Swift Terror
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Speaking of hippie faggots and local politics...Paul Hackett is on local radio right now. What a clown.
2/19: Offending Kmart Workers Without Even Trying
Swift Terror commented on kkktookmybabyaway's blog entry in KK's Korner
I could go on and on about shitty customer behavior I experienced while working at Blockbuster. You see, working at Blockbuster was far worse than a normal retail job because there was a built-in reason for about 70% of the customers to be angry 100% of the time--Late Fees. I worked at Blockbuster in the mid-90s and the late fee structure went like this: $2.11 if your movie was checked in after midnight on the day it was due. After another 24 hours, another $2.11 and so on. The "2-day rentals" were due sooner than most customers realized. If you rented at movie Monday at 9pm, it was due Tuesday before midnight. Most people thought they had until Wednesday in the above scenario. I'll admit the "2-day" label was not the best wording but that wasn't my problem and there were signs on the exit door explaining when your rental was due. So that created all kinds of havoc. One guy threatened to come back when I got off work to kick my ass because I explained that the 1st day began at the time of rental, even if it was late at night. Then there were the people that returned movies at 12:01, 12:05, etc. Hey, the deadline has to be sometime, if you're 1 minute late, it's $2.11. They would swear they brought it back before midnight or that the cut off time was unfair. One time we had long lines and I was stuck as the only cashier. This one guy finally got to me and made some smart-ass comment like "Why don't you open another line"? I didn't acknowledge him, just kept a stone-face and didn't give the customary "Thank you" at the end of the transaction. He then yelled "YOUR WELCOME"!! in my face. I later found out he wrote a letter to the manager requesting that I be fired. -
2/16: Gay Crowd Chants, Gayer Olympics
Swift Terror commented on kkktookmybabyaway's blog entry in KK's Korner
One more reason for you to hate the Winter Olympics: Whiny Boy Johnny Weir, U.S. Figure Skater. He whined about his accommodations (no room service, twin bed) and the fact that he had to take a bus, a BUS, instead of being provided a Limo to the arena. He said skating doesn't get the same respect in America that it does in Russia because Americans are to concerned with watching "men in spandex and helmets grabbing each other for 3 hours". Johnny, you're 5 minutes are up. The men's skating is over, you didn't medal, now go away forever. -
2/12: Million-Dollar Babies, Top 40 Vh1 Lists
Swift Terror commented on kkktookmybabyaway's blog entry in KK's Korner
Our vacuum, which my wife received as a present so it's fairly new, broke one of those bands. They're easy to replace. Our house came with a central vacuuming system, but I quickly discovered that the sweeper that you connect to the hose didn't work. But it's still awesome, because the hose has other attachments. Just plug the hose into the wall and it turns on automatically. As Ferris Bueller said, "I highly recommend getting one". -
2/11: You Can Bet On Not Winning The Lottery
Swift Terror commented on kkktookmybabyaway's blog entry in KK's Korner
Oh yes, I remember the lottery pool well. I'll never repeat my decision, that is, opting out of it. I nearly lost out on a few thousand. If you guys would've won that, I'd have walked out into the parking lot, kept walking to the street, sat down calmly in traffic and waited for a semi to run me over. Oh no, I'll be throwing in my few bucks from now on. -
I heard one of his outfits is a fishnet shirt. Those were popular in roughly 1978-1982.
2/8/06: Millions Of Condoms, 10 Choice Jobs
Swift Terror commented on kkktookmybabyaway's blog entry in KK's Korner
Well, we're planning on having the unviable tissue mass in the fall or next spring, haven't firmly decided yet. -
My man Joe Kelly is the ultimate wussy boy. After seeing the movie many times and enjoying it, now he realizes it has a flaw in the area of gender equity? What flaw is that--is it that there is only 1 female toy, or is it that the female toy worrys about the male toy and therefore is weak, etc.? What a tool.
2/8/06: Millions Of Condoms, 10 Choice Jobs
Swift Terror commented on kkktookmybabyaway's blog entry in KK's Korner
Regarding the HDTV list, it's unfair to pick on William Devane and Michael Douglas. Their OLD for crissakes. Regarding a demonspawn, it's a strong possibility. -
2/8/06: Millions Of Condoms, 10 Choice Jobs
Swift Terror commented on kkktookmybabyaway's blog entry in KK's Korner
This new Monday Night Football crew is awesome. Tirico is the best in the business. His call of the crazy end of the Michigan v. Nebraska bowl game was outstanding. At a time when most announcers would be fumbling and stuttering with their cock in their hand, Tirico was right on top of the everything that was happening, telling the viewer--correctly--that the play was not dead and even naming every player involved in the lateral attempts (with the exception of some poor Offensive Lineman). So Tirico will be the voice of reason and stability while Kornheiser and Theismann engage in goofy banter. Spears, as most celebs do, looks terrible in everyday life. She's trying to lose weight and has a potential endorsement deal with some lose-weight drug. Is she the next Jarrod...? -
2/7/06: Good Team, Bad Mayors, Ugly Cartoons
Swift Terror commented on kkktookmybabyaway's blog entry in KK's Korner
Who knew Brian Williams was a Conservative racist. *They* all look alike, huh Brian. -
2/6/06: Steelers Bring Their "Eh" Game To Detroit
Swift Terror commented on kkktookmybabyaway's blog entry in KK's Korner
On Around The Horn, does Plashke annoy you, or anybody else? I can't stand him. Remember the NHL commercial with the chick in the nightgown and the hockey player? Plashke thought it was sexist, shouldn't be shown. After the Texas/USC game, he refused to give credit to the Texas players. Get him outta here. -
2/6/06: Steelers Bring Their "Eh" Game To Detroit
Swift Terror commented on kkktookmybabyaway's blog entry in KK's Korner
I like Cowher. People in Pittsburgh actually complain about him?? Good lord. Ok, he lost a few big games, at least he got them to big games. Skip Bayless is awesome--if nothing else it's great to watch him tear into Woody Paige. But Woody's alright. And his brother is famous chef. -
2/4/06: Publication Predicament
Swift Terror commented on kkktookmybabyaway's blog entry in KK's Korner
That's what I get for typing before thinking. -
2/4/06: Publication Predicament
Swift Terror commented on kkktookmybabyaway's blog entry in KK's Korner
The other major paper is the Cincinnati Post. But they are both owned by Gannett, so what the hell. They even share the same main web site, cincinnati.com. I'm pretty certain the Enquirer endorsed both Kerry and Gore. They also consistently side with the "black leaders", who called for boycotts of the city, etc., in the editorial page. My dad worked in the finance/credit department, dealing with....subscriptions. He freakin retired from the Enquirer and they make him pay for a subscription! -
2/4/06: Publication Predicament
Swift Terror commented on kkktookmybabyaway's blog entry in KK's Korner
I don't subscribe to either of Cincinnati's papers...even thought my father worked for the Enquirer for some 30 years. I think both of Cincinnati's major papers are left-leaning. There is no 1 liberal rag and 1 competing conservative rag hereabouts, as is usual in most cities. We've been getting the Mason (small city north of Cincy) paper and Deerfield Township (right next to Mason) paper since we moved in and have never received a notice, bill, phone call, nothing. 5 years from now we'll probably get a bill for 5 years worth of papers. -
2/4/06: Publication Predicament
Swift Terror commented on kkktookmybabyaway's blog entry in KK's Korner
Is there any reason to think that the Post-Gazette will do anything different regarding sending you papers after you haven't renewed and then billing you? If not, buy the f'ing Tribune at the stand, forget the commies. -
Yeah, I knew Bettis was from Detroit. It's a slap in the face to Seattle, who no doubt have someone from Detroit in their organization. But they aren't stars, so screw em. Even if there isn't a single soul from Detroit, the city should remain impartial to the two teams they are hosting. Oh, and I just saw a story on how people had their land taken under Eminent Domain so that Ford Field could be built. Seems they (I think "they" is some non-city affiliated "stadium authority") offered chump change for the land. The landowners sued in order to get reasonable money for their land, won the court case, and the "stadium authority" is just not obeying the court order. Ah, Ford. Not been a good week for them.
WARNING THE FOLLOWING MAY BE VIEWED BY SOME AS SOUR GRAPES. REACTING THIS WAY IS UNDERSTANDABLE BUT IS HARZARDOUS AND MAY RESULT IN INJURY OR DEATH. BESIDES, I REALLY DON'T GIVE A FUCK. The Steelers really need to shut up. The days following their victory over the Bengals, what with all the bragging, was vomit inducing. Oh, you beat a team that lost its franchise player on the second play from scrimmage? Wow. And the Colts game. Oh, you beat a Colts team that played horrible. And despite their supreme suckness you STILL nearly lost the game on two separate plays that the Colts botched in the final minutes (yep, the fumble run back was a botched play--easy touchdown if the guy runs up the sideline instead of cutting to the middle of the field where he can be tackled by Big Ben). Wow. That leaves one solid win over Denver--but come to think of it they sucked it up nearly as bad as the Colts. Now Porter is flapping his gums about tapping Seattle guys out and sending them to the sideline? So you're freely admittting that in order to beat someone, you must "tap out" their good players? We all know Seattle blows herds of monkeys, what with the whole 90s grunge thing. Thanks a lot for that, Seattle. But someone please put a lid on these creeps. And someone do a palm slap to the face of the Mayor of Detroit. Giving the key to the city to Jerome Bettis? The fuck? The whole country is sick of the constant rimming of anything and everything Steelers. Make it stop.
1/30/06: How Much Is Not Winning Worth?
Swift Terror commented on kkktookmybabyaway's blog entry in KK's Korner
Well, according to baseball-reference.com he actually went down in salary. He got 2,000,000 playing for Baltimore in 1994. In 1993 he made 3.1 million with the Reds. I don't know if these figures are accurate. But the point is, he declared free agency and left the Reds to seek more money. BTW, I remember that NLCS with the Pirates/Braves. The Pirates were 1 strike away from going to the Series. I don't remember the pitcher or catcher, but the guy threw a strike, I mean a clear strike, and it was called a ball. From there, the Braves went on to win a few plays later. They got robbed. The only reason I cared was that I hated the Braves--still do, them and there lame ass tomahawking fans--and I liked Andy Van-Slyke. -
1/30/06: How Much Is Not Winning Worth?
Swift Terror commented on kkktookmybabyaway's blog entry in KK's Korner
Chris Sabo did a similar thing. After being on the 1990 World Series winning Reds team, making the cover of SI, he left for more money with a team that went nowhere. And his career went right down the toilet. Now, the Reds declined some after 1990 (they did go to the LCS in 1995) but at the time the Reds had a promising future. Who knew star pitcher Jose Rijo was going to have nagging injury problems. Nope, old Sabes decided to go for the jack. -
1/27/06: Home Is Where The Heart Is
Swift Terror commented on kkktookmybabyaway's blog entry in KK's Korner
I agree entirely--we bought our house, what, a few months before you guys did? For anyone reading, kkk was in my wedding and vice versa, or, as Kentuckians would erroneously say, visa versa. Owning a home rocks--but then there's the whole neighbor thing. My neighbors haven't done anything to me bad but that's just it--they haven't done ANYTHING, haven't so much as said hello except on Halloween when they're forced to approach because their kids are out trick or treating. This aint your father's neighborhood folks. Everyone just keeps to themselves and fuck everyone else. Not surprising there were Kerry/Edwards signs all over the place.... -
This kid identified with the Libertarian National Socialist Green party. Their web site is nazi.org. http://www.nazi.org/nazi/policy/weise/
yeah, it is a great guilty pleasure, entertaining to the max reminds me of the Swayze masterpiece Roadhouse, entertaining trash
"I Am Charlotte Simmons" by Tom Wolfe I'm curious as to how real Div. I college basketball players would react to this novel and the way the players are protrayed. Provided they could read it, that is. RobotJerk, do you find that most of the characters all seem to be overly stupid. Then again I'm only about 90 pages into it.