Cedar Point = $75 (I always buy a TShirt for a Coaster I've ridden and Im probably gonna eat/drinlk another $40 worth in 2 days easy ) Orioles game ticket/food/parking = $75 Gas for the trip = $150?? (probably at least 3 fillups @ $50 each by this time next year, but who knows) total = $835 (and this is just for me, no one else lol) Id rather set aside $25 a week into a savings account for 48 weeks (11 months) to pay for it then to try and budget it out of my money in my checking account next summer. It should give me about $1200 which should be enough. That's a lot of time, money and effort wasted on a amusement park that is hardly worth any of it. You're joking..right? Cedar Point is the Roller Coaster Capital of the World and 2nd oldest park in North America. They have 17 total roller coasters with the most in the world that top 200 feet. It takes at least 2 days to ride every coaster, something Ive managed to do in 1 day at every other park Ive been to (Kings Dominion in VA and Carrowinds in NC, Busch Gardens in VA, Six Flags in MD/NJ* and Hershey Park) Not to mention this trip also has an Orioles game planned into it as well. * with the exception of Kingda Ka which wasnt open the day I went Marvin's Top 5 Roller Coasters 1. El Toro - 6 Flags Great Adventure (Im not a huge fan of "woodies" but this was the best coaster Ive ever riden, didnt really feel like a wooden coaster) 2. Volcano: Blast Coaster - Kings Dominion VA (the 4 hour long wait for a 45 second ride was worth it) 3. Superman: Ride of Steel - 6 Flags America (Nice long, fast steel coaster) 4. Nitro - 6 Flags Great Adventure/ Apollo's Chariot - Busch Gardens VA (TIE) (basically the same coaster IIRC, real fast and long) 5. Batwing - 6 Flags America (the feeling of flying was nice and riding it in the pouring rain enhanced the experience) with Honorable Mention to Curse of Dar Kastle (Busch Gardens) even though it was a simulator ride. Worst 5 Rollercoasters 1. Loch Ness Monster - Busch Gardens VA (my shoulders were purple and black for 2 weeks after going to Busch Gardens and this ride was responsible) 2. Great American Scream Machine - 6 Flags Great Adventure (serious bruising on my shoulders and a really rough ride) 3. The Joker's Jinx - 6 Flags America (beats your head back and forth to the side on the head restraints..headache inducing) 4. Anaconda - Kings Dominion (I barely fit into the seat and this was 10 years ago) 5. Stormrunner - Hershey Park (I rode this a couple weeks ago, they should sell the ride to the WWF Niagra thing and call it Carlito's Back Cracker, I litterally heard my back crack when the thing went from 0-70 mph in 2 seconds..) With honorable mention to the Spongebob Squarepants "4-D ride" at 6 Flags Great Adventure (My GF is big Spongebob fan..ugh) but I heard they took it down. The Anaconda rules. RULES! Also the best coaster in Kings Dominion was Flight of Fear. Although Volcano was awesome too... Flight of Fear!!!
  25. Maztinho


    To a picture of your supposedly whorish matriarch.