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Everything posted by Maztinho

  1. Maztinho

    Sex with body motive for grave digging

    I would imagine that they bought condoms so that they wouldn't leave DNA in the body. And she looks cute. Shame she'll be famous because some dudes wanted to bang her corpse.
  2. Maztinho

    HEY wildpegasus do you watch gay porn?

    The term "beautiful expression of love" is completely non existant in any pornography. That's what _makes_ it porn.
  3. Maztinho

    Tyrannosaurs in F-14s!!

    One of my favorites is Calvin yelling NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO for most of the panels as his mom is getting him ready for a bath and him fighting tooth and nail against it. The final panel he's sitting in the tub and says, "They can make me do it, but they can't make me do it with dignity." I read that like 5 seconds before meeting this girl I was dating's parents so their first impression of me was stopping milk from coming out my nose and laughing at Calvin and Hobbes.
  4. Maztinho

    Saint's Row...

    It takes organized crime to whole new levels if done properly. I'm sure the parents groups will love that. "Our little boy joined a St.'s Row gang, and before you know it, he was running with a horrible crowd of online ruffians. He was a Level 67 Pimp with +28 CHAR before we finally cancelled our internet service to stop him!" Parent's who allow children to have rated M games shouldn't be allowed to decry the atrocities commited in such games. Sure the kid can go to the neighbors and play it. I'll listen to those people, but if they bought the game for the kid themselves, they can go shut the hell up.
  5. Maztinho

    Saint's Row...

    It takes organized crime to whole new levels if done properly.
  6. Maztinho


  7. YouTube attention whore with a gap in her teeth like Micheal Strahan (sp?) she puts up e-blogs mocking Emo blogs. Some people find her funny. I don't. She's moderately hot, depending on the lighting. I hate myself for knowing that.
  8. Yeah, Sharmell is his beard.
  9. Maztinho


    Should have made me eligible for the draft.
  10. Maztinho

    Gang Wars v2.0: Draft Declarations

    Fuck deadlines. Maybe I'll make a team via try-outs.
  11. Maztinho

    Gang Wars v2.0: Draft Declarations

    I'm declaring at the last minute! Don't let me be on Team wp. My ego can't handle it.
  12. Pluto is still a real planet to me, damnit!
  13. Maztinho


    Oh yeah. The harshest thing they say is "HOLY CRAP!" They have a lot of 80's references and off-beat humor. Nothing to be worried about.
  14. Maztinho


    Senor Cardgage is pretty kickass, but all in all, the stuff seems like they are trying too hard now.
  15. Maztinho

    NCAA Football 07

    Utah's Offensive Playbook has a lot of shotgun formations, 4 WR, 5 WR, usually with only 1 back. It's got some cool Option Passes that once I figured out the timing are just brutal on most defenses. If you have a fast HB you can just destroy people by doing a couple of pass plays in a row then running the Quick Option Run play, and timing the pitch right.
  16. Maztinho

    NCAA Football 07

    Switched to multiple D and it helps with the Nickel packages. I run Utah's offense, just because it rules.
  17. Maztinho

    NCAA Football 07

    I think I need a defensive switch. I'm still new to the series and this is the first time I've actually bought NCAA. I'm running a 3-3-5 for whatever reason I clicked on that defensive set, but I get burned by everyone for at least two or three deep balls a game on Varsity. Any suggestions? I have a tendancy to play zone since I don't trust my safeties, but when I let them play man the computer dumps screens and runs forever. Plus playing on the Smurf Turf rules, I booked Boise State just for that reason.
  18. Maztinho

    OAO Raw Thread - August/7th/2006.

    Well, the sadistic side of me would have been happy if both Hunter and Vince tore their quads again and couldn't make it to Summerslam.... You would curse us with an overly stipulated HBK vs Shane-O match? *gives you the evil eye*
  19. Maztinho


    I might have to take up the habit.
  20. Maztinho

    OAO ECW TV Week 9 Thread - August/8th/2006

    Well, Sabu plays a heel doesn't he? He doesn't pose for the crowd, he shrugs it off when the people in the crowd reach out to him when he passes. Of course, he booked as a face, so he is a face. The one thing that distinguishes these two guys from everyone else in the WWE is the one thing they have in common. They're always booked as legit badasses -- heel or face. Incedently, how will the crowd booing Sabu hurt him? You can't tell me they (and you) don't mark out when he busts out an Arabian Face Crusher. Sabu is more a face that doesn't pander to the fans. As some places call them Face with an Edge.
  21. Maztinho

    Congressional Power Rankings

    Good Ol' Orrin Hatch coming in at 9th.
  22. Maztinho


    Am I? Meh.
  23. Maztinho


    You kicked his leg right out from under his...leg. http://www.stewiesays.com/wp-content/uploa...n3-1280x960.jpg