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Everything posted by DCMaximo

  1. DCMaximo

    Worse no sell of all time

    I dont think that second idea would be very funny at all. I'm pretty sure though that Hogan would have no choice but to sell that. I know just the man who SHOULD have used that move in his 96 prime
  2. DCMaximo

    worst horror movie ever?

    Zombie Nosh, also known as Flesheater, gets my vote. The first ten minutes are great, piss-poor zombies attacking innocent folk, then they hit a dull and rigid formula. The same two kids, who looks like Shane McMahon and an ugly Tiffany, who survive every zombie attack, move onto their next location, find a group of people, zombies attack the people, the kids move on the the next house, repeat. The acting is the wrong side of dreadful, the pace is so pedestrian that even one or two good deaths can't carry it and the ending is shamelessly stolen from Night OF The Living Dead. BOOOOOO!!
  3. DCMaximo

    Wrestling Pictionary~!

    Ok, count me in
  4. DCMaximo

    WWE News

    Taken from 411mania.com. i've cut off the bit about Hulk and Austin returning as it's got it's own thread Still maintain they could've used Mideon rather than Big Vis, but at least "Prankster" Big Show is enough to make me feel happy.
  5. DCMaximo

    Heidenreich/Cole bit from SD

    Vince: "But remember...the WWE doesn't do rape angles. This is more a case of an anal hijacking."
  6. DCMaximo

    1990 WWF Stone Cold?

    Another reason the Stone Cold gimmick wouldn't have worked...it wasn't exactly a million miles away from the gimmick used by Bad News Brown and Jim Cornette always talks about the seven year cycle of gimmick infringement.
  7. DCMaximo

    What are you listening to right now?

    "Chester Zoo" by the Macc Lads Can't believe I didn't mention this in the punk thread. Any song with the lyric "Monkey masturbating/Gorilla copulating/Orang-Utan picking it's arse" is a work of sheer genius.
  8. DCMaximo

    Sean Waltman coming to

    If they only used Nash as a commentator he'd be good, especially as he'd probably be too injured to actually wrestle.
  9. DCMaximo

    WWE News

    I can't believe things have got so bad that we'd see VISCERA as an improvement on some of the current stars. Have we all forgotten just how bad Big Vis is? Didn't you see Vis vs Mark Henry at No Way Out 2000, one of the worst matches I've seen?
  10. DCMaximo

    Here we go again

    Panic on the streets of London This is the story with the best image of the rioting outside parliament. It was incredible to watch on TV, the police just repeatedly hammering away with their batons.
  11. DCMaximo

    Tony Schiavone back with WWE...

    I'll assume this "Brian" you speak of is Bobby Heenan, unless Brian Knobbs did in fact sit in at the announcers' booth for some thigh-slappin'-good commentary. Best commentary team EVER! Tony: Alright fans, some hot cruiserweight action for you, Psychosis vs Lizmark Junior, don't forget the encore presentation of Bull right after the show tonight only on TNT Brian: LET'S GET NASTY!
  12. DCMaximo

    Here we go again

    WELL DONE TONY!! THAT'S why the game has an 18 certificate!! Got to love the way they condemn video games for creating a violent nation, then all week we've seen photos/newspaper stories/TV footage of the police waging a violent bloody war against a group of insane middle-class huntsmen, culminating in bloodshed on the streets of London. Then again, they probably all play violent games, eh Tony? Twat.
  13. DCMaximo

    What are you listening to right now?

    "I Wrote A Book About Rock 'n' Roll" by the Mr T Experience
  14. DCMaximo

    Pictures of me and friends...

    I'm just busy laughing at Agent's avatar.
  15. DCMaximo

    Idea for X Cup

    Does Brookside have that much name value in the US though? He's well-known in the UK, but never really gets mentioned much, apart from getting namechecked by Chris Hero in the occasional interview. That said, I'd love to see him make an appearance or two in TNA (Brookside/Shelley would be awesome). Maayan would be a good choice and Ross Jordan seems to be getting pretty good too.
  16. Open Water 4/10 Dull as dishwater and nowhere near as clever as it thinks it is. Having two people floating in water for a hour can only be interesting if a)the characters are interesting (they aren't) or b)something happens (every 15 minutes a shark appears, they scream, it goes, repeat). Very disappointing. Decent ending though
  17. DCMaximo

    Idea for X Cup

    Hey, where's Team Europe in all of this? Give us Jonny Storm, James Tighe, X-Dream and Birchall and we've got a damned good team.
  18. DCMaximo

    Simon Dean

    Just to warm us up for Simon, guess what this weeks WrestleCrap induction is... The Bodydonnas!!
  19. DCMaximo

    New York Dolls

    Didn't David Johansen totally piss away his credibility by doing a cover of "Hot Hot Hot" in the mid 80's? And why did he appear in a Hulk Hogan movie? But yeah, buying the s/t as a 14 year old (bought because "apparently they sound like the Backyard Babies", a ludicrous chain of thought) was a real eye-opener, there's a real brash swagger about their music that really excited me and still sounds great now. "Vietnamese Baby" is the song I always put on comp tapes for people, even if they really don't want it.
  20. DCMaximo

    Spot the chave!

    The long haired guy at the back on the right
  21. DCMaximo

    Ask Kinetic II

    When will we get our answers?
  22. DCMaximo

    Jamie Noble released from WWE

    If any cruiser is going it HAS to be Shannon Moore next, who brings NOTHING to the table since the Mattitude era finished. His only hope is to be paired with a charimatic tag partner or he's gone.
  23. DCMaximo

    If you could only watch one wrestler

    I'd probably go Benoit, not because I'm a huge Benoit fan, but I do think he's a great wrestler, but also he's wrestled a lot of different styles in his career. He's been a Jr Heavyweight in Japan, before wrestling in a more conventional US heavyweight style in America and, if I can only watch one wrestler, I'll want to watch one with as many diverse styles of match as possible. Plus he's faced many of the greats over the past 18 years, so I'll go for Benoit.
  24. DCMaximo

    CZW loses promoter's license

    I'm pretty sure they can't do the weed-whacker/lightbulb stuff in Philly anymore. The last two Tournaments of Death and the Extreme 8 were both held in Delaware, where the deathmatches are still allowed. I'm sure someone else will be able to confirm/deny this, but I'm almost certain that's the case.
  25. DCMaximo

    Idea for X Cup

    As long as Europe doesn't get saddled with a team as bad as Team UK last time, then it could be good. The only problem is that TNA haven't exactly proven that they'll get the best talents from each region. Team Japan will feature Nosawa AGAIN and if they dared pick Dean Xtreme or Frankie Sloan before Jonny Storm or James Tighe for Europe, it'd be a total joke.