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Cuban Linx

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Everything posted by Cuban Linx

  1. Cuban Linx

    The TSM Weight Loss Contest

  2. Cuban Linx

    Amazing Opportunity to "Change the Game" for Women in Sports

    You know, hot oil wrestling, foxy boxing and such and such.
  3. Cuban Linx

    TSM Fantasy Baseball 2009

    New rule is fine with me. Can't believe i missed out on Willy Aybar, damn.
  4. GSP just violated Penn for four rounds, absolute domination. I picked Penn to win and i couldn't have been more wrong.
  5. Two rounds in and it's all GSP. Easily passing BJ's guard not once but twice, BJ offering no threat on the ground so far, it's hard to see how Penn can beat him.
  6. Not terribly surprised, despite being 13-0 Thiago Silva's never fought anyone worth a damn, Machida was clearly above his level.
  7. Jones looked awesome, i had high hopes and he more than delivered. I also had high hopes for Karo-Stun Gun, but that was a huge disappointment. Neither guy looked any good, Kim really needs to stop spending the first round riding his opponents back and running out of gas for the rest of the fight.
  8. Cuban Linx

    The TSM Weight Loss Contest

    For week three i'm down two pounds to 238.
  9. Cuban Linx

    This week in the NBA

    I thought Howard was out of the league about three years ago.
  10. Cuban Linx

    Royal Rumble 2009

    DiBiase gone, Rhodes gone, and HHH gone. Orton is your winner.
  11. Cuban Linx

    Royal Rumble 2009

    We're almost guaranteed HHH vs Orton as the final two now.
  12. Cuban Linx

    Royal Rumble 2009

    Taker eliminates Jericho. And the Legacy dumps Kane.
  13. Cuban Linx

    Royal Rumble 2009

    Down to HHH, the Legacy, Taker, Kane, Show & Jericho. Edit: And RVD.
  14. Cuban Linx

    Royal Rumble 2009

    Kane clotheslined him out immediately.
  15. Cuban Linx

    Royal Rumble 2009

    Big Show at 30, no HBK in the rumble.
  16. Cuban Linx

    Royal Rumble 2009

  17. Cuban Linx

    Royal Rumble 2009

    Santino sets a new record.
  18. Cuban Linx

    Royal Rumble 2009

    Dolph gone even quicker than Kendrick.
  19. Cuban Linx

    Royal Rumble 2009

    The Brian Kendrick at 26. And Kendrick gone just as quickly.
  20. Cuban Linx

    Royal Rumble 2009

    RVD at #25.
  21. Cuban Linx

    Royal Rumble 2009

    Punk takes out Regal. R-Truth at 24.
  22. Cuban Linx

    Royal Rumble 2009

    Regal in, there's over 10 guys in the ring now.
  23. Cuban Linx

    Royal Rumble 2009

    Cody Rhodes vs Dustin Rhodes.
  24. Cuban Linx

    Royal Rumble 2009

    #16 is Taker, another of the big names in early.