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Everything posted by theintensifier

  1. theintensifier

    On 2006. Marvin. New Year's. Classic Game and Goals.

    Depression sucks dude. That's too bad that you suffer from it's nulling effects as well. I've been dealing with it all of my life. I can remember dealing with it when I was a young boy, as in the 4-5 range. I was recently diagnosed with bi-polar disorder. Not the crazy, physical type, the manic depressive type. There's really no way to fight it. I took Paxel and Resperidal (sp?) when I was in high school. It had adverse affects on me. It caused me to gain more than a 150 pounds in a six month time frame. That made things even more difficult. I got off of them, joined the Marines, things got worse, got discharged, met my current girlfriend, things got better. I fight it each and every day, some days it gets the better of me, but it never beats me. Always look up man, stay focused on what you want, and go get it.
  2. theintensifier

    HOF Profiles: Tony Gwynn & Cal Ripken

    I say yes. Two of the greatest players in our generation of baseball.
  3. theintensifier

    87. Things that PISS ME OFF. Part VII.

    God damn Leena. All I see is anger and frustration. You going to kill someone or something. I've never understood the hype for HDTV, and all of that other shit they're selling. My normal, 19 inch television is fine for me.
  4. theintensifier


    Highly unlikely. She does have past issues with her ex. Her and I have discussed it, and everything is good now.
  5. theintensifier

    What the fuck? SNOW in southern California?

    I live in Michigan. We've had a little snow, one or two snow storms, but mostly rain and freezing rain.
  6. theintensifier

    Who should win the Royal Rumble 07?

    No thanks to the HHH-HBK mini-fued. We've been there, done that, enough already. I liked however the idea of HBK winning the title for HHH though. Only problem, Cena sucks as a heel. And if Michaels does win the title, who does he drop it to? I still go with Undertaker winning it.
  7. theintensifier

    Dynamite Kido

    For real? Damn....
  8. That would be awesome. What would be even better: Bret Hart's music, he walks out in his old shindig, does his little strut, walks around slapping hands, gives a kid his glasses, and then walks out. I remember not too long ago the IWC hated the Rock. But, not that he's gone, most wish he were still around.
  9. theintensifier

    Dynamite Kido

    Apparently I don't have a penis. My overwhelming intensity was just too much for it. By the way, what ever happend to Banders?
  10. theintensifier


    *INTENSE BUMP* This forum has lost it's intensity.
  11. theintensifier

    4,000 dead Americans

    He'll never do good speaking. With that knowledge, I fully expect him to stumble on his words and generally look like an idiot. Thus, I don't complain about it. Kind of like the younger brother syndrome. You fully know in advance the little bastard is going to fuck up, and you'll pay the consequences. No point bitching, but the beatings will continue until morale improves.
  12. theintensifier

    The border war...

    Since you have an opinion on everything, instead of being an obnoxious prick, why don't you share it.
  13. I love it when Benoit is all intense and screaming like that. Benoit is a freak. That's cool that they have Kennedy in the trailer, same as Finlay.
  14. theintensifier


    I'm not "older", but I thought it'd be nice to help out. Stuff I've found:
  15. theintensifier

    Jedi Mind Tricks...

    I don't know what to do, laugh or be extremely worried.
  16. theintensifier

    Children of Men

    Top ten movies I've ever seen though. I really, really liked this movie. It leaves a lot of questions to be answered, and a sequel is very possible.
  17. theintensifier


    What's up with the current trend of mass produced horror flicks? I saw this movie poster last night when I was coming out of the show, it looked interesting, with just the headline "most prolific serial killer ever".
  18. theintensifier


    Thanks for those who had some input. What about talking during sleep though? My current girlfriends mumbled her ex-boyfriends name a few times over the 8+ months we've been together. She swears up and down theres no emotional connection anymore.
  19. theintensifier

    That "dream porno" thread in LSD is kinda creepy

    Pretty much.
  20. theintensifier

    The border war...

    That's pretty much dead on. Just like in Iraq. We're in a war over there, we kill a recently injured Iraqi who was responsible for a few Marines deaths earlier in the day, and the Marine who killed the Iraqi is in the brig now. Ridiculousness.
  21. theintensifier

    HHH tore his quad tonight

    I thought the tricep injury was only once or twice?
  22. theintensifier

    The border war...

    Are you implying that's a bad thing? Not at all.
  23. theintensifier

    HHH tore his quad tonight

    Oh. I'm surprised guys like Batista, Benoit, Test, and others havn't torn muscles more often then.
  24. theintensifier

    The border war...

    I understand that. However, if you shot an illegal alien, you'd be prosecuted, even though the person wasn't an American citizen.
  25. theintensifier

    New Year's Revolution

    The talk that a roll-up hurt Umaga is ridiculous. A clean pin, or a submission would have hurt him, not a fluke roll-up.