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Everything posted by Maztinho

  1. Maztinho

    A list of foods I hate

    I don't mind cabbage in Egg Rolls, but just about every other form it takes is horrid.
  2. Maztinho

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    True story, when I first saw the netspeak OMG I thought why are they talking about One Man Gang? He wasn't on my radar, but that's a bitchin' pick. 747 off the top rope? Nuff Said.
  3. Maztinho


    Telling people you are on the "Upgrade Your Life" Scholarship from PIMP Juice would be one of the most awkward things ever.
  4. Maztinho

    The Eliminator 3

    Eliminator it's the new Gang Warz
  5. Maztinho

    Britney Spears' SISTER is pregnant

    I live in Southern Utah. You want to talk about stupid white trash sounding names? Maddie Briann isn't half bad in comparison to some of the babies born to relatives of coworkers in the last couple of months. Trinity Cason Bradston Jeoffery (It's like they couldn't decide which of the popular ways to spell the name and went with the worst combination of the two) Three Haileys (I concur, HORRID HORRID name) Bailey McQuade Anakin (I shit you not) So leaving the E off Brianne ain't a big thing when surrounded with this horrendous naming of offspring. I checked some baby announcement shit in the paper. More awesomeness. Jaxsan Joshue Milany Miliscent Kyrilee Sebastian When Sebastian is the least offensive name you've got problems.
  6. Maztinho

    The knockoff thread

    That stuff is so damn sickening. The first time I got it I was all jazzed about a new Mountain Dew. I got some, took like three sips and poured the whole damn thing out and got something else. Thus began my campaign of stop fucking with the Dew. And it's Taco Bell only here as well. Just another reason to avoid that place like the plague. (Other Taco Bell's in other towns are okay, the one in Cedar is exceptionally shittastic even by small town fast food joint standards. The Burger King suffers the same fate.)
  7. Maztinho

    Britney Spears' SISTER is pregnant

    Maddie Briann... how is that misspelled? Technically can a name be misspelled when giving the child a name? There's Anne's and Ann's so I don't see how Briann is a misspelling. Unless there's something in the article that indicates it later. I just read far enough to get the name and wondered why Milky was delighted it was misspelled.
  8. Maztinho

    What does your surname mean?

    He's like the dude Kelly Kelly... Toby Toby.
  9. Maztinho

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    It is puzzling stuff, but what exactly do you mean by "eat out of our hands"? Do you just mean selective bigotry? One that I've never understood is Polish humor. Why is the joke that they're really stupid? In my experience, they're bright, just obsessed with cleaning. One time my mom told me I had no respect for her because I left a towel on the floor, or that she failed as a parent because I spilled some pepper on the counter and forgot to wipe it up. My mom said that same thing, only we are Danish decent, so it must be a Northern European thing.
  10. Maztinho


    All I know is one day a couple months ago I was bored and turned on the college radio station while I was cleaning house and the Morning Brew of two chicks gushing over these novels and the guy calling them Emotional Porn for Chicks makes me want to avoid this like death. One of the chicks agreed that they basically are Emotional Porn, the other was being bitchy and wouldn't go that far. And they talked about the movie coming out sometime later in the year. Isn't there some sort of love triangle with a Werewolf tossed in there for shits and giggles too? It's like Underworld, but with a Love Triangle instead of the Romeo and Juliet slant.
  11. Maztinho

    All-Time NBA Roster Draft

    I'll do Czech's. I drafted a bunch of Bulls and Stole Mazto's Coach. The End.
  12. Maztinho

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    Personally Petey has never done anything for me as a performer. I mean yeah he has a killer finisher, but overall in the grand scheme of things I think he would have dropped another round back to you. I mean really alot of the guys I've picked up probably would have fallen another couple of rounds too, but I'm grabbing them when I think of them or if I'm just a blind mark for their work (Shuji Kondo waves hello on that one).
  13. Maztinho

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    She murders people with that Spinning Back Fist. It's one of the stiffest moves in wrestling.
  14. Maztinho

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    Time to start a women's division, might as well start with a woman who could destroy every woman on the planet and even spawned a rough knock off that got drafted earlier in the thread... Aja Kong She'll Uraken you until you die.
  15. Maztinho

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    Following in Frogg's footsteps, getting the thread back on track. Maybe it's just around here, but say I'm in a parking lot with just a general "enter-exit" without a marked turn lane or a clever island forcing the traffic flow. It's just the curb is lowered so you know that's where to enter and leave. Inevitably who ever is in front of me and is looking to turn out is the farthest in the opposite direction they are turning they can be. IE they are making a left hand turn, but block off the right handside so I have to wait for them to make their turn before leaving turning right. Or vice-versa. This happens to me at least 3 times a week. And if it's a left hand turn person they don't think to turn into the suicide lane and then merge into the traffic so I end up sitting there for a good five minutes waiting for them to figure out that the lights are timed to shaft left hand turns in the BUTT unless you pull into the suicide lane.
  16. Maztinho

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    DAMNIT! I was hoping to snap them up to do battle against Richards and SD. EVERYONE STOP STEALING MY TEAMS! This means you.
  17. Maztinho

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    Yeah, I know some people don't dig tithing, it's not a big deal if it ain't your thing. I see where the Church uses it, and I don't mind giving up a small portion of what I earn to help pay for the Church's bills. If anything I like that it's a set rate, as opposed to some individual factions of religion I saw in Brazil that asked for people to sell furniture, cars, and other things as offerings. Don't worry about hurting my feelings Milky. I was one of those annoying door knockers for two years, so unless you plan on doing something more than slapping me in the face and then spitting in my eye and telling me I'm going to burn in hell forever I think it's not going to bother me. Also I was more upset that he was making the accusation of 15% "taken" like the Church sends out some sort of Mafioso kneebreakers to get the tithing. Like I said, it's an offering freely given. If you are going to stir up shit about the LDS Church at least get the facts right.
  18. Maztinho

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    Yeah, that's my main beef with them. A co-worker of mine who used to be a Mormon told me they take 15% of your paycheck once you join them. What kind of bullshit is that? 15%? I call bullshit on that stat. He was making that up, the Church asks for 10% as an offering that's true, but it's to pay for things like building the chapel you attend, paying for the Books of Mormon that the missionaries give out and general up keep of Church buildings or to buy land to build churches and temples on. Once you factor it in as a typical expense it's not even a big deal. And it's not "taken" you make it as an offering. And still ain't no Mor-man's. It's pronounced Moore-mun if anything. And checking the name pronouncing guide in the back of the Book of Mormon... Mor-mun line over the o. Ain't no Mor-mans.
  19. Maztinho

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    Mormon's are really nice, but it's super annoying when they go door to door trying to convert pepole. Fixed. Ain't no Mor-man's. And I resemble that remark. Funny story, one day the Jehovah's Witnesses knocked on the door of the apartment I was staying, took one look at me with my tie half on getting ready to go out and a Book of Mormon in hand to give them instead, said, "Nevermind," and walked off to the next apartment. Brazilian J-dubs fear the Gringo Mormons.
  20. Maztinho

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    You forgot "was part of the match that invented the Muta Scale."
  21. Maztinho

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    In the context of building a roster where we don't know what the fuck he can do in the ring he's a 12th rounder.
  22. Maztinho

    ICP fans give their baby a Jullago funeral.

    MegaMan Fucking Wit Clowns Luggage? Got me. Frogg
  23. Maztinho

    What does your surname mean?

    Surname: Lewis Recorded in over fifty different spellings from Lewis, Lois, Lowis and Loisi, to such as Ludovici, Lotze, Lohde, and Ludwikiewicz, throughout Europe this great and ancient name is generally accepted as being of pre 5th century Frankish origins. It derives from the personal name "Hludwig", composed of the elements "hlud", meaning loud or famous, plus "wig", battle. As such it was borne by the founder of the Frankish dynasty, who was recorded in the surviving chronicles of the Roman Empire as Ludovicus and Chlodovechus, the latter form becoming the French Clovis, Clouis, and later Louis. Lowis or Lewis is the Anglo-French form of the name, and Lowis le Briton was entered in the Red Book of the Exchequer", Essex, in 1166. The surname first appears on record at the beginning of the 13th Century (see below). William Lewys was noted as a witness in the 1267 Fines Court Rolls of Suffolk. Confusingly in Wales, Lewis was also used as an anglicization of the Welsh name Llywelyn, from "llyw", leader, and "eilyn", likeness. Llewelyn ap-Madoc, alias Lewis Rede, was archdeacon of Brecon, Wales, in 1437. One of the most natable bearers of the name was the American explorer Meriwether Lewis (1774 - 1807), who, with William Clark, led an overland expedition from St. Louis to the Pacific Ocean in the early years of the 19th Century. The first recorded spelling of the family name is shown to be that of Robert Lowis, which was dated 1202, in the Pipe Rolls of Lancashire. Throughout the centuries, surnames in every country have continued to "develop" often leading to astonishing variants of the original spelling. LOUD BATTLE BITCHES~!
  24. Maztinho

    The Master of the Appetizer Tournament

    Baby Bellas are smaller Portabella Mushrooms, although larger than "normal" sized mushrooms and kinda look like Crimini mushrooms although they lack the nutty flavor Baby Bellas do. Mazto, your Produce Information Hook Up.
  25. Maztinho

    Vote on my tattoo

    Go with the Silver and Black, or simply the font, Milky was Here on your ass.