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Youth N Asia

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Everything posted by Youth N Asia

  1. Youth N Asia

    The Concert Thread

    Awesome. Back in 1994 Tom Petty and the Heartbreaks was my first ever concert. Have a blast
  2. Youth N Asia

    The Concert Thread

    Would like to go to the Warped Tour this year, but I think my finances are going to keep me home. Which sucks cause I've been to the last 5 and it's a stacked line up
  3. Youth N Asia

    Matt's WWE® DVD Market Thread

    dude, eww
  4. Youth N Asia

    Server Move / Downtime

    is that when the arcade's supposed to get boosted
  5. Youth N Asia

    UFC "major" announcement thread

    Exactly. Sure, it would be a big announcement for the UFC, but for most of their fans it wouldn't mean a damn thing. I don't care if they run in NY. Hell, I wouldn't care if they ran here in Michigan (still not sanctioned here). It would not impact my MMA one bit. Dana has a habit of setting up these big announcements only for them to be almost nothing
  6. Youth N Asia

    TSM Poster draft

    oh you
  7. Youth N Asia

    UFC "major" announcement thread

    I can't even stand to post at Sherdog now. These Dana announcement threads are cluttering up the board
  8. Youth N Asia

    Desert Island Draft

    seasons 1 and 2 of Nip/Tuck were great
  9. Youth N Asia

    TSM Poster draft

    I would actually sit this one, but skim the posts for my namesake
  10. Youth N Asia

    TSM Death Pool - 2008

    Sounds like Paul Newman may have cancer
  11. Youth N Asia

    Desert Island Draft

    12 hours have passed You can have SNL, you can have Chappelle, you and have Mr. Show, and the rarely hit but often miss Monty Python. I'll take Mark, Scott, Kevin, Bruce, and Dave The Kids in the Hall 1988-1994 Sketches include -Evan Sells Shoes -The Cincinnati Kid -Running Faggot -Bruce McCulloch's Open Letter to the Guy Who Stole His Bike -Bruce McCulloch's Open Letter to the People Who Saw The Guy Steal His Bike -Simon's Put of Ultimate Darkness (featuring Man Servant Hecubus) 6 years of goodness, skits that made me laugh my ass off when SNL was hit and missing it all around the place. Thanks Canada. I had other picks in mind, but I didn't think this one would sleep through the rest of round 4 and round 5
  12. Youth N Asia

    Pregnant "man" to give birth soon.

    Call it what you want, but it's got woman parts, so no dude here is pregnant. I don't have any moral objection to this story, just tired of hearing about it. Someone with a uterus is giving birth, not really news
  13. Youth N Asia


    Pie motherfuckers. Apple, Cherry, Peach, Key Lime...pie
  14. www.deepdiscountdvd.com code is: JUNESALE
  15. Youth N Asia

    DeepDiscountDVD.com 20% off June sale

    no idea, I just noticed it going today
  16. Youth N Asia

    ICP fans give their baby a Jullago funeral.

    Jullago is fine by me
  17. Youth N Asia

    UFC 86: Jackson vs Griffin

    I hate when TUF ties up a title like this. With injuries to GSP and later Serra the welterweight title went undefended for over a year. The light heavyweight title is going to be 11 months without a defense until 86. And Nog's gonna have the title a year + before defending it when it comes to his fight with Mir
  18. Youth N Asia

    UFC 85 - Bedlam

    Johnson, if he fights with the speed he fought Tommy Spears at would make Swick fight like he used to
  19. Youth N Asia

    DeepDiscountDVD.com 20% off June sale

    Damn sale came when I'm selling my DVDs. I'D LOVE to pick up the one missing The Wire season, both seasons of Rome, and my gapped UFC dvds
  20. Youth N Asia

    Desert Island Draft

    FIXED (your pic didn't come up so I added one)
  21. Youth N Asia

    Desert Island Draft

    The last 3 picks were all solid ones. Part of me wants to get mad for not getting them, but the other part is thankful that people here like good ass tv. SHOCKED that Family Guy made it to Round 4 honestly. Jericho. Started awesome, then went through a long lull, killer season 1 final. and solid second season
  22. Youth N Asia

    Desert Island Draft

    That was my next pick. The most groundbreaking series on tv
  23. Youth N Asia

    Desert Island Draft: Movie Edition

    An obnoxious drunkard gets kidnapped and pretty much held prisoner in what looks like a hotel room for 15 years or so. He's one day let out and it's up to him to find out who's done this to him
  24. Youth N Asia

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    Those commercials suck ass and don't dare deny it
  25. Youth N Asia

    Pictures I Like

    really though...what the hell am I looking at?