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Everything posted by Maztinho

  1. Ugh... is this task even doable?
  2. Maztinho

    Nine men gang rape a 10 year old girl

    It's stories like this that make you want to just strangle someone. How can _any_ reasonable person think that a ten year old _wanted_ a train of guys having sex with her? I mean I know that the age of consent is a little lower in Oz, but this is... repulsive.
  3. Maztinho

    RAW XV

    From WWE.com alumni reaction page. AWESOME. Also is anyone else having problems watching the videos on WWE.com? The pop up video player comes up but then it doesn't load.
  4. Maztinho

    Box Office report 12/7-12/9

    This saddens me to no end. The trailer for this abortion even looks bad. Why do I have a feeling this could potentially climb to #1 closer to Christmas? Has there ever been a movie to do that (be around number 6 or so for several weeks, and eventually climb to #1?)? Didn't My Big Fat Greek Wedding come out and then have a resurgence a couple months after the fact when the lead was on Oprah?
  5. Maztinho


    Some of the Clementines have seeds. You just got a bad bunch or a Satsuma/Clemetine hybrid under the guise of a Clementine. Still even with seeds they are tasty as hell.
  6. Maztinho

    The Baconator

    That thing looks like some sort of mutant burger from Mars. I want one.
  7. Maztinho

    This week in the NBA

    Looking from the Celtics past, it sort of was for them. I mean in those years it was the first time since the start of the NBA is seems that the Celtics weren't a viable threat in the league. Call it being spoiled for a long time, but I can see the logic in that train of thought. It's not fair for say a Clippers fan, but I can see why they thought it was the end of the universe.
  8. I got a Honeymooners vibe from it. I was waiting the whole episode for "One of these days Eva..."
  9. Camel Clutch! He'd never live it down.
  10. Maztinho


    I've owned a firearm of some kind since I was 12. People I've injured with said firearms none. Unless you count misholding my shotgun the first time I fired it and bruised my shoulder. I lived in Brazil where the only people who are "allowed" to have guns where the police and still criminals found a way to get their hands on them and cause chaos, in fact I got stalled once heading home and I guess a drive by went down on the street I normally took home so barring the unscheduled stop I'd be dead. Whack jobs are going to find a way to kill if they have it in them to do so, banning guns doesn't work, and like it's been said, gun laws in place are pretty solid.
  11. Maztinho

    The Incredible Threadable Egg

    We called it "Bunny in a Hole." I call it Fucking Delicious.
  12. My friend found this little gem of a Hitler Sit Com. Heil Honey I'm Home Pt. 2
  13. Maztinho

    Confessions of a Grocery Store Santa

    Well actually I work in a smaller store, so it wasn't really crowded, it was more like... Hey Santa, and the parents would bring the kids over. So in that aspect it wasn't as bad as say... Shopping Mall Santas.
  14. Maztinho

    The poster above you (forum edition)

    Says "YOU MAD"
  15. Maztinho

    Regional Differences In Fast Food Joints

    Then there's Carl's Jr, which is basically the same restaurant, but located mostly in the western half of the country. As someone who's eaten at both, I really don't consider Hardee's and Carl's Jr. the same. The same corporate umbrella, same trademarks, logos, and some menu items, but a totally different feel. Is one better than the other? As alluded to in the post before this one, I thought their burgers were disgusting. Carl's Jr seems to be more Burger based, with Hardee's being more Chicken Sammich based although there is quite a bit of crossover (6 Dollar Burger I'm looking at you) from what I can tell anyways.
  16. Maztinho

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    It stares into your soul, you'll never escape it. IT CONSUMES!
  17. Maztinho

    WWE General Discussion - December 2007

    When like hardly any of the Cena brought in fans will know who she is. Nice to see she'll get a little paycheck though. GO SUNNY!
  18. Maztinho

    NFL Week 14 - Dolphins? More like LOLphins! Amirite?

    Angels in the Secondary!!!! Make it Disney!
  19. Maztinho

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Too late.
  20. Maztinho

    Couple made over $800,000...

    Do they love to fight? If not... for shame.
  21. Maztinho


    You I like. Just a heads up, we be assholes. Once you get past that we are still assholes.
  22. Maztinho

    Chris Masters & JN News have passed away...

    I just confirmation from Meltz. Gee I hope not. -Meltz Well that wasn't much of a confirmation at all was it?
  23. Maztinho

    The poster above you (forum edition)

    Got drunk one night and had a whole series of gibberish posts which made me laugh.
  24. Maztinho

    The Incredible Threadable Egg

    My friend got me into making a hole in some bread and frying an egg in the hole while toasting the bread. Tasty. I'm pretty basic, scrambled is my preference or over-medium if in the aforementioned Bread Hole. Heh... bread hole. Also always add some milk in the scrambling and ketchup is acceptable only if it's overflow from the hash browns.
  25. Maztinho

    Tesco's trying to make inroads in US

    I live in Southern Utah about two hours outside of Vegas. And I've retried some of the organic fruits and they just don't taste good compared to the non-organic. And I'm not being overtly picky either, the mango had zero flavor at all, and it was at the perfect ripeness. It tasted like paper, and not anything like a mango. The Fuji Apple I had tasted the same (it was crisp and juicy, but a flavorless juicy). Conversely I lived in Brazil for a couple of years and the feira open air market stuff was spectacular though I can't vouch for the organicness of it knowing that it was picked early that morning really upped the flavor value of it. And we do get a bunch of locally grown produce from farmers around the area which could account for the non-organic being mo' better. At this point I'm betting that our warehouse is getting the top tier stuff for bigger stores and giving us the shafted Organic fruit since we don't have a large market for it.