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Open the Muggy Gate

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Everything posted by Open the Muggy Gate

  1. Open the Muggy Gate

    NFL Week 7

    Today showed that, yes, the Tennessee Titans have two running backs, and they like to run them, thank you. I know it was only against the Chiefs, but no team is supposed to give up 330 yards on the ground no matter how much thou art suck. Pretty weird but cool to see the Titans as the final unbeaten in the league. EDIT: Oh man I just turn it over to the Bucs game for a brief moment and Ike Hilliard just GETS DESTROYED right in front of me. Good lord.
  2. Open the Muggy Gate

    2008 ALCS: Boston Red Sox vs. Tampa Bay Rays

    If they do this every year, I'm gonna die from a heart attack at 27.
  3. Open the Muggy Gate

    2008 ALCS: Boston Red Sox vs. Tampa Bay Rays

    Dan Wheeler looks like someone shot his dog. In the face. Multiple times.
  4. Open the Muggy Gate

    Innate debates

    It seems Mr. Ringo here is an educated man. Now I really hate him.
  5. Open the Muggy Gate

    2008 ALCS: Boston Red Sox vs. Tampa Bay Rays

    We've been waiting for that David Ortiz for a while.
  6. Open the Muggy Gate

    House Season 5

    Next week involves 13 and lesbians? Why yes I am setting my TiVo, thank you.
  7. Open the Muggy Gate

    The Caption and Fantasy Soundbite Contest Thread

    "Even white boys got to shout, baby got back!"
  8. Open the Muggy Gate

    Innate debates

    This thread has been embiggened by the word cromulent.
  9. Open the Muggy Gate

    ECW on Sci-Fi - October 14, 2008

    I'm convinced that you are Gregory Helms' immediate family. You know, I never ever thought about that. I guess I really do look a bit like him. That makes the avatar that much better I guess.
  10. Open the Muggy Gate

    ECW on Sci-Fi - October 14, 2008

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vsDjQ6IQQTM What the hell, here's a review of ECW from me. I'm bored.
  11. Open the Muggy Gate

    Pictures I Like

  12. Open the Muggy Gate

    2008 ALCS: Boston Red Sox vs. Tampa Bay Rays

    Do I dare pick this year? TO BE CONTINUED...
  13. Open the Muggy Gate

    Noah Fentz vs. The World

    Well X-Pac is in the 10 man tag too. Kinda kills the argument.
  14. Open the Muggy Gate

    Noah Fentz vs. The World

    Ok, to keep this on topic, Brian Christopher or Noah Fentz. Who would you give a poisoned cheeseburger to? I vote Noah.
  15. Open the Muggy Gate

    Noah Fentz vs. The World

    You let Brian Christopher live? YOU FUCKING BASTARD!
  16. Open the Muggy Gate

    Fuck me

    Fuck star ratings and number ratings these days, just say if it's shitty or awesome or somewhere in the middle. This is shitty for the record.
  17. Open the Muggy Gate

    EliteXC: Heat

    EliteXC: "Um......um.....SAVE_US.GINA!" And I wonder if Hawk52 is ready to hang himself.
  18. Open the Muggy Gate

    What is the most important thing in your life?

    I have the sudden urge to bone a busty chinese girl with massive thighs right now.
  19. Open the Muggy Gate

    It's the end of the world as we know it.

    http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/...cle-921540.html My God, what is the fucking point of this?
  20. Open the Muggy Gate

    This Week in Baseball 9/15 - 9/21

    I'm a freakin dork. I saw that name and immediately thought of him as the sex expert on Grand Theft Auto.
  21. Open the Muggy Gate

    Indiana Boys: identify yourselves.

    Yeah, moved to the Bend from Tennessee six months ago. Quite a bit different from there.
  22. Open the Muggy Gate

    You know there's a hurricane out there

    Yeah, cause I think the most important thing right now in Houston is how to spell lose.
  23. Open the Muggy Gate

    Who were you before.

    I've always had Muggy in my name one way or another. Well, except for that time I was Fuck a Failed Mascot.
  24. Open the Muggy Gate

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    9/11 is tomorrow... never forget.