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Everything posted by Maztinho

  1. Maztinho

    Goal line blitz

    So we'd be the Bengals?
  2. Maztinho

    The Pit

    I nominate Las Vegas, since it's closer to me, and we could go out and pull an elaborate heist.
  3. Maztinho

    Goal line blitz

    What colors best describe Smartmarks FC? I'd vote for the board colors, but Aqua and White is so cliche.
  4. Maztinho

    The Pit

    Marney where you here for EHME/Slim's I'm going to fight everyone/everyone's a fag run? This is status quo for him. I actually had a girlfriend who would get pissed and slap at me, so I'd just grab her wrists and spin behind her so she couldn't kick and I'd just hold her until she calmed the fuck down. There's ways of protecting yourself without going on the offensive, but I never had anyone come at me with a knife, so I dunno.
  5. Maztinho

    Goal line blitz

    OI! THAT'S MY SPOT! I think we need a FB though.
  6. Maztinho

    This week in the NBA

    Miles has gotten good minutes as of late mainly because of stomach flu that hit the Jazz, but he gets solid rotation otherwise.
  7. Maztinho

    Could an alligator

    I have a long reach, that might have gotten me a couple more kids.
  8. Maztinho

    On Display Name Changes

    Look I'm a slurred version of my previous name!
  9. Maztinho

    Could an alligator

    This goes here.... http://www.howmanyfiveyearoldscouldyoutakeinafight.com/ I can take 29.
  10. Maztinho

    Goal line blitz

    As of right this second HB, FB, WR, Both OT, DT, CB, and FS are CPU players. We need more human O, so roll one of them.
  11. Maztinho

    The return?...debut?...redebut? of Consequences Creed

    When I read, TNA needs a midcard title, the TV title popped right into my head. Slap a time limit on the matches have a cowardly heel last another week due to a time limit draw as the face hits his finisher for a sure win. It's instant heat, I remember how much I hated Regal in WCW doing that very thing on WCW Saturday Nights. I've always loved the concept of a title that is regularly defended and makes it something a little different than the other titles.
  12. Maztinho

    This week in the NBA

    Utah murdered the Clips tonight and their prospective Playoff match up went from SA to Houston. Also Deron Williams postered Chris Kaman on a loose ball scramble into a dunk.
  13. Maztinho

    The Repot A Post feature

    They probably did something bad that you don't know about. That's not a skippy mouse, that's karma... and not having used this particular report button does it bring up a little text box to explain why you are reporting exactly? PW.com did so the mods would get a little explination of why Post X was being reported. I think there was a little check off box of infractions too. Not that I'm saying we need this, but it is an option.
  14. Maztinho

    Goal line blitz

    Contract accepted! Huzzah!
  15. Maztinho

    Policy on Previously Banned Posters

    Dama was really flame baited... sure he went fucking nuts over it, but people where mashing his buttons pretty hard. Other than that I don't think he was too unreasonable most of the time. I was new when that shit went down, so I could be really wrong about that.
  16. Maztinho

    Goal line blitz

    My TE's name is Drew "Ironhead" Kincaid... yeah... I gave mahself a nickname... I was actually going to make a FB but misclicked.
  17. I voted Yes, but maybe not a full week, a weekend or maybe just a custom AV/Title he can't change for a couple weeks. He should get something for this.
  18. Maztinho

    Goal line blitz

    Team Name suggestions. Simply (Insert Town Here) SmartMarks And I'll switch over my short ass TE... I'm 12.52 Speed!
  19. Maztinho

    Post memorable PMs you have received

    I was going to mock your reading skills, but I see you both probably posted at the same time.
  20. Maztinho

    Goal line blitz

    Played my first game, got 3 catches for 16 yards. My guy is hella short for a TE though... 6 even... geeze. Also the Southeast Asia Pro League has a team called the Bangkok Gamecocks... that's just awesome.
  21. Maztinho

    Goal line blitz

    I just made us a clutch TE... so yay! Got Perth Kings, Thunder Bay Pirates, and Palembang Lions as offers Edit: My TE is short... >> Edit 2: Electric Bugaloo: Should anyone make a human team the owner can make direct contract offers, and not have to trade for you. So take a team, and if anyone starts a TSMers Team we can all join at that time. I joined the Lions since they offered the biggest contract. And the NT on my team is called Fidel Cashflow, that's just awesome.
  22. Maztinho

    Snake Eyes!

    YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For like 30 seconds I became an 8 year old kid again. GO SNAKEEYES!
  24. Maztinho


    Wait, whats the joke here? Is it just that you somehow managed to wrangle up three words that happen to share the first letters of the acronym PBP? Or is it that you typed such wit in teal? I'm lost. Everyone likes Parfait.