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Youth N Asia

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Everything posted by Youth N Asia

  1. Yeah, I never understood how David Allen Grier keeps getting work. The guy isn't really that funny, and the previews for the show look awful. I think it'll bomb out though.
  2. Youth N Asia

    It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

    I thought it was the weakest of the season so far. Gas Crisis has been my favorite
  3. See Mind of Mencia. Comedy Central keeps shit on the air forever.
  4. And I couldn't bring myself to watch Booker when he pretty much forced his wife down everyone's throats. Some people liked the King Booker thing...I found it unwatchable
  5. X-Pac killed himself by having the 100% same match over and over again. And he never wrestled cruiserweights, he managed to kill heavyweights every week...I couldn't buy it
  6. Youth N Asia

    South Park: Season 12

    If not the worst it's an easy top 3 or top 5 worst. No laughs. Very bad for kicking off a new season
  7. Youth N Asia


    I could do without Dom. I know he's played up where the fans are not supposed to like him. But I don't think he adds anying to the show
  8. Youth N Asia


    ...it was self defense. COME ON! Tell me that people are watching
  9. It was hard to take Big Show serious in the WWF, he seemed to do heel/face turns every month. I pretty much lost interest in Austin as soon as they turned him heel, with that Alliance crap. Never tapped as a face and his first match heel he's tapping like a pussy...where as a face he never would
  10. Youth N Asia

    South Park: Season 12

    One of the worst episodes they've ever done. They had 3 jokes in the entire episode, jokes that weren't any good...and they kept re-doing them over and over again. 1/10
  11. Youth N Asia

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    Holy crap. Redbelt is not a good movie
  12. Youth N Asia

    Grand Theft Auto IV

    Played the game without cheats and beat it on the 360. Only missions left are the Stevie missions, but I steal the appointed car and nothing happens. The exact car in the location they tell me, and nothing. So outside of killing strangers and going out drinking there's nothing left to do
  13. Youth N Asia

    Family Guy

    I think a half hour of Quagmire is too much for me to watch. I don't think there are any family guy characters that could carry an entire show
  14. Youth N Asia

    EliteXC: Heat

    Not to mention another loss so close to this one kills Kimbo
  15. Youth N Asia

    My name is...Adult Swim Thread

    Show sucks ass In other news FX has cancelled The Riches. Good enough show, but was never great. Season 2 was better than season 1 though, too bad they didn't get to put an ending on it
  16. Youth N Asia

    Family Guy

    Agreed. The idea of Cleveland getting his own show does nothing for me. Seth is going to stretch himself too thin here and Family Guy could suffer for it
  17. Youth N Asia


    Also a little tired of the future trips. "I gotta go to the future and stop this from happening...but by doing so this, this, and that happened instead. Now I have to go back to the past the fix this and that...but now the future is different..." It's going to be a never ending loop. Yeah, I get it, there's a few cool future moments. And they throw curveballs. "Sylar a stay at home dad? NO WAAAAAAAY!" But seriously, keep stuff in the now for a little bit. Every new future has every heroe die in a new way. First future trip Hiro dies by a gunshot, this time around it's a Ryu fireball. Next time he'll get sat on by a fat chick while sleeping on a park bench. Future badass Claire? Nah, not buying that one, thanks though. Glad to see Adam back, no one ever stays gone on this show, but I like Adam. So figuring out a watch is the secret to unlocking anyone's power? Really? And Mohinder still sucks. Not a great swerve that he wanted powers all along. What a twist! Don't get me wrong, still love the show, but just wish they wouldn't keep doing the same things over and over again.
  18. Youth N Asia

    Bull Durham Seqeul?

    A Kevin Costner baseball movie? What the hell, I'll see it
  19. Youth N Asia


    I seem to feel the opposite as others about this episode. It felt lazy to me. Let's have the boys take shrooms and trip balls in 20 minutes. The writing didn't even have to be good if they were just going to say things inspired by mushrooms in the first place. Least favorite episode of the season so far
  20. Youth N Asia

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    Fucking tired of the Goldman family running to any camera that will film them anytime that OJ is in the news
  21. Youth N Asia

    EliteXC: Heat

    The full list of salaries included: Seth Petruzelli: $50,000 (includes $15,000 win bonus)* def. Kevin "Kimbo Slice" Ferguson: $500,000* Jake Shields: $50,000 ($10,000 win bonus) def. Paul Daley: $12,000 Andrei Arlovski: $500,000 (no win bonus)+ def. Roy Nelson: $80,000 Gina Carano: $25,000 ($10,000 win bonus) def. Kelly Kobold: $6,000 Benji Radach: $30,000 ($15,000 win bonus) def. Murilo "Ninja" Rua: $35,000 Cristiane "Cyborg" Santos: $8,000 ($4,000 win bonus) def. Yoko Takahashi: $2,000 Conor Heun: $5,000 ($2,500 win bonus) def. Edson Berto: $6,000 Mikey Gomez: $4,000 ($2,000 win bonus) def. Lorenzo Borgomeo: $1,500 Bryan Hamade: $1,000 ($500 win bonus) def. David Gomez: $1,000 Nicolae Cury: $1,500 ($750 win bonus) def. Jorge Bouchet: $1,000 * - Ferguson and Petruzelli negotiated new purses after Shamrock was forced out of the event. + - Arlovski and Nelson's purses were paid by Affliction Entertainment. The two competitors fought under the company's name on the CBS broadcast and were on loan to EliteXC. My god Affliction is paying way more than they need to for their fighters. What did Andre top out at in the UFC 100k? I guess they figure they need to go way higher to get the bigger names. Cause they paid Rothwell 250k for his last fight...I can't imagine the UFC giving him 1/5 that much.
  22. Youth N Asia

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    There are some situations where I condone bluetoothing. For example, my stepdad is losing his hearing, and has had a really hard time just trying to hear what someone's saying on the phone. But then he got a bluetooth, and presto, completely solved his problem. I do agree it sometimes makes people look like raving lunatics when you see them loudly talking to themselves, until they turn their head and you see the gimmick. Then again, people who loudly talk into cell phones in public should generally be beaten with whips anyway. They haven't figured out by now that you can talk in a perfectly reasonable inside voice on those things? And for people who use it like that, for an intended purpose, that's cool. But too many people use those damn things to look cool, and end up looking like tools
  23. Youth N Asia

    Family Guy

    It isn't good, but nowhere near the worst though. It did have one of my favorite FG lines "Hey he's not a cowboy... look, this hat comes right off!" Yeah, that's a bad episode, but does have the classic Stewie "where's my money, man." bit
  24. Youth N Asia

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    Pepsi Employee: "Excuse me, sir. Would you like to take the Pepsi Challenge? GSP: "I would like that." *George takes a drink of Pepsi* GSP: "Ehh, I'm not impressed by your soda." *George takes a drink of Coke* GPS: "Mmmm, always Coca-Cola."
  25. Youth N Asia

    Family Guy

    Plan on Surfin' Bird to take over Youtube for the next little while