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Everything posted by Maztinho

  1. Maztinho

    Arkansas couple welcomes 17th child

    Good old Pastrami, he was a good kid.
  2. Maztinho

    All-Time NBA Roster Draft

    That gives my team 63,666 points scored combined. Aw yeah. GODDAMNIT
  3. Maztinho

    The sports coverage and announcing thread

    Yeah, despite what you believe in using or selling Marijuana is still illegal. So the guy was a criminal, was he a hardened gonna rape you with a broken broom criminal? No, but he still broke the law.
  4. Maztinho

    American Idol (season 7)

    It's David Archuleta Day in Utah. They interrupted Judge Judy to tell me that, and talk about his daily schedule and showed a bunch of girls screaming for him. I don't want to hear more complaining about him. Only I can complain. ONLY ME! And then they just went back to Judge Judy but have a little news reel going over the information they just told us. More information at the top of the hour, glee! Now I can know where on I-15 to set up a snipers roost! Someone come and shoot me.
  5. Maztinho

    All-Time NBA Roster Draft

    Karl went right about where I figured he would, mid 2nd. I almost took him instead of Ewing, just for the chemistry connection, but Ewing was too tempting to pass on. I second the undrafted player name drops (although I did it in my argument with EHME, my bad)
  6. Maztinho

    All-Time NBA Roster Draft

    I'm doubting my next guy I want will be around when I have another go either.
  7. Maztinho

    All-Time NBA Roster Draft

    Yeah, but how many easy baskets did the Jazz get with Stockton setting a screen on bigger men along the baseline? How many turnovers did he force by taking charges all game? And not Manu Ginobli look at me and I fall down charges, but late 80's getting run over by the power forward running full speed charges? On top of his steals. (I looked it up the steals per game is basically the same.) That's an additional 4-5 possessions that Stockton was getting you a game. Stockton did all the little things on the court that made the team better.
  8. Maztinho

    All-Time NBA Roster Draft

    Stockton was always going at the biggest guys in the game too. You obviously didn't read what I wrote. Your whole argument is that Isiah was tougher because he got hurt, and played hurt. Wouldn't toughness = durability and being able to play so long without a major injury until he was almost 40? Isiah had a great flourish of points, and was a fierce competitor. So far everything you've said in favor of Isiah is equally true if not more so for John Stockton. Minus- 1-Scored a shitload of points fast in one game. 2- Won a Finals MVP 3- Played with a Broken ankle Three things. Three. And you think that those are better than a guy who played for half a decade longer, showed consistent productivity over 15 years. Got the most assists ever and most steals. Name a player that more defines a franchise's style and epitomized leadership that John Stockton and the Utah Jazz. Also I love Sloan, but Utah's play calling isn't complex, it's all about execution, and that's what Stockton did, methodically, relentlessly, and impeccably. Pick and Roll, pick and roll, long rebound fast break, pick and roll. Also while Stockton had great players around him, he didn't have them all at once aside from Malone and a few good years with Hornaceck. Jeff Malone was here for what 3 years? He was a solid role player, but not epic. I'm pretty sure Harpring came in the year after Stockton retired, I was in Brazil though, so I can't be positive on that. The Detroit Pistons that Isiah played with had Dumars, Laimbeer, Rodman, Salley, Mahorn. That was over all a stronger team than any Stockton ever played with including the two Finals appearances.
  9. Maztinho

    All-Time NBA Roster Draft

    Stockton didn't have heart? Didn't have a killer instinct? Did you ever see the man play? Like _ever_? If the Jazz where down it was _always_ Stockton taking the big shots down the stretch to bring them back into the game. Over and over and over again. And you are questioning John Stockton's TOUGHNESS? The 6'1" guy that was setting picks on David Robinson, Hakeem, Shaq, Kareem, Ewing, and every other center to play the game? The guy who set picks so thoroughly that other teams thought he was dirty because he wouldn't give up ground to guys a foot taller? Isiah got unlucky and got hurt, that's sports, but the way you talk you haven't watched John Stockton playing the game of basketball. That dude was tougher than anyone in the game. Stockton only scored when his team needed him to score, other than that he was looking to run the offense and pass the ball. Stockton never had to take over a game, he controlled it from tip to final buzzer. Whenever the team needed a two for one, there was Stockton getting in the passing lane and dishing it off to cut a lead down. Thomas might have a game or two where he did something phenominal, Stockton did the incredible so often it was odd when he missed the big shot down the stretch. As for being an amazing dribbler, Stockton never was flashy, but you rarely saw people steal the ball from him. What you are missing in my whole point is that Stockton _could_ score, and did when the team needed him to do so, but he wasn't looking for his shot first. On another team without a primary option. he could have averaged 20 PPG, but he was always looking for the pass first. Thomas is at best the 4th best PG in the history of the game. Magic, Oscar, Stock, Thomas. Thomas won Titles with a better overall team than Stockton ever had. Stockton was paired with Malone for his whole career, but Thomas had better guys around him, and didn't run into peak years Jordan with Scottie at his side in the Finals either.
  10. Maztinho

    All-Time NBA Roster Draft

    Titles mean something, but not when you are evaluating the skill of the player. And total awards, Thomas really doesn't have that many more than Stockton does, he has one more All NBA First, but Stock has like 5 more All-NBA Second. I'll give you the Finals MVP, and a couple more All-Star Ballots, but seriously does a couple more All-Star games overcome most assists and steals by anyone ever? Ever. And keep on bringing up that Stock played more years, that just makes him more awesome. He was a 6'1" guy who played the highest level of basketball for a decade and a half. The only guys who do that are 7 footers or career journeyman. Stockton was playing All-Star or near All-Star basketball for a long, long time.
  11. Maztinho

    All-Time NBA Roster Draft

    During Detriot's back to back runs to the title, Stockton had more assists per game than Thomas did. And number of titles doesn't matter at all in this or Robert Horry would have been picked in the first 5 picks. The mere fact that Stockton played as long as he did for such a high level that he did screams volumes about his ability. I'm not even taking into consideration anything Thomas did after leaving the court as a player, but the only thing that Thomas' career has over Stockton's is a couple more All NBA Firsts and a couple of titles. And I've seen some of those "analysis" putting Thomas ahead of Stockton, and the only thing they can come up with is the Finals wins as something that puts Thomas ahead of Stockton. You can't look at their career numbers and reasonably say that Thomas was a better point guard, you can't look at how they defined their teams, and say Thomas was the better guard. He just wasn't. Thomas was could get his own shot a little better, but nobody could pass off the dribble like John Stockton could.
  12. Maztinho

    All-Time NBA Roster Draft

    Well I did grow up in Utah, so I have that bias. And really the only thing that I think Thomas did better than Stockton was his pure athleticism, and maybe his driving ability. Stockton was a pass first guy, but he'd usually score in bunches and seemingly at will when the team needed him too. I'm sure someone who is more stat hound savvy than I am can dig up Stockton's 4th quarter scoring average, but it seemed that a majority of Stockton's points would come in the 4th. Careerwise I don't know how you could take Thomas over Stockton since Stock was career assists and steals leader, the first guy to crack 10,000 assists, and had nearly a decade of averaging double digit assists. Nobody even comes close to that.
  13. Maztinho

    All-Time NBA Roster Draft

    Actually if I couldn't get Stockton I was going to take Payton in the second round. I value his defensive abilities and he has a solid 3 point shot over what Kidd brings to the table. So you would take Payton over Thomas as well? Thats a pretty bold statement... I guess people will remember what Thomas did as a GM and Coach moreso then what he accomplished as a player. There are a few other PG's I'd take over Payton as well. I'd problay take 6 or 7 PG's ahead of Payton. I was figuring Thomas wouldn't make it back to me though. If he was there I'd have taken him over Payton, but Payton over Kidd. I'm also factoring in the play style I see my team playing, and Payton would fit the mold better than most of the Points still left out there.
  14. Maztinho

    All-Time NBA Roster Draft

    Actually if I couldn't get Stockton I was going to take Payton in the second round. I value his defensive abilities and he has a solid 3 point shot over what Kidd brings to the table.
  15. Maztinho

    The best game ever

    I'd go make a shirt to wear while sitting at my computer.
  16. Maztinho

    Goal line blitz

    41-14 win, we kept it on the ground alot running for almost 300 yards as a team. Our next match is against another weaker D team, we should be able to pick up another quality win before getting tougher opponents for our next two matches. Also, knowing Portuguese it bothers me that the team after next is named Revolucion which is Spanish. It should be, Revolucao.
  17. Maztinho

    NBA Playoffs 2008 - Conference Semifinals

    cabbage and his using wrestling terms for other things. He meant that nobody would have cared about the Celtics making the Finals, although he's wrong, Lakers-Celtics in the Finals would have brought people in, just because it's the Lakers and the Celtics.
  18. Maztinho

    Elementary Backtrack

    In the school district my mom works for someone complained about a teacher showing a PG rated film clip for something, so now they have to get parents permission to show any video at all unless it's owned by the school district. (I.E. taping a PBS show about... lets say Dinosaurs needs specific written permission from the students parents before it's shown) A ton of these, permission slips go back to covering the school districts ass in case anything could happen and a parent tries to sue. Hell, I had a teacher lend me his car to go pick up another student for an activity because him driving a car with students in it was against school board regulations.
  19. Maztinho

    All-Time NBA Roster Draft

    Hahahahah...sorry dude. As for the Kobe thing, it's all about team cohesiveness. Nah, I was a head of you, I needed a big, but I almost took J with that pick. He wouldn't have lasted until my next pick anyways, but the next round you my take someone I was thinking of.
  20. Maztinho

    All-Time NBA Roster Draft

    This is true also Pong, we are factoring in whether or not our teams could actually play cohesively as an unit at the end of the draft.
  21. Maztinho

    All-Time NBA Roster Draft

    Because we are trying to build a whole team, historically speaking that means start with a big and put pieces around him. Plus your statement is kinda off since LeBron and KG both got drafted before Kobe.
  22. Maztinho

    All-Time NBA Roster Draft

    See? I was totally thinking of drafting Dr. J. Stevie's too much on the same wavelength for my taste.
  23. Maztinho

    Does Anyone Still Play World of Warcraft?

    Nah, I'm sure you'll enjoy it if you just take it easy and play. Leveling was one of the better parts of the game, its when you hit 70 and have to raid the same place every night to 'advance' that the world got boring for me. Yeah, I only started getting interested again when I started playing my scrub Shammy again. Endgame stuff gets old really fast, and if you aren't all geared the fuck out people kick you from groups the second you wipe because damnit it's my fucking hunters fault that the tank pulled the wrong group, and then broke my trap I had set. Also, don't break my traps.
  24. Maztinho

    Goal line blitz

    I wonder since Vlad is in the military if they'd let his character be switched to a different account of someone on the team already. It's worth asking, what's the worst they can do? Say no?
  25. Maztinho

    Does Anyone Still Play World of Warcraft?

    I have two level 70's Prot Pally (My guild needed a tank, then disbanded when I hit 61. Assholes) and a Huntard. Mounted on both, neither with the SUPA OMG LOOK AT MY DRAGON IZ L33T mount. I still say that Pallies should fly Pegasuses... Pegasi? That'd be truly epic.