Cuban Linx
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Kevin Garnett and Ray Allen shall lead me to victory over you all in the Head-to-Head Keeper league. And after a quick search of the internet there doesn't seem to be any site for doing an Auction basketball draft (that i can find anyway), unless something pops up in the next few weeks/months/however long it is it doesn't seem possible, unless people wanted to do it manually in a big AIM chat or something, though having to keep track of who's been taken, how much money everyone has left and all that would probably end up messy.
It takes them 12 quarters, but the Bucs finally get an offensive touchdown via Tim Brown.
Nice to see the Angels bench Guillen just in time for the Texas series. Now if they can just bench Vlad Guerrero too we'll be in business, for all the good it'll do after blowing the series at home vs Seattle and probably falling 3 back again.
I'd be up for some Virtual GM again. Hopefully we can get some more activity than last year when it was just myself, alfdogg and Harley active regularly for most of the season, and i think only i kept setting a lineup right until the final day of the season. And if there's a site that does it i'd certainly join an auction league, i too very much liked the auction draft for the Football league so i'd be in a Basketball auction league in a heartbeat. In the end any fantasy league anybody sets up i'd likely join.
MAIN EVENT#1 SWF CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH Toxxic© vs Andrea Montgomery -> Andrea Montgomery MAIN EVENT #2 ICTV TITLE MATCH Landon Maddix© vs “The Icon” Max King -> Max King MAIN EVENT #3 TAG TITLE REMATCH Spike Jenkins & Sean Davis© vs Todd Cortez & Mike Van Siclen -> Todd Cortez & Mike Van Siclen SINGLES MATCH Johnny Dangerous vs Manson -> Mansonosity USJL TITLE CONTENDERSHIP TRIANGLE MATCH Nathan Xavier vs Jamie Drazon vs Ryan Dustin -> Ryan Dustin CRUSIERWEIGHT TITLE CONTENDERSHIP Austin Sly vs The Birdman -> Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law HARDCORE TITLE CONTENDERSHIP THREE WAY LAST BLOOD Christian Fury vs David Cross vs Danny Dagda -> David Cross SINGLES MATCH Uncle Filthy vs Stryke -> Stryke
Texas get it right today, a win over Seattle and back to 2 games out. They cannot afford to lose to the Mariners again, and really need at least 3 from 4 against the Angels, probably a sweep since Oakland by all rights should take care of Seattle in their 4 game series. Ichiro also goes 1-5, down to i think 7 hits away from the record.
Slayer - South of Heaven
(`·._ (`·._.:The New SWF Stats Thread:._.·`) _.·`)
Cuban Linx replied to the.weej's topic in Brandon Truitt
Stryke’s SWF Stats, Version God Only Knows Smarks Board Name: Cuban_Linx Wrestlers Name: Stryke Height: 6’3” Weight: 228 pounds Hometown: Sydney, Australia Age: 25 Face/Heel: Heel, though not to the more extreme extents of the past, will probably be cheered over other heels. Weapon(s): Anything and everything, from steel chairs to more drastic measures such as barbed wire. Looks: Stryke falls into a heavy cruiserweight-smallish heavyweight class size-wise, bigger than most cruiser competition but still giving up plenty of size to the true heavyweights. Stryke has mid-length brown hair and noticeably tanned skin from many days spent in the Australian sun, in the ring wearing standard black wrestling boots with white and blue ‘Hardy Boys’ style baggy-ish pants. And though it’s not too noticeable, he also has a scar on the right side of his face after a particularly nasty Stairway to Hell match with Low Brass from back in the day. Barbed Wire + Face does not mix. Ring Entrance: The arena is silent aside from the murmuring of the crowd, but that is quickly interrputed as a huge wall of blue pyrotechnics fires up across the stage, Cypress Hill's "How I Could Just Kill A Man" kicking into action as Stryke steps out onto the stage. The crowd rise to their feet in boos, but Stryke doesn't give them the satisfaction of reacting as he heads down towards the ring. Reaching the ring Stryke hops onto the apron and pauses to look out into the jeering crowd, as the chorus hits Stryke stepping to the second turnbuckle and raising his arms to the fans, further drawing their ire as Funyon commences the introductions. * Funyon stuff here * Stryke hops over the top rope and into the ring, casually leaning back on the ropes as he either focuses his attention on his opponent or waits for them to arrive. Stats: Strength: 4 [stryke has worked to improve his strength levels, he can handle opponents around his size and smaller but will still face difficulty against larger foes] Speed: 5 [stryke can’t keep up with the faster cruiserweights in the fed, but he’s still quite quick on his feet and can perform a number of aerial maneuvers] Vitality: 7 [Despite numerous layoffs from active competition Stryke has kept his stamina and endurance levels high and can certainly take his fair share of punishment, though he’ll still go down to a finisher or big impact move] Charisma: 4 [stryke's not much of a talker, primarily letting his actions do the talking. He's still usually quite animated in the ring though, doing his best to get under the skin of both the crowd and his opponent] Style: Stryke generally likes to work fast-paced style in the ring, though as of late he's started to work a few more technical and mat-based holds in with the mix of power and aerial moves he uses to wear the opponent down. Stryke usually looks to target the opponent's neck with severals neckbreakers, piledrivers and the like, though should the opponent have a weakness or an opportunity presents itself Stryke can go after arms, legs, backs or just plain beat the opponent all over until they stop fighting back to achieve victory. Stryke's also been known to go for a quick roll-up to get the win if he can, any quick pinning combination you can think of Stryke will use it and probably pull the tights while doing so. In the end, just write Stryke however you feel, anything you do is fine with me. Perhaps Stryke’s biggest flaw is his tendency to get overconfident and cocky when in control, he can get too preoccupied with riling up the crowd which can (and often does) cost him in the ring, though Stryke's recent lack of success in the ring has led him to become more focused. The same frustrations are still there just under the surface though, and if things are going against him Stryke can fall back into old habits. He’s also no stranger to the hardcore style, being a two-time Hardcore champ he can bleed like a ’68 Buick losing oil, and should he ever find himself in that situation again Stryke is not afraid to go all out for the win, whatever the cost to his body. Signature Moves: * Piledriver: Stryke pulls the opponent into a standing headscissors, before lifting the opponent up perpendicular to the canvas and sitting out, spiking the opponent into the mat. * Step-Up Enziguri: With the opponent on one knee, Stryke gets a running start, hopping of the opponent’s knee with one foot and connecting with a hard Enziguri to the opponent’s head with his other. * Sleeper Drop: Stryke locks on a sleeper hold, before dropping down, slamming the opponent back/head first to the mat. Stryke'll often milk the Sleeper for all it's worth first, then hit the drop just as the opponent starts to fight back. Once down Stryke will on some ocassions keep the Sleeper locked on, maybe even adding in a body scissors to try and wear the opponent down further. * Fisherman's Neckbreaker: Stryke hooks the opponent in position for a Fisherman's Suplex, but instead of lifting them vertical Stryke snaps to the side, snapping the opponent over in a neckbreaker variation. * Slingshot Brainbuster: An old-school move with a modern edge. Stryke hooks and lifts the opponents feet as for a Vertical Suplex, but at the apex Stryke drops the opponents feet onto the ropes, using the spring generated to snap the opponent back up before dropping suddenly and introducing the opponents head to the canvas with a quickfire brainbuster. * Double Stomp: Simple but effective, Stryke jumps and lands with both feet on an opponent, his whole bodyweight behind it. Will on occasion be performed off the turnbuckles, with the opponent either laying flat on the mat or in a seated/kneeling position with Stryke delivering the double stomp to the top of their head. * Airplane Spin: Stryke hoists the opponent onto his shoulders in a Fireman's Carry, and then proceeds to spin around and around multiple times, dizzying the opponent greatly. After a satisfactory numer of rotations Stryke usually rolls forward and lands on top of the opponent with a Fireman's Carry takedown, provided he still has the balance to do so. Of course this move affects Stryke almost as much as the opponent, and should Stryke try and do pretty much anything directly after it'll likely be met with almost comical dazed selling of his own. * Diving Neckbreaker: From the second turnbuckle Stryke dives over a standing opponent, catching them by their head and snapping them down with a Blockbuster-style neckbreaker. * Tope Con Hilo: A Somersault Suicide Dive between the top and middle ropes. Stryke gets a running start and flings his body towards the opponent(s) with reckless abandon, both men likely crashing into the guardrail after. Very high risk, even for a suicide dive, should the opponent move Stryke will fly unprotected into steel and concrete, which as you can imagine isn't a pleasant experience. Common Moves: * European Uppercut: Stryke will make use of just about any form of striking, but the European Uppercut has come to be perhaps his favorite, should Stryke get the opportunity he'll gladly paste the opponent with a few of these. * Suplexes: Your low-mid range suplexes. Snap, Northern Lights, Backdrop, Double Underhook and Gutwrench Suplexes will all turn up every now and again. * DDT: Pretty much any way a DDT can be done, Stryke will do it. Standard, inverted, double arm, tornado, Stryke can adapt to whatever situation he’s in to drive the opponents head into the canvas. * Neckbreaker * Hurricanrana: Also from pretty much anywhere. * Dropkick: Regular, Springboard, Missile, Dropkick with opponent against the turnbuckles, whatever the occasion calls for. * Back Senton: Standing, Tope Rope or Slingshot from apron into ring. * Shoulder Thrusts in the corner * Elbow/Leg Drops: Standard, to a specific limb or from the top rope. * Hammerlock-assisted moves: Hammerlock combined with Suplexes, Scoop Slam, Russian Leg Sweep etc. * Bodypart Specific Offence: Backbreaker, Gutbuster, Armbreaker, Shinbreaker. * Abdominal Stretch * Fujiwara Takedown/Armbar * Camel Clutch * Surfboard: From behind a seated opponent Stryke grabs both the opponent’s arms, pulling back while putting his feet/knees into the opponents back or neck, putting pressure on their back/neck and shoulders. * Bridged Front Facelock: Locking on a front facelock and forcing the opponent onto their stomach on the canvas, Stryke then bridges forward over the opponent, keeping hold of the opponent’s head as he pulls up and applies greater pressure to the head/neck region, occasionally fish-hooking the opponents mouth as he does so. * Seated Double Underhook: The opponent is seated on the ground, and from in front of them Stryke underhooks both arms, putting pressure on both opponents arms and neck as he pulls both arms up at a sharp angle and forces the opponents head down. * Any other basic moves or holds you feel like using, Stryke's versatile. Rare moves: * One-Man Conchairto: Stryke takes a chair in each hand, and sandwiches an opponents head between them. Only in no-DQ or situations he can get away with it. * Curb Stomp: A variation on the Surfboard. With the opponent face down on the canvas Stryke stands over them and pulls up on both arms, lifting their head/torso off the mat before putting his foot on the back of their head and stomping their face smack into the canvas hard. More an insulting or payback move than one designed for winning matches. Finishers: * Low End Theory: Pumphandle Piledriver. Stryke hooks the opponent in pumphandle position, before lifting them up and turning them upside down, jumping and sitting out as Stryke crunches the opponent into the canvas, their whole bodyweight coming down on their neck/shoulders. Ouch. * All Time High: A Tope Rope Frogsplash. Has plenty of range and just as much impact. -
I've been wanting to get into IWS for a long time now, so this is very good news, though certainly not as good for my bank account.
Acid Bath - Dope Fiend
I'm almost certain it was with two out (Reed and Martinez), so yes, retarded.
Boone 0-6 with 4 strikeouts to boot. Cordero blows it, but at least Texas have the right guys up to get a run in Blalock, Young and Teixeira, if Texas are to have a chance to making the playoffs they can't be losing to Seattle.
And Ichiro is intentionally walked to load the bases.
Nice to see that made some actual effort on this one, instead of just 'closeup of random wrestler who may or may not have any importance on this show'.
I give a shout out to Spike, if it wasn't for him i wouldn't be the chronically no-showing, repeatedly quitting forgotten nobody i am today. *jobs to Spike*
I suggest we all get together and pay T®ITEC to kill him.
Eminem - Nail In The Coffin
They certainly left it to the last possible moment, but 3 runs in the bottom of the 9th give Texas the sweep of the A's, they've come from 5+ games back to be sitting just 2 games behind. 6 games left against Seattle and 4 with Anaheim, despite having something like a 2% chance of making the playoffs a few days ago suddenly they're right back in it, especially if the Angels and Athletics beat up on each other in the 6 games they have remaining against each other, as the Rangers have no excuse to not win the vast majority of the Seattle games.
Got to nuke something.
Looks like both the top two teams of the regular season won't be playing for the championship. Not having Scott Rolen at all when i needed him the most definately hurt, with Rolen playing it's not out of the question he could have lifted my OBP by .003, hit an RBI, a triple and two homers, which would have been enough to give me the narrow win, but that's the way things go. Still, considering i had never even heard of a guy like Scott Rolen before the season started finishing in the top four is pretty good.
AJ Styles is your 2004 Ted Petty Invitational Champion. Samoa Joe choked out Bryan Danielson, and Styles scores the victory via a Styles Clash on Joe. Also after the match Petey Williams turns heel as he gives AJ a Canadian Destroyer.
"Sick" Nick Mondo in the finals of CZW's Tournament of Death 1.
Results for the show from the CZWfans board:
Looks like i was right about Cannon not putting the belt on the line. Either way that is one LOADED final three-way, without a more 'home grown' IWA guy in the match really anyone could win it.
Right now i'd expect Arik Cannon to make it all the way with the belt looking at who's left, he's the only real regular left, other than maybe Punk & Joe if they plan on sticking around full-time, and i don't think Punk will be making it to the finals anyway. Of course Cannon could also just be a dick and refuse to defend the title ensuring he stays the champ.