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Youth N Asia

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Everything posted by Youth N Asia

  1. Youth N Asia

    TV Character Draft

  2. Youth N Asia

    The Smart Marks Greatest Song of the 60s Tournament. Round 5

    I'll likely do the last 4 songs as a poll since the drop off for voting has been pretty big in this round. I'm calling the round Thursday
  3. Youth N Asia

    TV Character Draft

    Dammit, Bodie was top 3
  4. Youth N Asia

    Jobs w/ Highest Amount of Douchebags

    I've worked in comic book as well as used books/record stores. I wasn't a dick...mostly
  5. Youth N Asia

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    I was watching Sportscenter today and they were showing clips from the Davison game. Davison was down most of the game, and didn't win it till near the very end...however if you saw just the highlights you'd think they won by 50. Not a single clip for the other team...that was up almost the entire game
  6. Youth N Asia

    Jobs w/ Highest Amount of Douchebags

    Mall cops. It must suck to have so little real authority
  7. Outside of no one having a job right now it's a cool place
  8. Youth N Asia

    Jobs w/ Highest Amount of Douchebags

  9. Youth N Asia

    What did/do your parents think of wrestling?

    My mom never paid any attention to it. Although she got mad when I powerslammed my brother onto the bed and drove one of the bed legs through the floor My dad knew I was a huge fan and started watching with me in 99, we pretty much didn't miss a show from then till 04. He even went to a few shows with me and got into it himself, coming up with angles and everything he wanted to see ran. We just got tired of it in 2004 and kinda stopped watching all together
  10. Youth N Asia

    TV Character Draft

    Started out a pussy, ended up great
  11. Youth N Asia

    TV Character Draft

    ugh, still 10 picks before I get to go again. Ari vs Drama was a tough choice for me
  12. Youth N Asia

    Friday The 13th (2009)

    yeah, I like that idea. They can probably breeze through the backstory and some deal with mom, and then introduce Jason much sooner. Also popped for the pt 2 bag head. The pillowcase or whatever made him seem much more scary.
  13. Youth N Asia

    Friday The 13th (2009)

    Agreed. Also I could care less for Rob Zombie's dialog, it's just the worst. If I was in the 5th grade I would have gotten a kick out of the stuff at the beginning of the movie at the breakfast fable. "Blah blah, I'll skull fuck you." But ok, whatever
  14. Youth N Asia

    UFC 91: Couture vs Lesnar

    If that's the case then congrats to the UFC. Anything around a million would be huge. Dana was obviously shooting to the moon with 1.2
  15. Youth N Asia

    Weekend Box Office Report

    Twilight takes the vampire mythology and takes a big runny shit all over it
  16. Youth N Asia

    TV Character Draft

    Great pick
  17. Youth N Asia


    No matter how much we beg for it
  18. Youth N Asia


    Yeah. severing his body into 7 and sending them to all continents.
  19. Youth N Asia

    Pictures I Like

    Ask the cunts at 4chan which movie that is. They'll know
  20. Youth N Asia

    Punisher: War Zone

    I don't even think people count the 89 Punisher when it comes to the talk about the movies. 2004 was better than I was expecting it to be. Tom Jane really looked the part. I like Stevenson and West (even though he looks bad in the trailer), and will catch this movie when it hits the cheap show
  21. Youth N Asia

    The Missing ECW Thread for December 9th

    but yeah, I've stopped watching. Decided to check out ECW cause nothing else was on. Was enjoying the show just fine till the main event, the commentating was overselling Finley protecting his midget and I tuned it out
  22. Youth N Asia

    TSM 2008 Year-End Awards: Music

    I either bought or downloaded the fewest albums every in 2008. Wasn't a great year in my opinion
  23. Youth N Asia

    Post pictures of your pet(s).

    From what I understand my ex cunt gave my dog away while I was waiting to settle in to my new place. I'd have punched her in the mouth if I was sure I could avoid jail.
  24. Youth N Asia

    Man tortured and killed on video

    I don't have it in me to watch beating deaths. How brutal is it?