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Everything posted by Maztinho

  1. Maztinho

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    I get angry about typos. I did indeed mean socks and sandals. WHAT IS WRONG WITH MY TYPING!?!?!?!?
  2. Maztinho

    Nurse kills hitman hired to kill her

    Seriously... they guy must have flinched not to get her solid with the first whack which should have left her open for a couple other good shots.
  3. Maztinho

    Gas Price Check...

    Stupid Southern Utah. I'm still paying 2.89. Stupid small town.
  4. Maztinho

    New ANIMATED Smackdown intro video

    Meh... I didn't like it. But I was expecting something like Dragon Gate's Anime entrance. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzuiYY8jbRk
  5. Maztinho

    "An insane amount of ranch please."

    Brazil it's common to put ketchup and mustard and mayonaise on your pizza's. They typically don't put tomato sauce on their pizza's unless a) you are in Pizza Hut, which is the same, or b) you are in a Southerners home where they have more of an Italian influence and make pizza with sauce. They also frown upon eating pizza with your hands. I had a Brazilian lady come up and start chastizing me for eating it that way, I just pretended that I didn't know Portugese and ignored her. The occasional dipping of Ranch is good depending on what toppings you have on it. Like it goes well with a Hawaiian.
  6. Maztinho

    WWE to counter in head-to-head with Ortiz vs. Shamrock III...

    Color me uninterested already.
  7. Maztinho

    A fun website

    Lots of sex with Minors near me. Like lots.
  8. Maztinho

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    I don't know if it's a wide epidemic, but old people who ask for help and then shit on your help make me want to stab them. I constantly get old people who ask for help picking out a cantaloupe, watermelon, whatever, and I ask them when they want to eat it. "Tonight." So I grab one that feels good. "That doesn't look good." "Well, it's a little ugly, but it's going to be tasty." "I want that one." They indicate a really pretty but green fruit. "That won't taste good tonight." "That's how we used to pick them on the farm." Okay, WHY DO YOU BOTHER ME AND THEN SHIT ON MY CHOICE? One lady brought a green cantaloupe that I told her wasn't going to be good back the next day, and I told the front end manager went down and she refused a refund since there was nothing wrong with the fruit, it was merely underripe which isn't our fault. Shoes and Sandals too. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?
  9. Maztinho

    Taking a bite of something...

    Jaca... I don't know it's name in English, because I've only seen them in Brazil. It's like a football size fruit with all these spikes on it, you smash it open and there is string cheese like stuff stuck to the side of the rind, and you pull off a bit of it and eat it. I was expecting cheese like texture, but it was exceptionally stringy and sweet. And sticky. Like superglue sticky.
  10. Need a 3rd? Or a 4th? ANDREW'S RULE THIS FORUM!!!!
  11. Maztinho

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    People who complain about my stores lack of organic produce. It's southern Utah, people are more worried about shooting a deer than they are about a little pesticide and aren't going to pay 3.99 for organic grapes when non-organic ones are 1.99, so why should we have a huge stock of organic stuff for you, Mr. Traveler? WHY? Also, people who go beyond complaining about lack of organic produce and proceed to lay out the virtues of organic produce, as if convincing me that organic produce is good will magically make said produce appear in the store.
  12. Maztinho

    So, MarvinisaLunatic is gone

    *sips his Mountain Dew* Oh... he'll be back.
  13. Hippie Marvin and Hockey Marvin are good. But Riverboat Captain Marvin? That's GOLD, BABY!!! I'll miss Marv, he was a solid poster, with little concept of hooking up with chicks.
  14. Maztinho

    More scientology weirdness

  15. Maztinho

    Pictures I Like

    [qoute] Stop posting anime. But that pic Soooooooooo rules. RULES!
  16. It's always something with us. You post too much, you don't post enough... We are such bastages.
  17. Maztinho

    Biggest fears? What are they?

    I still have an uneasiness in darkness, my imagination is too fucking active. Snakes are another thing that get to me. Other than that I'm pretty good.
  18. All Rocky said was he was out of wrestling, and was wanting to be called Dwayne Johnson... Damn him.
  19. Maztinho

    New Weird Al Song

    Seriously... are you upset about Weird Al Yankovic? He's a guy who makes money off mocking songs and song styles. He's managed to eek out a career doing something over and over that people still buy into. My cousin loves Weird Al, and actually goes to the concerts he puts on. Which sell out. Good for Al. Sure it's a base form of comedy, but really, we all need a little mindless rhyming in our lives.
  20. Maztinho

    Which Flame Warrior are you?

    I'd go with Jeckyl and Hyde.
  21. Maztinho

    New Weird Al Song

    "You start out stealing songs, then your robbin liqour stores, and selling crack and running over kids with your cars?" My inner child is laughing hysterically. You have to respect a man who can cover so many different genres of music with accuracy. And typcially Al asks permission before using a direct parody.
  22. Maztinho

    Has it really been 5 years allready? 9-11-2001

    Penn and Teller... kicking ass. All I remember about the day is being numb all day, and I live in Utah. I even quit my job and Burger King because the night manager said something about, "Stop watching TV about stupid New York, and make more patties." I'd have shanked her if I had a knife on me, but tossing like a hundred burgers on the grill and tossing my shirt at her as I walked out the door was enough.
  23. Maztinho

    NCAA Football 07

    I'm a fan of the Multiple D, I try out the other defenses, but keep going back to MD or a base 4-3 because I have hella good DL's.
  24. Maztinho

    The Oregon Trail

    I remember one day, the computer teacher getting mad at me for getting pissed at my family for bitching at me so I forded a 10 foot deep river and killed them all and promptly did a "Just killed my family dance" with impromptu song. He didn't take to my humor. Also we had a locked house murder mystery game that owned, the main character was an andriod controlled by a dectective (you) and you'd give him commands to get, look, and whatnot, there was like ten suspects, and the longer the game went, the more people died. It was sort of a predessesor to Maniac Mansion which was another of my fave games as a kid.