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Everything posted by Maztinho

  1. Maztinho

    American Gladiators

    The Hit and Run was a part of The Eliminator during a few seasons. I like it, at some point someone is going to get totally owned on that one, and it could be worse. Swingshot could have come back. That game SUCKED.
  2. Maztinho

    American Gladiators

    Militia got hurt they said, that's why Wolf replaced him on the Skater Dude's run on HT. Mayhem is just a gangly bastard who messed up, then managed to mess up THE EXACT SAME WAY... ONLY FASTER the second time around. Then pushed the guy into the water afterwards. Yeah, good job fuck up then fuck up again then act like a douche. I wanted a return of Choose Your Destiny too, but the Eliminator is longer and more murder-death-kill this time around (Cargo Net to Hand Bike I'm looking at you) so it would be insanity to have someone even try. I do like that they took one aspect of one of the old shows eliminators and made it a separate event in the run across a beam/bridge and get shit tossed at you. I don't like the new Assault, it seems like the whole arena is smaller (i.e. less run time between firing stations) so they had to make it "harder" to shoot by adding loading the weapon and "find the arrow in the sand" which I HATE. Do they have the three balls near the end to just sort lob and pray they don't get facialed in the end? Probably not since they didn't talk about a button to push for extra points. The New Powerball is iffy, they could have made the openings wide without going to garbage can sized openings. So far, my childhood weeps just a little, hopefully this gets better. And Toya in the first game just gave up. Gave up I says. I did dig the "Elder Statesman" getting in trouble for general douchebaggery in the first event. If there is no Atlasphere, I will be dissappointed.
  3. Conan wins, because of it's Firey texture. But the reason I stopped in here, I was sick yesterday and just had the slew of Judge Shows on that FOX shows in the mid-afternoon and Chyna was on Christine's Court suing over some Tea Cup Chihuahuas she paid for but never received, the defense was brilliant. "When we found out that it was a wrestler who wanted them we wanted more money." That was the defense, then the lady complained that Chyna got preferential treatment, no, she paid you the price you where asking for the dogs, dogs which she didn't get. Classic.
  4. Maztinho

    Indy wrestlers need to tone it down a notch

    Yet this week, in the letter to WO.com, he said: But didn't he say that he got a concussion giving the Tower of London sometime later? Couldn't that have been the concussion he needed to take time off for?
  5. Maztinho

    The College Football Thread 12/31 - 1/6

    That fake punt in the third was neato though. I was like FAKE!!! Brilliant. I really thought that Kansas was going to meltdown after getting the trick punt off, then getting down to the one and blowing it with a bunch of penalties that VT was going to steamroll some momentum back and win. Kansas pulled it together and came up with a big win. I'm glad for them.
  6. Maztinho

    The College Football Thread 12/31 - 1/6

    A flautist, not a flutist. In my experiences, the flautists were kind of bitchy, but the oboe players were kind of cool and quirky, just like the oboe. Trumpet players should be blasted into space. I played the trumpet Get on the shuttle. We have an important mission for you...
  7. Maztinho

    The College Football Thread 12/31 - 1/6

    As a band geek... she's a flutist... they all look like that. Didn't someone have Dingle and Berry as their sig for awhile?
  8. Maztinho

    Hawaii is the best team in the nation!!!

    I'll bite. You can't say what Georgia did to a team that scraped by it's WAC schedule (you had trouble getting by Lousiana Tech, and I think only a couple of their teams where bowl eligible) to USC. Hawai'i is what's it's always been, a high powered offense that works against second tier colleges and wilts when facing a higher grade competition. I could easily say that USC would have drubbed them more fiercely that the Dawgs did (watching Steve Sarkisian run up the score on June Jones would be an awesome sight for me due to the old BYU/Hawaii rivalry). USC/Georgia would have been a much more interesting match-up, I'll agree, but "tradition" reared it's ugly head and not some "fear" of the SEC. I think that Bowls would rather have a memorable game than a blow-out. The SEC has good teams, a stronger conference than most, but you shouldn't use Hawaii's loss as your battlecry.
  9. Maztinho

    This week in the NBA

    It's Slim, not Sim. And, unless I'm mistaken, UH licked balls when they were the "Rainbow Warriors," so citing them doesn't exactly help the pro-rainbow argument. And actually they had only a tiny little logo with a Rainbow on the shoulder near the collarbone, they've always had nuclear green unis.
  10. Maztinho

    This week in the NBA

    And if you really go 80's old school with the Jazz you have the Ball making a Note for the J and azz underneath that... with Purple, green and gold. Although I did like the copper and black alt uni's the Jazz wore in the late-90's. And Sim... old school Hawai'i says hello. At least the school dropped "Rainbow" from it's name. I could see that going over really well with the BCS fans. The Bulldogs vs the Rainbow Warriors? Yeah...
  11. Maztinho

    I'm going to get into another fight...

    Bruiser Brody. And Carlito should totally record this and put it on youtube, regardless of the outcome. Yeah, have you seen Brody? He's got _nothing_ to lose and would fuck you up.
  12. Maztinho

    The Incredible Threadable Egg

    Egg McMuffins are easy... go to the store, by some canning lids (the small ones) break the egg into that sitting on your skillet and cook however you want it. Perfect size for English Muffins.
  13. Maztinho


    The only career that I've heard of that GPA matters in is Teaching, although good grades will get you a job as a teacher, it won't mean that you'll be a good one. A roommate of an ex stressed out about getting all A's in her Ed classes and whatnot graduated with over a 3.8 got a job teaching right off the bat and burned out of her job after half a year. She couldn't connect with the kids she was trying to teach at all. I was looking at being in education as well and since she was one of the music teachers in the area we had to observe her for a day, I spent half my observation time translating her instructions to her kids. She went off about the history of some piece and why she wanted it played a certain way, then told them to play a separato sostenuto. None of the kids knew what that meant, so she got frustrated with them until my whispering to the tuba to play the notes lengthy with some seperation got round to the brass and she told them to play it like the trumpets were. But she could have written paper upon paper of music theory off the top of her head.
  14. Dama was pretty much goaded into that banning if I remember it correctly.
  15. Maztinho


    That pic on the "Humans are weak" page is freaky in context. I'm freaking out, man, freaking out.
  16. Maztinho

    Pictures I Like

    That's freaking epic.
  17. Maztinho


    This looks just like Anchorman... in short shorts and more cussing. Pass... and I love me some Will.
  18. Maztinho

    What are some cool names for dogs.

    It's the walkin' dude's old screen name... Porter that is. My neighbors old pug was Chauncy. If was prone to getting a pug, I'd go with, Feo.
  19. Maztinho

    The Matter of Leena

    Circle of Life TSM style? Dibs on being a background monkey.
  20. Maztinho

    Lakota Indians secede from the United States

    Also wouldn't going back on the treaty be an open declaration of war? Some strung out tweaker is going to kill a Lakota and then use this story as a scapegoat claiming that he was just defending the country. Mmmm sounds like a Law and Order episode, maybe I should send that to them. Marv's right though, this should be bigger news than it is. At least mention the event. I think that'll just go away after some time, but come on media, pull yourselves off the festering teat that is Hollywood and talk about this.
  21. Maztinho

    Sara Bareilles melts my ice-cold heart.

    I get that vibe from her too. That sort of cute, yet something is off-kilter about her.
  22. Maztinho

    This week in the NBA

    I wasn't paying full attention while reading this and tried to combine those two thoughts and for a second I thought some major trade had gone down without me hearing about it. Then reason hit.
  23. Maztinho

    WWE General Discussion - December 2007

    I didn't ask for this.
  24. Maztinho

    What did you do today?

    It's just as funny the second time around. Seriously.
  25. Maztinho

    So, hey, cockfags.

    We where just talking about you... it's like you have TSM radar or something.