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Youth N Asia

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Everything posted by Youth N Asia

  1. Youth N Asia

    TSM TV Badass Tournament nominations thread

    Maybe Walker Texas Ranger could take Bauer
  2. Youth N Asia

    Super Columbine Massacre RPG

    http://www.columbinegame.com/ Has anyone actually played this? I am tempted to download out of morbid curiousity...but I dunno
  3. Youth N Asia

    TSM Poster Tournament 2007

    Czech Black Lushus
  4. Youth N Asia

    I Love This Forum

    At the risk of sounding gay, I love you guys too. I've been here 6+ years now in its various incarnations and it's the only forum I even go to anymore
  5. Youth N Asia


    So Jack with the others is pretty much one of three things 1. He's playing along till he can escape 2. He's been brainwashed 3. Or he's given in and enjoying life. So is this what Ben meant by him going "home?"
  6. Youth N Asia


    McNulty was a COMPLETE PRICK! There was a scene where he was a major douche. I can usually see actors outside of their known roles, but I was waiting for Bunk and Kima Lester to show up
  7. Youth N Asia

    The Shield

    The worst season of the Shield is better than almost everything else on TV. I honestly cannot rank the seasons, they're so much about every one of them that I loved. ALTHOUGH I would probably agree with 4 being the weakest
  8. Youth N Asia

    UFC 70: Nations Collide on SpikeTV

    http://www.ufc.com/index.cfm?fa=news.detail&gid=4848 David Heath is fighting in Forrest's place
  9. Youth N Asia


    I don't know how they could take an idea so good, and slow play it to the point of complete boredom. For the most part anyway. Last night's episode was alright, but once again did nothing to push the storyline forward, except for Hawkins, but I'm even growing tired of the slooooow build there. And the IRS Lady/Farm Guy relationship is the most uninteresting love interest story in the history of tv
  10. Youth N Asia

    The Shield

    Season 4 definatly took a while to get going. But Anthony Anderson and Walt Goggins were robbed of emmy nominations that year, both were amazing.
  11. Youth N Asia

    The Shield

    I know Forrest is back for at least the first episode, maybe the second. Glad to know there's too more seasons. I loves me some Shield
  12. Youth N Asia

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    I know those guys are bigger names, but neither are fighting on UFN
  13. Youth N Asia

    The Shield

    Looking very forward to this season. Is this the last one? If so then it might not be a bad idea, the show is still great and I'd hate to see it slip and then go out.
  14. Youth N Asia

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    Who's stepping in? he was pretty much the show's "big name"
  15. Youth N Asia

    Happy Steak and BJ Day

    I don't see my girl till Friday and it's my turn in the going down shifts, so my bj will be late.
  16. Youth N Asia

    TUF V: The Thread

    Matt Winman had a very good showing again King. I was looking forward to seeing him again.
  17. Youth N Asia

    UFC 70: Nations Collide on SpikeTV

    I doubt anyone heard that
  18. Youth N Asia

    The Office, Season 3

    How long untill new episodes start airing again?
  19. Youth N Asia

    TSM Poster Tournament 2007

    Elite Snobs/Boardum/Pit bracket: #1 Incandenza vs. #14 Black Lushus TSM Vets/Shit Folders bracket: #8 bob_barron vs. #3 Czech Sports Folder bracket: #1 alkeiper vs. #7 Vitamin X The Awesomely Mediocre and/or Unknown bracket: #9 DrVenkman vs. #3 CanadianChris
  20. Youth N Asia

    The Riches, new FX seires

    I enjoyed it. Didn't care much for the mom and kids though really. It almost has a Big Love feel to it. I'll definatly stick with it though. FX makes good tv (usually).
  21. Youth N Asia

    Rome season 2

    Antony is such a cock. I definatly root for him when he's at odds with the kid Octavian: "Here is a list of the most prominent supporters of Brutus and Cassius left in Rome. We should... kill them... before they learn what we're about." Mark Anthony: "You ARE a ferocious little cunt... with a pen." ------ Atia: "If a marriage was to happen between our two houses..." Mark Antony: "I don't care if all Italy burns, I'll not marry him." (pretending Atia means Octavio and not herself for marriage.)
  22. Youth N Asia

    UFC 70: Nations Collide on SpikeTV

    It's like Ultimate Fight Night, but with some of their top guys. I'll definatly be watching this one
  23. Youth N Asia

    UFC 59: Reality Check

    I had the Tito/Forrest fight as 29-28 Forrest. I think Forrest defended himself well enough in round 1 to get a score of 9. You need to pretty much get murdered to get an 8, which he ALMOST did. And I think he scored enough in rounds 2 and 3 to take the fight
  24. Youth N Asia

    UFC 69: Shootout

    I just viewed this at UFC.com minutes ago. I find it funny that Heath's fight didn't even make the live card
  25. Youth N Asia

    Best place to buy shoot interviews?

    If I were you I'd just go to crazymax.org and get them from a tape trader. Screw RF Video. Worst customer service ever