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Youth N Asia

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Everything posted by Youth N Asia

  1. How the balls could I forget Memento... Young Guns, when Billy finds out that McClosky (sp) is a Murphy spy and shoots him on the spot. Tombstone "You tell 'em I'm coming! And Hell's coming with me you hear! Hell's coming with me!"
  2. Youth N Asia

    "Sprint ditches customers who complain too much"

    My Nextel contract ends Aug 17. I cannot wait to kill it. Bad service, paying too much Going with Verizon after
  3. Youth N Asia

    Knocked Up

    The biggest laugh from the theater when I saw it was when he was on the phone with the girl after they'd hooked up once and he thought he was calling her to do it again...so you have 4 guys standing around air humping and acting like asses
  4. 1408, still new, so I'll give ya some space to ignore it when he's holding his "daughter" in the room and she turns to ash and falls apart in his arms
  5. The Fountain had great visuals, but the only story in that I really cared for was the work of fiction about the Queen. Otherwise I was fighting to stay awake
  6. Youth N Asia

    Brock Lesnar

    I liked Brock. You knew as soon as you saw him he'd be champ within a year or so. Show squashing him at Survivor really knocked him down a peg for me and it was hard to care about him after that...and don't get me started on the face turn...
  7. 300, when King Leonidas lays down his arms and you think he's going to give up...but swerve, he picks his spear back up and chucks it at Xerxes Four Brothers, when Jack's about to get gunned down and you see it coming. Serenity as Book is dying Speaking of gunned down, Sonny at the toll booth
  8. Youth N Asia

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    I think interest for Leben is at an all time low, the Swick matchup is the only one that makes sense right now
  9. Youth N Asia

    The OAO TEW/EWR Thread of Fun!

    Guys I didn't want to use I'd bomb them on the card and send them to development right away. That way you get to avoid paying them for their release and pissing off their friends
  10. Youth N Asia

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    Dana's pretty good about not rushing into rematches...usually. The 3rd Chuck/Randy match was a little soon, as was Andre/Tim. But he made you wait for Stephen/Forrest 2, as well as Ortiz/Chuck 2
  11. Ending run ins for just about every important match would help as well
  12. Youth N Asia

    Recommended DVD/Tape Dealers

    Jeff Lynch is great, dude has everything you can think of
  13. I honestly don't know. I haven't watched an episode of Raw or Smackdown since November of 05. I was just getting burned out on the same old stuff over and over again. I tuned in for A MINUTE with the who killed Vince thing, but got sick of it real fast
  14. Youth N Asia

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    I think Swick would butcher Leben now
  15. Youth N Asia

    The Best Chris Benoit Video EVER

    Damn, my eyes are watering. My favorite part is either when he screams right after the roids or when he tells Nancy she's about to get a german
  16. Youth N Asia

    The OAO TEW/EWR Thread of Fun!

    My current NWA TNA game on EWR World Champ: CM Punk (just turned heel on Cabana) Jr Heavyweight Champ: Mikey Whipwreck (turned heel on Tajiri and cost them the tag titles) Tag Champs: The Midwest Express, Jimmy Jacobs and Matt Sydal (faces, 10 months and counting) I just turned all of Punk's "Straight Egde Society" stable heel after they kicked Cabana out and stole the belt Stables Straight Edge Society (heel) -CM Punk -Alex Shelley -Jimmy Rave The Extreme Horsemen (faces) -Steve Cornio -Simon Diamond -Michael Shane -Brent Albright My longest reigns so far were -Chris Daniels with 12 months as world champ (about to get passed) -CIMA for 8 months as Jr Heavyweight champ (newer title) -Bryan Danielson & Delirious for 12 months as tag champs
  17. Youth N Asia

    Does anyone here know Thursday?

  18. Youth N Asia

    Favorite commentary track(s)

    Yes yes, Freddy vs Jason was a good one. Robert would go into Freddy voice and yell "You're gonna fuckin' die, bitch!" (or something) at the females on screen
  19. Youth N Asia

    Favorite commentary track(s)

    Cabin Fever and Hostel have good tracks. You can tell Eli likes what he's doing. And there seem to be a lot of tracks on his movies. Mallrats was good. The old Clerks one however is painfully boring. I heard they did another for Clerks X though. The Serenity track was also very boring
  20. Youth N Asia


  21. Youth N Asia

    MMA in Pictures

    Ha, I almost posted that top pic of Anderson. I actually have that one on my myspace
  22. Youth N Asia

    Box Office Report 6/29-7/01

    The rat movie doesn't really appeal to me, but I do like that Pixar doesn't keep doing the same thing over and over again. Other than Toy Story they try new things all the time. Way to go, Knocked Up. Love that movie
  23. Youth N Asia

    MMA in Pictures

  24. Youth N Asia


    in case anyone cares, the last two episodes are airing Friday, July 13th...however those eps only cover what was supposed to be the first HALF of season one
  25. Youth N Asia

    Does anyone here know Thursday?

    Great driving around with music. I like Full Collapse, War All the Time, and (I think it's called) Divided by the City Lights However they are PAINFULLY!! boring live. I've seen them twice and just wanted it to end both times. Thankfully they were playing with Rise Against the second time and they killed. "A Hole In the World" is my favorite song by them.