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Everything posted by Maztinho

  1. Maztinho

    All-Time NBA Roster Draft

    Those are like the worst All Star jersey's ever. Also... you keep drafting the next guy I had in mind. Knock that shit off. When was Shawn ever a Center? I mean I think he'd do the opening tip but I don't think he was ever really paired up against the center. Not being an ass, just honestly wondering. One of my neighbors was from Seattle and moved down during the big Kemp years so we'd always battle it out over who was the better guard-forward combo, Payton-Kemp or Stockton-Malone.
  2. Maztinho

    The AIM Away Messages of a Bi-Polar

    Again, why be logged on to a service which is specifically designed for contact with other people if she feels this way? I can't imagine why no one wants to hang out with her. She wants people to ask her "What's wrong?" Again, this sounds just like Jodie. She was always telling people to go away because she wanted someone to make the effort to chase her and "force" her to complain to them. She got pissed when we figured it out and just let her storm off for awhile.
  3. Maztinho

    Middle School/Jr. High backtrack

    I got into a heated argument with a student teacher in 8th grade because his essay question on his Civil War test was worded like shit. "How would the United States be different if the South had won?" Or something similar to that effect. I went off on how the South would have formed their own country successfully succeeding from the North (Confederate States of America) and would form an alliance with the Spanish and Mexico while the North would grow closer to France and England due to Canada. Prolonged skirmishes over westward expansion would occur and every little piece of land would be fought over. An eventual truce would be forged to stop the blood shed, but we'd be bitter rivals in sports, technological advances, etc. Essentially the CSA would be along time Soviet Russia style rival to the USA. A radical sect from either side would go IRA on the other and terrorism would be common even in these modern times. That was the jist of my answer and I got a freakin 3 out 50 points on it. A THREE! I asked him why, and he said, "You didn't answer the question properly, I asked what would happen if the South had won." "The South wanted out, they never once made an offensive move to the North. All the battles where fought below the Mason-Dixon, maybe if the South had won a few they'd have gone on the attack, but their whole goal was to leave." "Well you didn't answer the question properly." "You worded it so open ended that anything that follows logic and reason is right." I finally told him he couldn't teach worth a damn and went to the regular teacher the next day (She was out of the class doing something when the war went down). She was from Georgia and instantly took up my cause, and I got an A on the test instead of the D- I was getting because he was a douche about the Essay question worth half the test result. (Let it be noted that on the multiple choice and matching area I missed one question so the Essay fucked my grade over big time) Also in middle school my Amazonian councilor didn't want to let me into Pre-Algebra eventhough my math teacher said I was too advanced for the class I was defaulted into because I mismarked something on my sign up. She did this based purely off of one semesters grade in Math from the 4th grade, which was a C+. Amazonian Whore: I don't think you can handle the work load of Pre-Algebra. My Mom: The teacher says that's the class he should be in. Amazonian Whore: Well, based off his grades from elementary school, I'm concerned. Me: Oh, you mean when I never handed in my homework, but still got A's on all the tests? Amazonian Whore: I find that hard to believe. Me: I'll go get Ms. King to write you a letter. I never scored below a 89 on any math test. Amazonian Whore: I'm really against this. My Mom: Well, the person paid to evaluate my sons math knowledge thinks he can handle being in that class, so I want him in that class. Amazonian Whore: What if he falls behind? My Mom: Then move him back next semester. The Whore finally relented, and I got into Pre-Algebra, but for the first two months she'd talk with me and my teacher every three days or so until Mr. Clemente just told her to leave me alone since I was in the top ten percent in the class and she was wasting his time.
  4. Maztinho

    The AIM Away Messages of a Bi-Polar

    Actually she just sounds high maintenance. If she isn't getting a ton of contact with her friends at all times she freaks out. A childhood friend is like that, she needs constant reminders that she isn't forgotten or she gets moody on everyone. That's why I mindlessly pick fights with her when I'm visiting my mom and she's around.
  5. Maztinho

    American Gladiators

    The best is when they cut to the one ladies daughter holding the "I love you Mommy" sign and Crush knocked her off in like 6 seconds. And the little girl looked like she was going to cry.
  6. Maztinho

    NBA Playoffs 2008 - Conference Semifinals

    ESPN circa 1995 Jordan, Jordan, Jordan, Commercial, Jordan, Jordan, Jordan In the middle of Summer.
  7. Maztinho

    American Gladiators

    I loved that at one point she stopped between poles, and yelled back "Come on Nikki" and then proceeded to shaft her of any points by getting the goal just as she got to the score zone.
  8. Maztinho

    OAO Anime/Manga Thread

    I've stumbled across quite a few current season anime that have me waiting every week for new episodes Soul Eater, Kamen no Maid Guy, Allison and Lillia, and I just found one called Library War that seems interesting. A good season for shows in my humble opinion.
  9. Maztinho

    Goal line blitz

    We got Roflstomped by Rio.
  10. Maztinho

    All-Time NBA Roster Draft

    Reggie Lewis out of Northeastern I'm really glad I got him. Really.
  11. Maztinho

    All-Time NBA Roster Draft

    :wub: :wub: :wub: Dikembe~!
  12. Maztinho

    NBA Playoffs 2008 - Conference Semifinals

    Coach Sloan.... your thoughts?
  13. Maztinho

    All-Time NBA Roster Draft

    I can see the reasoning, Czech wants Bulls, and hell, I was planning on taking him as a homer move. I've always felt that Jackson was overrated as a coach. Fucking Zen Hippie Motherfucker.
  14. Maztinho

    NBA Playoffs 2008 - Conference Semifinals

    That is the stupidest fucking idea ever.
  15. Maztinho

    All-Time NBA Roster Draft

    I'm still pissed about that. I was totally planning on taking him in the 4th. If you think about it, Sloan is a great coach, in his whole career he's only had a couple of bad seasons record wise. Hell he almost got the Jazz back into the playoffs the year Stockton and Malone left when he had Andrei Kirilenko as his main weapon and like nobody else.
  16. Maztinho

    All-Time NBA Roster Draft

  17. Maztinho

    All-Time NBA Roster Draft

    That was one of the main reasons I wanted Bernard. That and his over all game is a great fit for the make up I want. I also wanted Dominique with Stockton since Nique was originally a Jazz pick, but wanted too much money and forced the trade to Atlanta. As a kid I'd imagine a Jazz team with Stockton on the break and the enviable task of picking Wilkins or Malone to finish it.
  18. Maztinho

    All-Time NBA Roster Draft

    My team is shaping up as I saw it, I was hoping for Dominique really bad though. Simply because he was a favorite of mine as a kid. But the basic outline is what I was expecting.
  19. Maztinho

    All-Time NBA Roster Draft

    I nearly had Dantley in that slot, but I remembered how good King was, and how well he'd fit in with the team I'm trying to build so went with him. Maybe my back-up pick will still be around when I come up next. Great little blurb from his NBA.com bio.... That's just awesome. I love that.
  20. Maztinho

    All-Time NBA Roster Draft

    I'll be away most of the day, but I PM'd Cena my pick (and a spare in case Stevie tried to steal my first, although doubtful).
  21. Maztinho

    All-Time NBA Roster Draft

    *insert KOAB's crying here*
  22. Maztinho

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    This is true. Also I was popping in to comment on the Izzard bit. When I read it I was trying to place it, thanks Broward for jogging my memory.
  23. Maztinho

    All-Time NBA Roster Draft

    It's official. I hate you. STOP STEALING MY TEAM.
  24. Maztinho

    The Bruiser Brody Thread

    I went to the Wal-Mart for the first time in months today, and there was a guy who worked there who looked like Bruiser a little. He was pushing carts in with the mechanical cart pusher thing. I saw him again on my way out and caught his name... Brody.