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Everything posted by Maztinho

  1. Maztinho

    WWE/USA network update

    You can't tell me that Vince going into full Adam's Apple bobbing mode and running from a hugging Hornswaggle wasn't great. If you think about it, it's full circle. Hornswaggle was a Little Bastard. It's called continuity, even if it was by accident.
  2. Maztinho

    WWE General Discussion - October 2007

    Blond Benjamin is awesome. AWESOME!
  3. Maztinho

    NBA Roundtable Discussion

    Isiah's sorry, he does make the distinction.
  4. Maztinho

    NBA Roundtable Discussion

    How dare Isiah have an opinion! It's his damned opinion, so what? I mean if he wants to get more upset if I called a black woman a bitch than if Dave Chapelle did, that's his opinion, why protest that? People these days.
  5. Maztinho

    Kurt Angle Arrested

    "You call this a tranquilizer? Big deal. I got shot with an elephant gun this morning, and I'm fine."
  6. Maztinho

    30 Rock

    Was it just me or was 30 Rock sort of ho-hum tonight? There wasn't anything outside Liz in her wedding dress, and Tracy asking if a Korean person had died that really made me laugh out loud. Well MILF Island was pretty funny as well, but other than that nothing special.
  7. Maztinho

    Favorite match finishes

    The table lining was across CW's eyes. His EYES! It truly was an awesome finish.
  8. Maztinho

    WWE General Discussion - September 2007

    Evans would be wasted in the E though, his whole thing is superflippy stuff that they likely would tell him to tone down. DiBiase fits as The Hart Foundation 2 is mostly 2nd/3rd Gen wrestlers and he fits that mold. Hell they could lie and say he got some training from Stu at his fathers behest.
  9. Maztinho

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    I was watching my old high school get murdered on a televised football game of the week and the other team got a 35 point lead and the announcers started talking about the "mercy rule" where the clock doesn't stop but for time outs or touchdowns. The ensuing kick off my school took it back for a touchdown gaining some modicum of momentum, but the rule stays in effect until the point differential is back to only a 21 point lead. I never heard of such a thing, I can see it's merits, but wouldn't that basically kill any possibility of a comeback? Do other states have such rules?
  10. Maztinho

    WWE General Discussion - September 2007

  11. Maztinho

    NBA Roundtable Discussion

    I disgaree wholeheartedly. Phoenix is perfect for Kirilenko. He doesn't care about being the top guy or a big scorer but more about the way he is used on the court. He wants a coach who'll use him to his strengths which is exactly what D'Antoni would do. The Phoenix system is perfect for him and, with him, they make up for, basically, all of the intantgibles they lose with Marion. Odom is a good player but defensively he is a big step down which, with the loss of Thomas, makes Phoenix a much worse defensive team and, once again, most likely unable to compete with San Antonio. Kirilenko for Marion is by far the best, PLAUSIBLE (the Rasheed deal isn't happening), scenario for the Suns title chances. Wrong, AK wants to be the focus of the teams offense. He only started getting upset with Sloan because the offense wasn't being run through him but it was back to old school Jazz play with PG/PF being the main course of the offense. Kirilenko was happy the few years after Stockton and Malone left because he was the "go to guy." Constantly in interviews with the local media he says that plays aren't being called specifically for him, that's what he wants. Phoenix's system might work better for him, but he wants to be the focus and Steve Nash and Amare will over-shadow him there as well. It's a lateral move in what he is saying he wants.
  12. Maztinho

    God is being sued

    Will God take the stand in his defense?
  13. Maztinho

    WWE General Discussion - September 2007

    Michelle McCool says hi? So is he gona get Michelle tattooed on his throat now If everyone Michelle was fucking got her name on their throat half the roster, and all the agents, would have some explaining to do. She is a regular sperm receptacle. I love on her myspace where she writes how the Bible is her favorite book, just because you spend half your time in the missionary position, it doesn't make you a missionary. And you know this how? Extremely explicit, dirty, raunchy, and flat out digusting video. And she's doing half the roster in this video? Well the Godfather came back... HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-TRAIN!
  14. Maztinho

    NBA Roundtable Discussion

    Didn't DeShawn Stevenson bag himself a 14-year-old a few years back and getting her drunk? OHHHH yeah. He was what, 20 at the time? Yeah, he was with Utah at the time. Part of the reason he got traded to the Magic in the first place. Well, that got him in Sloan's Doghouse which is a Blackhole from which few return, which got him traded to the Magic.
  15. http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2007/08/20/...lm-Accident.php
  16. Yeah when is that coming out? Trailer for the new Sensational Spider-Man cartoon. Bit too Jap for my liking but it does a good job of teasing the villains: Click me please I didn't think it had a real Japanese feel, but it did have a certain style that was odd. Like Krypto the Superdog stylistically, I don't know if I care for the look overall.
  17. Maztinho

    WWE General Discussion for August 2007

    AMERICA! FUCK YEAH! Sorry, I just re-watched that over the weekend. It's been running in my head ever since.
  18. Maztinho

    Box Office report

    They had Invasion in the Number 1 theater in podunk town I live in, and I stepped out of Superbad for a second to get a refill on my soda, and people where leaving the theater complaining about it, and one guy even tried to get his money back. I took my Dr. Pepper and returned to laughing in Superbad.
  19. Maztinho

    Ice Cream

    I was sad about ten years ago when I couldn't raid the BYU Creamery anymore due to moving away, the closest to a parlor we had here in Cedar closed because people didn't ever go there (I blame the fact that the strip mall it was in was built all ass backwards meaning you had to REALLY REALLY want to get in there for something to figure out how to get in it.) I love parlors, but due to location issues, I grab some Essensia Brand whatever I feel like and pop it open at home. At the moment? Cookies and Creme.
  20. Maztinho

    China passes new law

    Crashing through the sky comes the fearful cry: China! (China!) China! (China!) Armies of the night, evil taking flight! China! (China!) China! (China!) China-lalalalalalala?
  21. Maztinho


    Am I the only one who thought that didn't look appealing at all?
  22. Maztinho

    Classic college football highlights

    Chad Lewis former Eagle used to do that at least once a year for BYU when he played Tight End there. And the Plano East clip, I remember when that happened. I got sad for the kids again, brutal.
  23. Maztinho

    The Miz

    Awww. I thought the Mizard of Oz could have actually got him over more with a more recognizable finisher. Doesn't everyone have a neckbreaker variant now?
  24. Maztinho


    Do they do grilled Pineapple down there? If they don't demand Grilled Pineapple. They bring it around like the meat on skewers. It makes my mouth water just thinking about it. Also, Chicken Hearts, love those little bastards.
  25. Maztinho


    Actually what got a weird monster laugh at my theater was . Also the Seth/Becca childhood scene was classic. How can you not love McLovin? Seriously, his stuff was great with the cops. also got a big laugh. Probably one of the funniest movies I've seen in a theater in a long time. I didn't check out Knocked Up though, so I might have to search it down now.