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Youth N Asia

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Everything posted by Youth N Asia

  1. Youth N Asia

    Cartoon Character Draft

    Launchpad Mcquack
  2. The Dead Like Me movie was supposed to come out on DVD this July, but I think they're trying to think up a way to get the series back on tv.
  3. Youth N Asia

    Simpsons Episode Draft

    Duffless was to be my next choice
  4. Youth N Asia


    I'd be down for a TSM Left 4 Dead online game
  5. I WISH I had cash to blow on dvds right now. I ended up selling my Wire and Deadwood seasons a month ago
  6. Youth N Asia

    Pictures I Like

    Fuck Hagger, I fought with Cody
  7. Youth N Asia

    The Smart Marks Greatest Song of the 60s Tournament

    Alright, "God Only Knows" is the best song of the 60s according to you guys. In the beginning I was thinking "Like a Rolling Stone" would take it
  8. GROUP A "Respect" by Aretha Franklin - 4 vs "I Heard it Through the Grapevine" by Marvin Gaye - 11 GROUP B "Fortunate Son" by Creedence Clearwater Revival - 4 vs "A Day in the Life" by The Beatles - 11 GROUP C "My Generation" by The Who - 1 vs "God Only Knows" by The Beach Boys - 14 GROUP D "Like a Rolling Stone" by Bob Dylan - 7 vs "Gimme Shelter" by Rolling Stones - 8 *** Since interest and voting as dropped way off it is now a poll
  9. Youth N Asia


    It's such a short game, but when you're playing with 3 friends it has the best replay value
  10. Youth N Asia

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    Yeah, and I really feel like I could write the stuff better myself
  11. Youth N Asia

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    I fucking hate this commercial
  12. Youth N Asia

    You can't hold a good drafter down

    I love playing poker...but I don't know if...fuck it, I'd do it
  13. Youth N Asia

    Thrift Shop Game

  14. Youth N Asia

    NFL Week 16

    If the Lions somehow beat the Packers next week (IN LAMBO NO LESS) I'll cry. They really deserve the 0-16 season. What really pisses me off though is that at the beginning of the season, placing odds on the Lions going 0-16 were 1,000 to 1...had I known that I'd have dropped at least a $20 on that
  15. Youth N Asia

    Boxing Thread

    When I was a kid I could name all the top contenders....boxing just doesn't do it for me anymore. I probably can't name 5 top heavyweights
  16. Youth N Asia

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    Would that make one of his homies Tugger?
  17. Youth N Asia

    Worst Series of All Time

    Xavier and John Walters didn't do much for me in ROH. It was a feud of bland vs bland
  18. Youth N Asia

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    I don't listen to Green Day, and the majority of bouncers at the clubs in Calgary are racist douchebags whom wont allow minorties in based on the fact they are not white, or whitewashed. Therefore they deserve to get stomped out. I remember one time me and 2 of my homies left the club one time to go smoke a joint in my friends car, and we tried to come back and this one dickhead bouncer wouldnt let us back in because we smelled like weed. So we ended up scrapping him and 2 other bouncers, and roughing them up pretty bad. One of them got a good punch in on me, but I don't have a glass jaw and I headbutted him. That doesn't sound unreasonable...and you seem to be the one to come off like the asshole here, not the bouncer.
  19. Youth N Asia

    UFC 96: Jackson vs. Jardine

    If Chuck fights Keith again I just hope they don't try and sell it as another main event
  20. Youth N Asia


    Believe me, I'm preparing myself
  21. Youth N Asia

    K.I.D.S. Incorporated was the best show ever!

    K.I.D.S. Inc was the best circumcision on TV
  22. Youth N Asia

    Boxing Thread

    I think it's safe to say that any top deserving heavyweight that gets a shot at Evander is going to murder the poor old guy in the ring. He's a couple solid shots away from a coma
  23. Youth N Asia

    NHL Thread - December

    Wings looked good last night, OUTSIDE of giving up goals the second they got one themselves. But they seemed to be in the Kings side of the ice the entire game. Even when they were down near the end of the game I wasn't worried about them losing. Awesome game, even though some douche nozzle stood up RIGHT in front of me as the second Wings goal was scored
  24. Youth N Asia

    NFL Week 16

    Saints 21, Lions 7 Keep it up you beautiful losing bastards. 0-16 is going to be what this teams needs for the owner to be absolutely shamed into making honest changes. I'm so sick of hearing Chris Berman going on about "no one wants to see this team lose them all." People in Michigan want exactly that.
  25. Youth N Asia

    Weekend Box Office Report

    Nope, I'm with you on that one. I think I've just outgrown Jim Carrey movies