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Youth N Asia

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Everything posted by Youth N Asia

  1. Youth N Asia

    The Ultimate Fighter 2

    What a letdown with Kenny walking. I loved "You're the weakest link...now who do you want to fight?" I freaking popped! But then he soiled it by being a little girl. I dunno about this season yet. Still don't have all the names down, but Hughes is my favorite MMA guy and I like Franklin, so that should add to the show.
  2. Youth N Asia

    Shark vs. Octopus

    What a jerk-off little octopus! Shark was minding its own business.
  3. Youth N Asia


    Damn you twice...I'm fighting not to read that...I WON'T!
  4. Youth N Asia

    Wal-mart's next move in controling

    1) Never bought a Garth Brooks CD 2) Never bought a CD at Walmart 3) Walmart doesn't likely carry most of the stuff I like. No worries. Unless they threw mountains of money at the guy up front I don't see the benifit in this for him. But then after his Chris Gaines gimmick tanked I don't see the benifit on having an exclusive on him.
  5. Youth N Asia

    Still Waiting...

    I wouldn't mind 10-8: Officers on Duty...I enjoyed the show, but would have to be for a bargan price
  6. Youth N Asia

    Land of the Dead...

    I'm sure I'll pick it up, but it was my least favorite of the 4
  7. Youth N Asia

    Box Office Report

    It's working for Wedding Crashers
  8. Youth N Asia

    MIA Posters

    Did JAXL die and go to hell or something? Or is he around?
  9. Youth N Asia

    Firefly on DVD

    Just watched the last couple episodes, now I'm bummed that there's nothing new untill the movie.
  10. Youth N Asia

    Comics books you liked that are no longer printed

    I didn't read many comic books, but when I worked in a comic book store I got hooked on Preacher.
  11. Youth N Asia

    Box Office Report

    11 Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo $3,600,000/$17,175,000 12 Must Love Dogs $2,315,000/$39,102,000 ----------- Why anyone thought there was money to be made with another Deuce Bigalow is beyond me.
  12. Youth N Asia

    Recent Purchases

    Picked up the new Rise Against CD at Target for $7.99
  13. Youth N Asia

    Box Office Report

    I've seen maybe one add for Valiant. And Supercross just had bomb written all over it, extreme sports movies don't work...Grind? Extreme Ops?
  14. Youth N Asia

    Christian still remains unhappy

    They're poorly rehashing Austin/McMahon with Cena and Bischoff...I think redoing the Radicalz would work better. There isn't a stable working right now anyway.
  15. Youth N Asia

    Spike: The Movie

    I'm getting so sick of hearing about this every couple of months...I don't want to get my hopes up till they actually start filming.
  16. Youth N Asia

    What shows

    11/4/05 Detroit: Senses Fail, Saves The Day, Say Anything, and The Early November
  17. Youth N Asia

    Why is no one talking about Orton/Benoit

    The match was decient, but the show honestly put me to sleep twice already and I just couldn't get into it
  18. Youth N Asia

    The worst (greatest?) ever video game commercial?

    Did anyone else have the promotional video for Starfox 64 before it came out? It was hilariously bad.
  19. Youth N Asia

    40 year old virgin

    How many thumbs up does Kimberly get?
  20. Youth N Asia

    Christian still remains unhappy

    The Mexicool thing was only done cause Vince won't let Canadians do well in Canada anymore.
  21. Youth N Asia

    Christian still remains unhappy

    I have no interest in seeing Christian in TNA. Why does everyone want everyone else to go there? It's a badly run promotion that had an ugly tv show and focused way too much on a guy that was never as over as he'd like you to believe he was... Sure, it's not much different now, but at least he's usually on TV every week
  22. Youth N Asia

    Recent purchases

    The Office (NBC) season 1
  23. Youth N Asia

    Christian still remains unhappy

    Christian and Shelton are my main reasons for watching now, and both are getting so misused. The WWE is enough to make you hate professional wrestling.
  24. Youth N Asia

    40 year old virgin

    I'll probably check it tomorrow
  25. Youth N Asia

    bands that everyone loves, but you hate!

    Radiohead zzz...