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Youth N Asia

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Everything posted by Youth N Asia

  1. Youth N Asia

    How Do You Like Your Steaks?

    Medium Well...just finished one an hour ago at Lone Star actually
  2. Youth N Asia

    MMA in Pictures

    No dice, if it doesn't go then it doesn't go
  3. Youth N Asia

    MMA in Pictures

    I was thinking like in chocolate socket that this would be a contribution thread...
  4. Youth N Asia


    If they'd have kept a good pace like this in season one then I doubt this show would be in danger of not coming back. Looking forward to seeing how it's going to end. You can only imagine they wanted to bring Johnston back for that episode but they couldn't pull it off
  5. Youth N Asia


    No favors for you One Post Joe
  6. Youth N Asia

    3/16 SNL

    And another thing. The Target skits = 0 laughs from me in the history that they've been doing them
  7. Youth N Asia

    Whats the first pay per view you saw live?

    On TV it was Survivor Series 1990 at my Aunt Sharon's house. Until then my dad would just rent me videos when they came out. First live was Survivor Series 1999 (ugh). I was a late bloomer when it went to live shows.
  8. Youth N Asia

    Box Office Report...

    My first run theater prices range from $5.75 to $8.50. The older stuff like I Am Legend and Cloverfield are $2.75
  9. Youth N Asia

    MMA in Pictures

    Why not. The UFC needs charisma at 185. Miller should be there
  10. Youth N Asia

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    Lawler is a beast these days
  11. Youth N Asia

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    Good good. Dude's barely above a .500 fighter. Tired of past glory getting him new title shots
  12. Youth N Asia

    3/16 SNL

    I don't like Jonah Hill, don't think he's funny...but damn Bob, there's some hate there
  13. Youth N Asia


    Jin's possible, but I doubt they're going to reveal coffin guy until the end of the season
  14. Youth N Asia


    Alright episode this week. Seems like it's going to be rushed at the end though. They shot two endings, one will play if they're coming back and the other will close the series if they're not. And is Gray coming back, or are they just going to send him upstairs to be forgotten about
  15. Youth N Asia


    The whole swerve thing with Jin racing to the hospital was just stupid. He's going to see Sun...wait SWERVE He's seeing a business partner, he's evil again...wait SWERVE IT'S A FLASHBACK...Thus POINTLESS Seriously. Other than them trying to pull one over on the viewers it was 100% pointless
  16. Youth N Asia

    The 'Let Marvin Stay' page

    I like Marvin. Fuck Simon, ban that guy instead
  17. Youth N Asia

    Making MP3s into ring tones?

    someone explain how to use iTunes to get it done on a PC pleeeeease
  18. Youth N Asia

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    Strikeforce is on the verge of a deal with NBC now. Looks like everyone but the UFC is getting left out network tv
  19. Youth N Asia


    I know man. I've been thinking the same thing. I'll agree, it's getting old and I'm tired of seeing it. I normally don't like the Tim Calhoun bits, but that was one of the better ones. I liked the first skit with the fat twin. But the Project Runway one they did was a complete throwaway, as well as the late Kennan skit
  20. Youth N Asia

    UFC 84 - Ill Will

    Tito's talking about going elsewhere. I wouldn't miss him I have that pic as my desktop background. It's a huge pic and I shrunk a version of it down to use here. If you wanna give me your e-mail addy I can give you the full sized one
  21. Youth N Asia

    Street Fighter: The Later Years

    Definatly worth checking out pt 1 http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1711287/...:street+fighter DHALSIM: "I lost my powers." ZANGIEF: *mockingly* "Your 'yoga this' and 'yoga that?'" DHALSIM: Hey! fire and flame dude! pt2 http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1727058/...:street+fighter pt3 http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1732680/...:street+fighter
  22. Just a heads up. I sold my dvds off last year when i needed money and scooped this up today. Damn thing retails for $130, and it's not uncommon to see it for $99, but this is too good of a deal http://www.amazon.com/Angel-Complete-Colle...6170&sr=8-1
  23. Youth N Asia

    I Am Legend

    Liked the movie a lot. My only problem with the ending was that I didn't care for the lady and the kid. So the sacrifice didn't do it for me
  24. Youth N Asia

    Box Office Report 3/07-3/09

    There's just not much out right now. I'm not that suprised
  25. Youth N Asia

    UFC 84 - Ill Will

    If Cote can get another win or two over a top 10 guy then I would consider him a contender