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Everything posted by Maztinho

  1. Maztinho

    Fucking shortbus

    I guess it never made it past the shores of the US, can't say I've heard of it this (UK) side of the pond. Lets IMDB IT! Sounds dreadful.
  2. Maztinho

    On wildpegasus

    Because it's boring and stale around here otherwise. Nothing happens anymore. So tales of daddy's cock and covering one's eyes when seeing a Playboy are what we need? Ok then... It wasn't what he did, as much as how he did it. Also MarvinPaint needs a resurgence.
  3. Maztinho

    This week in the NBA

    What kind of haircut? Was it urban?
  4. Maztinho

    A late night MSN conversation

    I'll second that we need WildPegasus back. Srsly
  5. Maztinho

    Severe ass kickings in the NFL this week.

    Non consented buttsex?
  6. Maztinho

    This week in the NBA

    Dear Jazz, PLZ win this week. Kthxbye, Massito
  7. Maztinho

    Your 2007 Sports Wisdom of the Year.

    I believe it was.
  8. Maztinho

    Severe ass kickings in the NFL this week.

    Then Brady struck oil in his backyard. It's just been that kind of year.
  9. Maztinho

    Your 2007 Sports Wisdom of the Year.

    Had to go with I'm 40! I'm a man! That was just a classic meltdown of epicness.
  10. Maztinho

    Posting/Boarding/Internetting at the Library.

    Can't you report him for using a public computer for that kind of stuff? The local library had me sign a big ol'thing about shit like that before I could use it, saying I could be banned from use and whatnot. Hell I even had to circumvent the blocker to read Maddox (I was into his page at the time) and a librarian got pissy at me for it even though it wasn't against any written rules.
  11. Maztinho

    Danny Maff's A&R Party

    And try to use your Sam's Club Card while wearing your face around.
  12. Maztinho

    The War on Christmas: 2K8

    Start with column A and tie in column B a bit.
  13. Maztinho

    Pictures I Like

    Just this page. It's annoying. Edit: And my post took it over the threshold. Go me.
  14. I like late 90's ska. *hides*
  15. Maztinho

    Danny Maff's A&R Party

    Is he high? Does he have a medical condition? I MUST KNOW!
  16. Maztinho


    We have a few womens... buffybeast, one of the Canadians is a girl I think. We had Leena, but she... left...
  17. Maztinho

    Help me with this

    Ditto. On topic Furnished Taco Wash
  18. Maztinho

    RAW XV

    Seriously? Now THAT'S funny. Jillian is officially the first heel "crappy egotistical musician" character in wrestling history who really DOES have an album out. Thus she has succeeded where the likes of Double J and Three Count have all failed. That being said, I think she's way over the top with the bad singing gimmick. Yeah, I know she's supposed to suck, but she could at least go for a "Ashlee Simpson unplugged" sort of sucking rather than screeching in the way she does, where it's all too obvious that she's trying to sound as off-key as possible. Anyone else actually look for Jarretts record back in the day? Didn't Jarrett pull a gimmick that he DID have an album out (kayfabe), but it was so popular that it was probably SOLD OUT everywhere (to cover up that it didn't exist)? I'm real vague on the whole thing, but I can be perfectly honest and say that I looked for a "Jeff Jarrett" card at Best Buy whenever I was out. I never made a special trip or anything, but I kept my eyes out. I guess since I didn't see Barry Didinsky plugging it on RAW should have said something. Man Mountain Rock even did a Album Review on it in the WWF Magazine as he had a regular Music Review section in the mag at the time.
  19. Maztinho


    As long as it's not Mantit I'd be fine. Plus how can you not trust a dancing lion?
  20. Maztinho

    Weird call

    On the subject I got like 5 calls yesterday from some unknown number looking for a girl named Ashley. I had my phone on silence and didn't notice, but the other girl left like voice mails like.... "Is this Ashley's phone? You sound weird if it is." "Ashley pick up." You would think a baritone man's voice going, "Hi you've called Drew. Leave a name and a number." every time you called that it's not Ashley. Although the messages did have some noise in the background, that could excuse maybe one message, but _five_?
  21. Maztinho

    Pictures I Like

    The sea lion has a picture where it's playing with a bucket and then a handler takes the bucket and said sea lion gets an expression of shock. There is a series of gags of Lolrus and his bucket. This is just a twist on said gag.
  22. Maztinho

    This week in the NBA

    Mid air Lariato?
  23. No, thats her. She got more tats as she got more crack. Never was a pretty girl in the first place, now, but crack is one hell of a drug. Well...whatever. Frank and Back to Black are two good fucking albums. Well the source thread flipped the before and after then saying she'd gained weight, so that's where I got confused.
  24. Maztinho

    RAW XV

    The odd thing is that I allowed popups from WWE.com so the pop up shows up. It just won't load. Maybe I'll hop on IE and give it a whirl. I missed the show and wanted to watch the Battle Royal entrances.
  25. Yeah I saw that too, but the sorce board figured that it wasn't the same person on the right. Notice the lack of tats.