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Everything posted by Maztinho

  1. Maztinho

    Pirates of the Carribean 3

    I just chalked it up to Jack being freaking nuts. *shrug*
  2. Maztinho

    New Football League

    I was harkening back to some start up league in the early 90's with a Utah franchise given the awfully clever name, Pioneers with brown and black uniforms. The Utah Pioneers... tee hee. Anything without two Z's and I'm good. Or Bee related.
  3. Maztinho

    New Football League

    If they want it to be a success they will need to put teams in smaller markets away from the NFL teams for the most part. Salt Lake would be a great spot since the only show in town is the Jazz. I don't know if putting it's games head to head with the NFL is the best plan though, the one thing that the XFL going for it was that it wasn't trying to directly compete with the NFL. I hope it's a success, and that if SLC gets a team we don't name it something stupid. Like we usually end up doing.
  4. Personally Kennedy got over with me for his KENNEDY..... KENNEDY shtick as opposed to the Second Rope Steamroller. I don't think they should outright ban the SSP and 450, but put them on special needs circumstances like the Piledriver.
  5. Maztinho

    Teachers that got fired

    That's got to be the most awesome story ever. "The kids love me." *tumbleweed* A former Health/Cross-country Coach at my high school got axed for dating a student after he went to the rival high school my senior year. He was a cool guy, it was sort of shocking though, he had a pretty wife and two kids when the affair went down. Too much drama for a Utah town. The Choir Teacher at my school never got fired, but a couple of girls complained he was "overly affectionate" with them. He retired before anything really heavy went down on him from a formal complaint. The one girl who was really complaining about it was a psycho-bitch though and people ostresized her for "Forcing Mr. D out" as it was seen she only got her parents to complain since she didn't make the Show Choir. Denkers did like to touch your shoulder when shaking your hand, and would sort of side-hug people in congratulations, he always came off as Grandfatherly to me. That's all I got.
  6. Maztinho

    NBA Playoffs 2007: Conference Finals

    Brazilian children practice diving on little contact in their pick up soccer games in the street. True story. Going to the Best PF Malone/Barkley debate, I'm a homer so I'll lean towards Malone, but both guys where powerhouses. People knock Malone for being paired with Stockton, but really isn't any players greatness determined by the system he is in or the players around him? Jordan didn't win championships until the pieces where put in. Plus staying nearly injury free for two decades is something remarkable unto itself. Malone was underrated as a passer alot of the time, and he was one of the first guys to do the "throw the ball off the opponent as you are falling out of bounds to keep possession" trick. Barkley was better at creating his own shot, but the systems he played in forced him to do so. Plus it was always fun to watch Malone and Barkley battle it out, I doubt there was a more entertaining match up in the early 90's position against position.
  7. Maztinho

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    If it's a law you can be fined. Fines equal money. Basically that's why you get pulled over around here for, to fill the coffers of the small town guv'ment. I got pulled over leaving a friends apartment (which is next door to a frat house) for failing to signal... at 1 am. I wasn't drunk, so the cop just let me go with a warning, I went and got some late night drive through and drove home along the same street and passed three cops pulling people over in the same area. I guess it's common practice for the police to pull people over on Frat row for minor things hoping they get a DUI bust. Money Money Money Money Money.
  8. Maztinho


    Shifting the topic away from Jericho a bit (I love me some Jericho though) who on the roster _right_now_ has the ability to step up and fill a spot like HHH and the Rock did back in the late 90's? I honestly think MVP could fill a solid upper-midcard spot for awhile. He's grown on me alot, solid basic style, decent promos. I think he could form into a great star. CM Punk the internet darling is gaining steam, I could see him being a fixture on RAW if needed. I could see Kenny Dykstra making a plausable leap up the card, I dunno, I just like him. There is always Kane to fill the Main Event void on either show as well. Alas Kane the Main Event Pauper.
  9. Oooh nerve hit. Nerve hit. The F5 was nothing like the TKO. NOTHING Aside from it started from a standing fireman's carry. TKO the victim swung out behind the attacker, and the F5 the vic was tossed over the head. TKO lands like a Diamond Cutter (ish) and the F5 like a loose Complete Shot. Contrary moves. Not the same. NOT THE SAME. Rant over.
  10. Maztinho

    NBA Playoffs 2007: Conference Finals

    So it's me and Danville that are the only non-Default Utah fans? Nice. I'm just happy Utah is back in the playoffs and playing Jerry Ball. The sucky thing is Utah is notorious for playing a really bad second game after fighting hard in Game one on the Road in Finals (Conference and NBA) so I really feel they needed to steal Game One to not risk going 0-2. The Eastern Finals I couldn't care about either team, but the Cavs have an Afro'd Brazilian. Thus they get my love.
  11. Maztinho

    What are you listening to right now?

    White Stripes- Seven Nation Army
  12. It's two out of three falls, or means of victory. Usually as long as the last fall is a pin or submission the title changes hands... if the last fall is a DQ. That would be interesting booking, but would only work I think if it was a face chasing the belt, to prolong the feud.
  13. Maztinho

    Poll: How do you say "NES/SNES"?

    "Ness and Super Ness" for me.
  14. Maztinho

    I'm legally changing my name.

    I'm going to have to second that. Sunshine Megatron rules.
  15. Maztinho

    Ninja Warrior

    My interest was peaked. I caught some of this action on YouTube... SWINGING Cliffhanger? That's the finger grip part before the released bars right? Wrong isn't a strong enough word for trying to do that Swinging.
  16. Maztinho

    FOX's fall/spring lineup unveiled

    Back to You looks decent on paper, the promo tag says it all... if Kelsey and Patricia can get some on screen chemistry going I can see this show doing really well. The dramas? Meh.
  17. Maztinho

    Shows That Shouldn't Have Been Cancelled

    Another MTV murder.... Clone High. They didn't even show the full first season before sticking Punk'd reruns in it's timeslot. "The answer is "C" you %$^wad"
  18. Maztinho

    NBA Roundtable Discussion

    Isn't balloting spread across different sports reporters? So you'd have to get some homer votes.
  19. Maztinho

    NBA Playoffs 2007: Conference Semifinals

    Man, Golden State might go into game 5 with Davis and Richardson suspended from the hard fouls towards the end of the game.
  20. Maztinho

    Gas Price Check...

    3.19 in Southern Utah.
  21. Maztinho

    NBA Playoffs 2007: Conference Semifinals

    Probably not, since Sloan is... freaking Sloan. And locally they tossed up a stat that GS beat Utah by an average of 18 points in their meetings during the season at home. Expect Jerry's Kids to come out spitting fire in game 4. (Watch them get blown out by 30 now.)
  22. Maztinho

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    That House Av hypnotized me into watching it for like ten minutes the first time I saw it.
  23. Maztinho

    I'm legally changing my name.

    Angus O'Reilly Baba Jones
  24. Maztinho

    NBA Playoffs 2007: Conference Semifinals

    Yeah, I was shocked when he was a lottery pick out of BYU. I watched him at BYU and thought he would go maybe in the second round. Stupid Rafa.