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Everything posted by Maztinho

  1. Maztinho

    WWE General Discussion - March 2008

    Isn't that contradictory? It's not going to do anything for Kane, and at this point in Kane's career, it doesn't do anything for the company. But at the same time, in kayfabe it make sense for Kane to end, because he's Takers "bro", and he's 0-2 against Taker at WM... Maybe it's just because I'm a mark for Kane. I agree with EHME here, Kane wouldn't be a new guy getting over, but it would be a fitting end to the streak. I thought I read at some point they offered Kane the Streak, but he turned it down saying that Taker shouldn't lose at Mania in his opinion. Honestly I agree, if they do put someone over him what are the odds that he'll really get the follow up to get over? Taker's been a good company man, let him have his Streak.
  2. Maztinho

    NCAA BBall Tournament, 1st and 2nd Rounds

    Just saying the name I started going through the fingerings for it in my head.
  3. Maztinho

    How Do You Like Your Steaks?

    It looks pretty bad ass. That's all I got.
  4. Maztinho


    Can I be the TSM Gestapo Door Kicker? That sounds like a cool ass job. Knock knock.... BAM!
  5. Maztinho

    Does anyone here -play- music?

    I played Alto Saxophone from 7th to 11th grade, picked up the Tuba because all the Tuba players were graduating halfway through my Junior Year and I wasn't going to beat out the All-State First Chair on Sax for a spot in the band that went on Tour. Played Tuba for a couple years in college while studying to be a Music Teacher, realised that teaching would be a horrible career choice for me, and dropped instrumentals completely. I still have my mouthpiece though, maybe I'll buzz in it for old times sake.
  6. Maztinho

    The Baconator

    I used to get that at the local pizzaria/video rental hang out when I was in high school with olives and double cheese. 8 inch personal up to 4 toppings, 32 oz drink 3.99. I'm sure it's no Joe's, but I liked it. Also I think I was the only human being that ordered Jalapenos there since it was always like triple order of them on top...
  7. Maztinho

    This week in the NBA

    Seriously WNBA team? Starzz. Triple A Baseball team? Buzz (Beehive State) and for awhile they actually contemplated having our Arena Football team be the Blazze... fortunately they just called it the Blaze. Oh, and I've never liked the Blazers either... (whips out his switchblade comb) and now we fight. In a begrudging respect kind of hate. Side tangent, where I live you can go to Wal-Mart and watch the "Compound Polygamists" shop. True story.
  8. Maztinho

    This week in the NBA

    We dont throw bottles at anyone in Portland, they don't throw bottles in Sacramento. In Portland it's because they're too classy, in Sacramento because methamphetamines have robbed Sacramento's people of their ability to throw a bottle, but STILL. We don't throw bottles. I think it's all that pent-up Mormon rage. Actually, I honestly think that Utah fans have this intense loyalty issue. It's hard to describe unless you've been around it, I'm sure we all have that one friend who is sort of borderline insane and wants crazy things to happen to opposing team members, or for a guy who signs with another team to break his leg. Well the whole state is like that. You could stop 10 people on the street and ask them to name the NBA player they dislike the most and Kobe Bryant would come up 9 times... easy. Because he reminds them of Micheal Jordan and his heart ripping destruction of the beloved Jazz. Utah fans clamor for what are considered character guys, guys who think team first, and not to treat their jobs as... a job. Kobe Bryant does what's best for Kobe, the people round here say, and that angers people. It's a ridiculous, stupid thing, but people get red in the face talking about it. Also, it's not pent up Mormon rage, most of the real whack jobs are what I call Assimilated Hillbillies. They are white trash, but they have a job that makes enough money to put them in middle to upper-middle class, they are the dangerous ones. Mormons just do stupid shit like wanting to name all the sports teams in the state with ZZ endings. Pioneerzz? Get the fuck out.
  9. Maztinho

    How Do You Like Your Steaks?

    This is true. I like just a little bit of steak sauce along with my juicy steak, I'll usually put a bit of it on my plate and just dip the cut piece ever so lightly into it mixing the juice of the meat and the spice of the sauce... that's good eating.
  10. Maztinho

    How Do You Like Your Steaks?

    Either side of the Medium depending on my mood/where I'm at.
  11. Maztinho

    This week in the NBA

    We booed Karl Malone when he wasn't in a Jazz jersey. KARL. FUCKING. MALONE! It the only game in town so people get crazy, like... retarded crazy.
  12. Maztinho

    The McRib Farewell Tour

    Ive cooked several pounds of ribs just for myself and had plenty left over before. Plus, they taste better the day or two after. YOU LET RIBS GO UNEATEN FOR TWO DAYS! WHAT SORT OF INHUMANE BASTARD ARE YOU?
  13. Maztinho

    Pictures I Like

    Hell Del Taco down here on tuesday night you could get 27 tacos for like 9 or 10 dollars 3 for 1 Taco Tuesday, here too, I was talking on an everyday basis.
  14. Maztinho

    Boff is running wild

    Speaking as a former mod at the shit hole that is PW.com Forums (The WWE Folder No Less) that thing gets abused soooo much. Someone misspells something, referred, someone likes Cena a little too much, referred, I can see it's use, but honestly I'd log on and have 700 referred posts to check over childish shit.
  15. Maztinho

    Patrick is going crazy in TNA

    A mod might want to step in and shut him down, he's bumping up threads from ages ago with Tub Girl and Lemon Party pics. So... Yeah.
  16. Maztinho

    Patrick is going crazy in TNA

    I just clicked and made a topic before reading any other things... merge if you like.
  17. Maztinho

    New Dollar Store Shopper

    Such a classic.
  18. Maztinho

    How I Met Your Mother

    Wait? I missed a new episode? FUCK!
  19. Maztinho

    WWE Folder sucks dick

    Him trying to do HHH's water spit, choking on it, muttering something like, "I swallowed..." then berating someone off camera for being a pervert in his last video blog had be laughing a bit. I think it's that he seems more fluid than 90% of the rest of the roster in this role that people are loving on him. Plus I love CARAZY ACCENTS~!
  20. Maztinho

    Pictures I Like

    That's actually kinda a rip-off. I can get 25 tacos for... *pulls up computer calculator* $17.25 round these parts. Hell, I can get 25 Chicken Tacos for $25.
  21. Maztinho

    Box Office Report...

    Cause some people like to spend 3-4 bucks on a film and watch it with a little bit of an audience on a big screen then buying it? Where the hell is this magical movie theater which charges three dollars? Utah says hello. Hell, there's a theater about a mile from BYU campus that shows movies that have been out for awhile (say a month for normal movies, two for bigger ones i.e. Spiderman, LOTR, etc.) for 1.50. There's no heat, but damnit you paid a dollar.
  22. Maztinho

    College Hoops: 3/1/08 - 3/16/08

    I like that in college basketball, people have a soft spot for small schools and the idea that anything can happen, as opposed to last bowl season, where merely entertaining the concept of Boise State in a BCS game was an affront to organized sport. Boise State wasn't... Hawaii was. I blame the basketball upset mentality on Hoosiers. And BYU lost to UNLV in the Mountain West Finals... stupid Cougars.
  23. Well, I'm sure the writers on Days of Our Lives are just slightly better then WWE's pile of rejects. Since alot of the WWE writers are failed Soap writers, that statement would be accurate.
  24. Maztinho

    Finals, TSM Worst Poster Tournament

    WP = TiagaStar... book it.
  25. This picture is just soo awesome. Her fascination with her own thumb... just so right.