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Everything posted by Maztinho

  1. Maztinho

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Where's Celtic Jobber with my youtube links? And hearings might be bantered around, but I really doubt that they'll get anywhere. Baseball got one, because Baseball is America's Game and we can't have taint in it. Wrestling is everyones favorite side show freak.
  2. Maztinho

    Dog rapes baby

    http://www.wgrz.com/news/news_article.aspx?storyid=49447 And there we are.
  3. Maztinho

    Mark Henry's "Silverback" Gimmick/Nickname

    Yeah, he got down to about 315, but was told to gain the weight again for the Strongman competition. Just picture this... he was working on how to do Frankensteiners in OVW and other fun stuff. I wish we got a chance to see that Mark Henry. But the dude is a hell of an athlete for being a short, now overweight guy. It sucked that he's returned bigger than ever. Mark Henry breaking out a hurricarana would have been the greatest moment in the history of wrestling. I concur. Cole: What's Mark Henry doing, John? *Mark Henry with a rana* Crowd: UWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Maztinho

    Let's talk about John Cena.

    SOmeone tell me.... What do these kids see in Cena? He doesnt look like a role model and kids dress up like him like he was the ressurectiuon of Christ.. When I see the Bash at Wild WIngs... Im gonna ask kids what their fav Cena Match is... and why they love him so... 1. Why did you quote the Vis thing? It has nothing to do with your post. 2. Don't bother the kids when they're trying to have a good time. It's a dick move. They're children, let them like who they want. Yeah, I liked the Ultimate Warrior at that age. They are children, they like what they are told.
  5. Maztinho

    Bobby Lashley - Is he underrated?

    Raza is trying to repackage Lashley as Blackberg. Personally, the way my wrestling watching has gone, I've only seen bits and pieces of Lashley. There wasn't Smackdown around when he was there, and now I don't have cable so I didn't see his ECW or RAW. I did catch his Mania bout with Umaga, and it looked like he could do a solid brawl and he's shown some explosive agility with the Dive through the Cage. He's still fairly young in the business, and remember how green he used to be? He's improving, underrated? I think some people are quick to toss him in the "muscled hoss" pile with Snitsky and Masters, but I think he's better than both of them and could be a solid upper-midcard player for years to come, and if he gets his character down he could be something really special.
  6. Maztinho


    Aren't J's good enough for you?
  7. Maztinho

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Thanks for shining the light on the obvious Dan "the Genius" Abrams. I'm sure you all have experienced this countless times as I have, but non wrestling fans seem to universally think we all don't know its scripted. They honestly think they are telling us something we don't know. Sometimes it amuses me but most of the time it just irritates the hell out of me. My usual response is thanks McFly...btw, you do know movies aren't real either right? IT"S STILL REAL TO ME DAMMIT!
  8. Maztinho

    Transformers The Movie

    No... he was in the second run and took out some of the planes that where going to attack Megatron.
  9. Maztinho

    Dog rapes baby

    Just another reason to keep Pitbulls away from kids.
  10. Maztinho

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    I have the urge to download a song, but I can't remember the name of the band or the song. It was popular around `97 and samples The Imperial March as the starting lick and through out. It doesn't help that it was a total one hit wonder. HELP!
  11. Maztinho

    WWE rebounding from WM 23

    i want someone else to agree with me here, but here's how i feel i think they hated cena for being an affront to the old ECW characters they knew well. you had the suicidal, homicidal, genocidal, death defying sabu, the human submission machine taz, the innovator of violence tommy dreamer which defined their promotion. then you have a white-boy rapper who does the five knuckle shuffle and "U can't see me". what's the one thing we've hated HHH for????? long title reigns. How many days has HHH had the belt since Wrestlemania 21??????? Beleive it or not, 0 (and it's still 0 today) Cena had held the title for 413 out of 434 days at that point since WM21. not to say that had HHH been in that match, he wouldn't have gotten booed, but I think those fans would have respected him far more than Cena. I didn't watch it live, but when I did on youtube, it felt like it was awesome. Maybe I'm a big fan of RVD's and you're not, but even with an opportune run-in, RVD won the most prestigious title there is, the one held by Sammartino, Hogan, Hart, Michaels, Austin, and the Rock. Cabbage is right, you are wrong.
  12. Maztinho

    A few new pictures of Tammy "Sunny" Sytch

    Re: Next Woman in HoF Miss Elisabeth is going in, without a doubt. Probably with Savage if they ever work anything out with him.
  13. Maztinho

    Mark Henry's "Silverback" Gimmick/Nickname

    World's Strongest Man was wearing thin. Silverback Gorilla's are hella strong, maybe they are going to shuffle Marcus CorVon over and have them team, which I would mark for. And what if Mark suggested the nickname himself?
  14. Maztinho

    Manhunt 2 Receives AO Rating

    dubq is calling for a minimal renaming of AO to something else, ala X to NC-17 in the movie industry. I can see it, because of the stigma of AO, and the actual minimal differences between it and the M rating. The funny thing is, the gaming industry is "thinking of the children" when the game isn't for them.
  15. Maztinho

    Harry Potter Movies

    Also I've read the book, and every complaint you made didn't bother me. It fit the context of the movie, and told the stories needed.
  16. Maztinho

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Stasiak came off with some good ideas, that have been seen on the board, but I don't recall anyone bringing it up with the Media. An off-season of some sort.
  17. what was her response? I used to love asking questions of that sort in school. Music snobs are annoying. Really, what was the point of that? Whenever I hear people call others out like that, it just seems like a case of them trying to be an ass. Who cares what she labeled the music she listened to? (Especially when it's not far off) Hell, if I want to say Tina Turner's music was Rock, so be it. Not to mention that now, what's considered "Punk" is totally different from past times. Bands like Blink, Good Charlotte, Green Day, are what a lot, if not most people in this generation consider Punk. If a 10 yr old, wants to give a presentation to his class on "My Favorite Punk bands" (Or something a little less opiniated) there's no reason he has to detail the history of the Ramones and the Sex Pistols. And there's also no reason that if he says his favorite punk band is Blink, he has to do that whole "Post-Modern Pop Punk etc." crap description that music snobs as I call them so intently require. And on the subject of the thread, I think that mentality puts quite a bit of distaste in people who don't listen to older bands, because the attitude of their fans, is even more annoying then the fans of "Shitty MTV music" as described in the thread. Her report was faulty. Her report was titled something to the effect of "History of Punk" and she only talked about current bands and was completely wrong on the start of punk. It's not like I was calling the bands she talked about as crap, but you can't say that Green Day started punk music. Which is what she did. Part of our grade was being able to show we had knowledge on the subject matter we talked about in class, which I was questioning since I don't consider myself to be a music snob, but if you are going to talk about "The History of Punk" at least mention some of the earlier bands. Not a full detail on them, but say the names. The way she presented the information, someone who had no clue what punk was would have thought it started in the early 90's when Green Day formed. I wasn't debating weather her bands where punk, but that her facts on the start of punk was wrong.
  18. Maztinho

    Harry Potter Movies

    I think it was very, very good. Some of the more interesting side stories where touched on, but you can't flesh them all out on screen (i.e. Neville's parents). It managed to get all of the key points that needed to be touched on out there and I throughly enjoyed it. Imelda Staunton... Umbridge? If so, I concur. She was fantastic.
  19. Maztinho

    CTDWAT: Indies/Overseas/General

    Maybe they wanted to scream THE 500 pound BIG SHOW! alot and figured he couldn't fake that extra 60 pounds.
  20. Maztinho

    Women arrested for not watering her lawn

    http://www.ksl.com/?nid=148&sid=1461736 Update with a video of the lawn. To be fair, the ladies lawn was freaking all dead and looked like crap. Big gun lawyer from LA is stepping in, and the Orem City Counsel says they will help the lady with her yard.
  21. Maztinho

    What If...?

    I think that in the past (read 80's maybe early 90's) it was at least somewhat of an issue, at least mentally. I know that the early 80's BYU teams would murder alot of "sea-level" teams and the losing coach would blame the altitude. I know that my high school did a home-away "tour" against a supposed Nebraska powerhouse high school football team and we killed them at home because all the kids got winded easily here. I think at higher level sports it's negligible now because of better training schedules, but there is a difference in the air at higher altitudes. When I got back from Brazil to SLC off the plane I felt a definite pressure on my lungs for the first few days that likely was the altitude.
  22. Maztinho

    What If...?

    Albuquerque.... high altitude? Meh. Denver or SLC you might have an argument, but Albuquerque? Uh, Albuquerque is way higher than Salt Lake City, and nearly as high as Denver. Then all the years of New Mexico players complaining of the altitude adjustment against BYU and Utah in every sport ever I heard over the years was just misleading banter.
  23. Maztinho

    Sheehan vs. Pelosi in '08?

    And even if she did win the seat she wouldn't be Speaker. It's not like being the representative from Northern California = Speaker of the House. Chances she wins, _if_ she runs, slim to none.
  24. Maztinho

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    How do you know? You tested them yourself? Everyone from New Jack to Sandman to fucking Tammy Sytch has heavily roided at some point or another. You can't say "this person's not using" just by looking at them. Proof in that Gregory "Ducklegs" Helms was named on that doctors list of people taking HGH a few months back that was all the rage. I don't look at Helms and think prototypical roid user.
  25. Maztinho

    Women arrested for not watering her lawn

    Well SLC is fairly liberal, but Orem is intertwined with Provo where BYU is, and the two towns are known as "The Bubble" by people in state because of their almost dogged desire to be naive and look like the most assbackwards culture in the universe. Provo once held a New Years Eve party a DAY early, because the party would have been on Sunday. Yeah... Provo is freaking fantastic. Have fun on New Years Eve Eve.