'Cause I'm long, and I'm strong, and I'm down to get the friction on...
More than solid show this week, with more great stuff from the tag division, and a lot of unfolding drama in a lot of stories, plus some good matches.
- Liked the announcement of Sly being barred and the tag match next week (next week, next week, NEXT WEEK! That's the way to build the shows!). Should be interesting.
- The Bryant cousins really showed off what they could do. Tom's great at just coming up with crazy spots. I love it. One thing I did notice was that a lot of times, the announcers referred to Alex as cocky or arrogant and I didn't really see why. I did in a way, but he could emote a little and still keep a different character than Sean. But just a minor thing. Very enjoyable match.
- I always love Candie promos. As Zack's doll, she seems quiet, ineffective sometimes. But, when she goes off on her own it's always entertaining. Innocent Alix was the perfect straightwoman. And, to be honest, I felt genuinely bad for this fictional character who'd had her heart ripped out. Nice piece of writing, by whoever (Northie?). I also loved the knock on her appearance at the end, because women can be catty like that, and to help better visualize the characters. Nicely done.
- AWESOME vid package by Tony, I love that sort of stuff and he did it well, showcasing that great match last week. It came off very well.
- The Watts promo was great, it summed up everything nicely and built to NEXT WEEK OMG~! and AngleSlam. Plus new belts, r0ck4g3.
- I can't believe I just typed "r0ck4g3." I feel dirty.
- Cool debut for the Frankenstieners. Quite the cheesy team...I like. The "they ain't getting paid by the hour" line reminded me of how much I hate J.R., but that's okay. Short, sweet, to the point. Ethnic jobbers rule too.
- I, too, liked Caboose's little "statement" and felt it was nice to see the LTP fiasco mentioned again.
- I love Father! He's such a great evil mastermind, total Dr. Wily. It's great. Building to AS as well, excellent.
- I'm thrilled that Axel and Crystal aren't buddy-buddy all of a sudden now that Axel's back. The continuity here was great. And, the emotion was great. Axel's dark side mixed with his kind side, the side that loves Crystal, was coo. And Crystal seems INTENSE~! leading up to AS.
- In a world full of posers, phonies, and wannabees,
there finally emerges a group
which has come to set the record straight.
So, all you suckers better recognize, ya heard
can you say uhhh na na na na
I mark out EVERY SINGLE TIME. Hot little match. I have to say, when the Saints debuted, I wasn't into them...at all. Now, they're maybe my second or third fav team behind GPX and possibly Black T. Anyway, yeah. Good match, and I loved the ending. When interference makes sense it makes a happy Hoff. The T.F. Powerbomb was a nice touch, too. I love the move.
- What I like about Rick is the same thing I think I myself failed at earlier in the year, and that's that the transition from heel to face has been smooth and natural. Rick is just who he is, and he's a stand-up guy. Anyway, good match. Cain has good big man offense without being generic, and the beatdown was nicely done as well.
- Logan and Synth's promo was their best yet, as it delved a little deeper into their personalities. I like the tension, I just hope it doesn't lead to a split soon. The comments about blogging were funny. Strangely, I think I like Synth waaay more than Logan...hmm. Anyway good, fun yet serious stuff.
- Joseph/Hyland...short, but served a great purpose. Cappa is playing a great unwilling heel. It's been done BUT it's being done well.
- Great Cornette promo about the poll, and dueling champs are cool. I'm not sure I'm down with all the gimmicky teams, but more teams are better I suppose. I was just surprised they got so much offense in on the NNMX. Interesting working arrangement with the Midnights and the Hitmen, and I'm looking forward to seeing how far it goes.
- Crystal's promo was GREAT buildiup to AngleSlam. And, like I've said a million times, I love Zack's slow burn into madness. It makes the World Title seem so important. Great great promo.
- Here's something. Whether it's Panther or Bryte, Uncle Kev or Jackie...all the characters that Papa writes have miles of charisma. It's just neat.
Anyway, cool promo by Bryte and Uncle Kev that gave some more backstory. The restraining order...well...it made sense in this instance, at least. Not my cup of tea as far as wrestling angles go, but again, Papa wrote it well and it worked.
- Anger from Cappa again showing his "good" side. I likes.
Overall, a good show. I thought the matches were as good as ever. LP, nothing seemed half-assed. Anyway, there you are. Nothing from Drek this week but they can't all be winners.
So...yeah. Anything anyone has to say about ANY of the Hoff/Stevens stuff, positive or negative, would still be appreciated. I don't want to sound like Dama (with no offense meant TO Dama) but I genuinely tried to put together the best match and promos I could, and I'd like to know what worked and didn't.