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Youth N Asia

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Everything posted by Youth N Asia

  1. Youth N Asia

    Box Office Report 2/22-2/24

    I don't know if it's bombing, I can't find it anywhere local, so it's probably on a low screen count
  2. Youth N Asia


    still not recalling who that is
  3. Youth N Asia

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    Sucks for Franca. It seems a little late to try and make an example out of him for roids...although he at least came clean about it
  4. Youth N Asia


    same here...I didn't get a holy shit vibe from it
  5. Youth N Asia

    Nip/Tuck Season 5

    Yuh huh, that dastardly Eden pushed her to do it
  6. Yeah Said's death was a "what the fuck?" thing. The last few episodes were just bad where they were trying to kill as many people as possible. I also was annoyed by Keller's ability to turn MULTIPLE straight dudes gay cause he was just that awesome
  7. I like the dude most of the time. I could just do without the namecalling and whatnot when someone disagrees with him
  8. Youth N Asia


    I am brainfarting on Ravenwood, I really don't remember much about it. Glad that Dale and his girlfriend playing shop haven't shown up yet, but probably will next week. And yay for Farmboy's hot deaf sister coming back
  9. Youth N Asia

    Pictures I Like

    Isn't the guy on the right Todd Petengill (sp?)
  10. Youth N Asia

    Stop Snitchin Movement...

    edit, I'm not participating in this fucking thread. The guy who made the "would you nail your own cousin if she were hot" thread is too good for this
  11. Youth N Asia

    Charlie Bartlett

    My girlfriend wants to see it but it must be limited release for the first week, it's not around here
  12. Youth N Asia

    Nip/Tuck Season 5

    It's almost like the writers try and one up each other for shit ideas. Writer 1: "oh yeah, well Matt fucks a man." Writer 2: "well then Julia's fucking a midget." Writer 1: "Annie's giving BJs in school." Writer 2: "Matt nails his sister." Writer 1: "...damn"
  13. Youth N Asia

    The OAO Phoenix Wright thread

    I played the first one all the way through and I found myself more annoyed then entertained. I'll probably Ebay off my copy soon
  14. Youth N Asia

    Nip/Tuck Season 5

    I hope they go just one more. I may give up on the show if there's two seasons left
  15. Youth N Asia

    Box Office Report 2/15-2/17

    Crowe has 3 $100 million movies and a $90 million movie, with the exception of American Gangster those are ones that his name carried (Master and Commander, Beautiful Mind, and Gladiator).
  16. Youth N Asia

    Nip/Tuck Season 5

    ... well, not as bad as season 4. I'm just going to repeat a lot of the stuff I've been saying all along. I am tired of the crazy females they have to deal with every season. Eden, Coleen, Gina...ugh John Hensley is really looking his age. When Sean said they had three kids I was thinking WTF? Then I remembered Conner still kind of existed. AND AMNESIA...REALLY, NIP/TUCK? REALLY?
  17. Youth N Asia


    I liked Doakes a lot better in season 2. I hated him in season 1, but was rooting for him at the end
  18. Youth N Asia


    I imagine language and nudity take a break, how was the violence compared to the original stuff?
  19. Youth N Asia

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    * Kevin Ferguson ($175,000) def. David Abbott ($126,000) * Antonio Silva ($80,000) def. Ricco Rodriguez ($20,000) * Scott Smith ($12,000) def. Kyle Noke ($3,000) * Yves Edwards ($6,000) def. Edson Berto ($6,000) * Brett Rogers ($4,000) def. James Thompson ($25,000) * Rafael Feijao ($6,000) def. John Doyle ($2,5O0) * Yosmany Cabezas ($2,000) def. Jon Kirk ($2,500) * Dave Herman ($1,500) def. Mario Rinaldi ($2,000) * Eric Bradley ($1,000) def. Mikey Gomez ($1,500) * Lorenzo Borgomeo ($1,000) def. Mike Bernhard ($1,500) * Moyses Gabin ($1)* def. Jirka Hlavati ($500) $126,000 for Tank? Are you fucking kidding me!
  20. Youth N Asia

    UFC Fight Night - Florian v. Lauzon

    3 hours, fuck yeah. Maybe the best UFN they've put together
  21. Youth N Asia

    HD DVD/Blu-Ray

    That was a pretty short run for HD DVD. I'm still a while away from upgrading from regular ass DVD myself though
  22. Youth N Asia

    Prison Break

    You gotta wonder how long they can keep a show like this going. I wouldn't mind seeing it wrap after another season or half season. I hope it does wrap up it's full season in a reasonable amount of time and not just throw in the towel for the season like Heroes did
  23. Youth N Asia

    Prison Break

    Season 2 wasn't bad, they just seem to try and do too much. I think the show would work better as a 12-15 episode show. 22 is just too much. I liked the end of the season, but early on I figured Sucre would end up back behind bars
  24. Youth N Asia

    MMA Playground: TSM Fight Camp?

    Really...not one other person taking Henderson. And I am shocked that more people are taking Jake instead of Andre.