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Youth N Asia

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Everything posted by Youth N Asia

  1. Youth N Asia

    NEW ROH Champion!!!!

    They didn't do any favors by putting the title on Xavier, just seems like they did it cause they could
  2. Youth N Asia

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    Same here...still doesn't feel like a main event fight though
  3. Youth N Asia

    TSM Superhero Draft

    How the hell did I get the #14 spot?
  4. Youth N Asia

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    Competition is the best thing for the UFC. Their product will only get better if they're forced to do so. Bush league moves like this just make Dana look like a bitch
  5. Youth N Asia

    Royal Rumble 2006

    I haven't seen a Rumble since 2001, but 99 was the worst I've ever seen. Wrestlers allowed to leave the ring and run around the entire arena.. The whole thing was sold around Austin or Vince winning, it was the most pointless Rumble ever. The Rumble's always won buy guys 1-3 or 27-30 it seems. Never anyone anywhere near the middle
  6. Youth N Asia

    Video Game Desert Island draft

    Zelda titles are going fast
  7. Youth N Asia

    Desert Island Draft

    Rome, HBO Marc Antony: "I'm not getting out of bed until I fuck somebody." TV's best sex and violence, great mix of what happened then with a lil fiction. Great stuff, Marc Antony vs Octavian in season 2 was awesome.
  8. Youth N Asia

    Box Office Report...

    It also has a few weeks to rule the box office until Hancock comes in. The 15 percent Friday to Saturday fall gives some pause though I think Wall-E dominates in 2 weeks
  9. Youth N Asia

    Desert Island Draft

    Twilight was to be my first pick as the draft came back through next time
  10. Youth N Asia

    Pictures I Like

    More like too late, that coupon's expired
  11. Youth N Asia

    NEW ROH Champion!!!!

    The spinner gimmick on the WWE belt doesn't do much for me as adding value to the title. I thought it would end with Cena, but I saw a moment of the show the other night and they still have the bling bling belt
  12. Youth N Asia

    Box Office Report...

    I've heard nothing but good about Hulk, it could carry over
  13. Youth N Asia

    Desert Island Draft

    I almost risked it on the way back but figured my next pick had a better shot of riding out the next 4 picks for me to get mine back. I dunno what it is, but I stalk this thread
  14. Youth N Asia

    Desert Island Draft

    Band of Brothers, HBO mini series, 2001 The greatest war story ever put on film. It's only 10 hours long, but something I can watch again and again
  15. Youth N Asia

    I taught somebody a lesson

    Sounds like a fair fee for being a red light running cell phone talking dingbat
  16. Youth N Asia

    Box Office Report...

    Sounds like word of mouth is going to kill The Happening from here out. Everyone I've talked to who's seen it says it's awful. Damn Ironman is going to make it's $300+ million, awesome
  17. Youth N Asia

    Desert Island Draft

    Happy with my picks as well, with a solid next two lines up
  18. Youth N Asia

    TSM Superhero Draft

  19. Youth N Asia

    NEW ROH Champion!!!!

    They haven't meant anything in a very long time
  20. Youth N Asia

    The Eliminator 2. Day II.V

    sorry guys, just give me till tomorrow when the old lady's at work
  21. Youth N Asia

    Video Game Desert Island draft

    Favorite game for the system and the best Zelda game ever. Never tried Shadowrun for the Genesis, but loved it on the Super
  22. Youth N Asia

    Desert Island Draft

    I've lost track of who's turn it is
  23. Youth N Asia

    Desert Island Draft

    Milky missed, Brandon is up
  24. Youth N Asia

    NEW ROH Champion!!!!

    Really? Compared to any other indy belt in the country, sure. What other American, non-WWE/TNA belt is considered more presitigious? I think what Malibu is saying he's putting the ROH title above the WWE and TNA belt
  25. Youth N Asia

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    Nice little WWE finish there at the end...didn't look the least bit put on