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The Ill One

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Everything posted by The Ill One

  1. Favorite spots or moments that made you audibly mark out or just have you smile with delight no matter how times you read it. -- The whole entire section with Edwin/Raynor at the glass Genesis sign. Beautiful match, great feud, and what a fuckin' sweet moment overall. First Miami Mayhem match (Where is LDP?) Any panda shennigans/Operation -insert name that I forget here- Edwin/Wilson in a No DQ brawl that had so much intereference at the end it was insanity. ML Dance off Nekura and Vlad "Black Mist" spot with ladder for ML title. Renegade hitting his Renecutter on CIA from the diving board at the first Wrathapozoola. Flesher and Frost Glass Pain. ELM winning World title. War Games backdrop spot (I saw the visual so perfectly and I actually said "Ho-LY shit!") Damnation In a Box (I guess it's the hardcore masochist in me, but I wish I could take on some fuckers in that stip in real life) Fury turning evil~! NotJ returning 'fore he just kinda disappeared. CIA/Mak feud overall was nice. Oh and Ted Flink going through a flaming table. I'm forgetting so many, I know it's been done but hey, whatever.
  2. The Ill One

    PROMO - Questions & Answers

    Very nice, Clark. I must admit I saw it coming but I like it... I couldn't help but to wonder where James Lipton was though . Anyway thank Todd we get to see more Maddix/Clark.
  3. The Ill One

    Storm predictions~!

    ICTV TITLE MATCH Toxxic vs Dace Night Special Guest Commentator: Aecas ~Dace F'N NIGHT! "The Notorious" John Duran vs "Coyote" Coy West vs Ann "Ichiban" Onita ~Flip a coin twice. You know, set up a little tournament. Have some fun. TAG TEAM TITLE CONTENDERSHIP Janus and Aecas vs Mike Van Siclen and Insane Luchadore ~Janus and Aecas. CRUISERWEIGHT TITLE MATCH Alan Clark vs "The Superior One" Tom Flesher ~Flesher. Though he may want to grab some Slim Fast and ex-lax since he's gettin' a bit pudgy for the belt. Edward James vs Johnny Dangerous ~I'm going with Dangerous. But dammit Flik, I mark for you!
  4. The Ill One

    PROMO: Tape Review

    You bastard! I was gonna' do this with Renegade a month or so ago! lol. Nah, I think it's cool and I was thinking of doing one but a bit more humorous. I like it, makes for nice little read.
  5. The Ill One

    Hey Guys

    Oh, we are butchering his character, we can't deny it. But if it helps any- we're really having a good time doing it. Anyway man, what's been up?
  6. The Ill One

    SWF Storm Card, March 27th

    Hmm that is tempting. Oh yeah and what are the tag ropes exactly? (Show how much attention I've been paying).
  7. The Ill One

    State of the Fed Thread

    Eh I think we're all "protective" of all our characters because we put in a lot more time now than we used to. (Thinking back way old school). Where average matches where 2-5kish (unless you're Ted Flink who wrote a losing 20k monster complete with IGNTron spots out the wazoo). Anyway, I don't know... the word limit seems to be working for some and not for others. Maybe we should stress quality over quantity more? Shave off the word limit a bit? Since I know everyone strives to nail around the word limit and if you don't you think "Shit, instant lost."
  8. The Ill One

    SWF Storm Card, March 27th

    Whoo! My first tag team that I can remember from a while and it's with somebody who might not be around and me! Congrats on the win, guys.
  9. The Ill One

    State of the Fed Thread

    Yeah, Flik pretty much nailed what I was trying to say. I personally think that idea would be perfect and easier. Flik, you are a good man. Just chiming in how I think Flik's idea= the rule.
  10. The Ill One

    State of the Fed Thread

    I disagree with Coyjiro's fourth point but everything esle is very legit in my mind. I've been such a pain in the ass (I've shown twice now) and I apologize- but right now the writing portion just isn't fun. So I'll stick around and keep truckin', see if I can get the spark back in there... so I have no one to blame but myself. Having said that, I really do like the idea of lowered word limits (not radical like main event being 3.5k or anything). More time for PPV would be dandy and finally I think the CC should present ideas to people (like if one person's begging for a feud and another person is just drifting) about feuds and maybe hook 'em up. I dunno, seems like a nice compromise there.
  11. ...Well fuck! If you guys are expecting people like King and MacPhisto then sorry that I'll be such a disappointment. ... Shit. Seriously though, I don't know and at this point don't care enough to keep nagging Tom- but I will say "IIIII AAAMMMMMM CYCLLOOONNNEE COOMMMEETTT!" * * I will shit my pants if that's who it is, since it won't be.
  12. The Ill One

    Your Five Favorite Anything

    Operation Ivy edition- 5. Knowledge 4. Louie Louie 3. Sound System 2. Bombshell 1. Artificial Life
  13. The Ill One

    What are you listening to right now?

    For the last four days- "Artificial Life" Op Ivy (How can you not love a song that mentions "Prince having brunch with Pat Boone!" "Fields of Athenry" Dropkick Murphys "Ice Ice Baby" Some random punk band cover with ska upbeat. It's beautiful.
  14. The Ill One

    SWF Lockdown! Card - March 17, 2004

    Well kudos to our new ICTV champion because I'm no-showing. I do this fed for fun and it was kinda low on my list of 'things-to-do' at the moment, so I didn't put in enough time to get it done. Ah well, always can get back on the horse. But not yet, I don't want to be booked for the next show due to the fact that I know I'll be a social slut over the next few days of Spring Break. Sorry and thanks.
  15. The Ill One

    The Shield, season 3. Official Thread

    I really liked the new one. Hmph, Dutch is really growing on me. I couldn't stand him in the first two seasons (as an actor and character). Excited for next week.
  16. The Ill One

    The Shield, season 3. Official Thread

    I'm going to watch it for sure. But is Bizlat the one who he kept trying to cut a deal with or the Mexican gang who shot that one dude (slappy?). Sorry I can't remember.
  17. OoC: I just had a promo where I confronted Edwin as SJL commish with the same title, so this is the second one. Intense~! Enjoy (hopefully). -- (Grand Slam sits in his traveling office, trying to get a feel for the room while being hunched over in his black swivel chair doing paperwork on his finished, oak desk. He suddenly drops his pen and leans back in his chair. He sighs heavily as it’s been a long week for the SWF commissioner. Before he can even focus back to the paperwork he hears an argument outside). Mark gives a half smile before reaching over to the phone, pressing a button. “Can you get security? Okay, thanks.” He looks back up as the door swings open, smacking against the wall. Insane Luchador stands tall, looking very pissed off as he takes a long drag from his cigarette. He wears his hair in the usual spiked up fashion, his wild and intense eyes staring into Stevens’, the baggy khakis, the black skate shoes, and a Misfits skull shirt. He blows the smoke up and is appearing to try to cool himself down. Stevens cocks his head to the side slightly, moving towards the only window in his office and seemingly the only window in the area. He opens it up due to get some air circulation as Luchador is smoking like a fiend. “You know those things will kill you,” Grand Slam tries to joke around with a phony smile plastered onto his face. Luchador smirks and tugs it out of his mouth. “I figure I’ll be killed wrestling or fighting long before these get in my way,” He says as he takes another long drag just in spite of Grand Slam. “Okay, so what’s up? What’s happened?” The Commissioner asks. The cigarette almost falls out of Rickmen’s mouth as his jaw drops. “What’s happened?” He sputters. “What’s happened? What the hell do you think?” He walks closer to his desk. Grand Slam suddenly realizes what’s wrong and shuts his eyes. “Andrew, look-” “No Mark, I won’t look,” IL tries to calmly say. “You scheduled my usual appointment for tomorrow, in the wrong FUCKING CITY. Do you want me to be there for the damn show or not? Overwhelming me before my first defense? What the fuck, man?” His voice gradually raises and with a puff of smoke he begins to pace. “I know. I know. My fault, I promised you the show off but Toxxic caught me off guard with his choice,” Mark tries to explain like a mother explaining to a little kid why he can’t have a pony. “Fuck Toxxic, man! That little shit is good but why the hell did he chose me?” IL roars. “I don’t know!” Mark yells and then takes a gulp, calming down. “I wasn’t preparing for it, none of us were. Okay? Just try to settle down,” Mark suggests as he glances back down at his papers, flipping through them quickly. Suddenly another man enters and Luchador turns around, eyes wide with anger. Toxxic stands there with a smug grin on his face. He looks down at his bare arm as if he had a watch on and looks back up with a rather charming smile. “Oh Christ,” Stevens mutters as his head falls into his airs with frustration. “Am I on time? I thought I heard somebody talking to me,” Toxxic says and acts as if he doesn’t notice the intimidating Luchador walk right up to his face. The end of IL’s cigarette is grazing against Toxxic’s nose. Luchador takes a very long drag and holds it as the two competitors stare each other down. The tension rises as Luchador blows the cigarette smoke into Toxxic’s face, and he turns his head and gags. “You little prick,” Luchador says condescending as he shoves Toxxic, who suddenly goes from asshole to alert. He shoves the Luchador back and then switches spots so Luchador’s back is to the door. “Think you can take me, on? Huh?” He shoves again and Stevens stands up. “Rickmen, please,” Mark begs as he wonders where the hell security is or who brought the donuts to the area. “What do you mean think? I know I can take that precious title from you,” Toxxic retorts. “You’re old, Andrew, and I’m the type that kill the old school,” he says with a wide grin. Luchador grabs the cigarette and throws it straight to the ground, not bothering to stomp it out, as he rips off his shirt and draws back his arm- But Stevens grabs Andrew and just as security arrives the three bulking men grab and ignore IL’s rant with fluent swearing. “Toxxic you better get fucking ready, I’m not going to make you tap, I’m going to make you fucking die!” Finally after a struggle Luchador is thrown out and Mark slams the door shut with his back, panting. He glares at Toxxic and slowly shakes his head. “What the hell is wrong with you?” Mark demands. Toxxic smirks. “Don’t give me any attitude, damn it, now you’ve gone off and pissed Rickmen off!” Mark barks like that nice teacher who finally loses it. Toxxic rolls his eyes as he looks down and smashes IL’s half-spent cigarette. Mark sighs and again has to calm himself down. “Look. IL is a good guy, he can be misguided but he’s okay. I mean I make him see a psychiatrist at least twice a month to make sure he’s mentally stable to fight. He’s not one you want to push his buttons,” Mark advises. “For what? Just to make sure he doesn’t run into Afghanistan again?” Toxxic laughs and Stevens clears his throat. Mark walks closer and Toxxic can’t help but to take a baby step back. Grand Slam’s finger pokes at Toxxic. “To make sure he doesn’t go off the deep end during a match and snap. You know what happens then? What’s happened to two of my former friends now, two broken necks, two broken careers and lives. I don’t want to see any human go wild like that and especially none of my wrestlers. You’re still new and despite what you think, you DON’T know everything that goes on with my employees. Okay? I’m not letting someone like you ruin someone like Rickmen. He’s put too much time and effort into this just to let a few simple words make him snap.” Mark pauses. “It won’t be pleasant for you either if you keep this up, and that my friends,” Mark smiles wide. “Is a damn promise.” Toxxic’s mouth hangs open a little bit before he walks by Stevens, his shoulder bumping into the Commissioners. “You’re not too many friends around here… watch yourself,” Stevens gives the final words as advice as the speechless Toxxic leaves. FIN Been a long time since I've written a promo so show mercy.
  18. The Ill One

    SWF Lockdown Premonitions

    SUBMISSION MATCH FOR THE INTERCONTINENTAL-TELEVISION CHAMPIONSHIP Toxxic vs. Insane Luchador© ~Toxxic. But, hey, I'm going to put up a fight. No really, I am. NO-DISQUALIFICATION SINGLES MATCH Terrence Bailey or Janus vs. Mike Van Siclen ~Heh... Janus/Terrence/Jack IN CONCERT: Alan Clark ~The guitar. SINGLES MATCH Dace “F’N” Night vs. Sacred ~Flip a coin. SINGLES MATCH FOR THE #1 CONTENDERSHIP TO THE SWF CRUISERWEIGHT TITLE Johnny Dangerous vs. Jimmy “The Demon” Liston ~JD. SINGLES MATCH FOR THE SWF UNITED STATES CHAMPIONSHIP “The Coyote” Coy West© vs. Alan Clark ~(Y)! You know, I think I'll go with Clark. Nothing against Coyjiro, I just got a feelin'. MAIN EVENT TAG TEAM MATCH House of Todd (Todd Royal/Landon Maddix) vs. Charlie “Grappler” Matthews/Ann “Ichiban” Onita Special Guest Commentator: “The Notorious” John Duran ~Can you say "mmm...." kids? Anyway, I'll go with Graps and Ann.
  19. The Ill One

    SWF Storm Card, March 12th!

    The bra and panties match will rule. But, hey, nice way to tie up some strings from FtF and get some new shit a brewin'.
  20. The Ill One

    The Shield, season 3. Official Thread

    Well I caught the final of season two and holy crap I loved it. I knew I'd be tuning in tonight but I was actually distracted by it today at school. Is Shane Vic's best friend? It seems like that but then there's that heat between the two too.
  21. Goodness. MAIN EVENT TWO STRAIGHT FALLS MATCH, WORLD TITLE Charlie "Grappler" Matthews vs Va'aiga ~Scoo-bop. Uhm, flip a coin. But if I had to go with somebody, let's say Grappler. Dace Night vs ??? ~I mark for Night too much to give ???'s the nod, unless ???'s someone's really good I'll keep with Dace. GRUDGE MATCH STREET FIGHT HVille Thugg vs Alan Clark ~(Y)! Clark, due to storyline but I hope Clark can make it as good as everyone's expecting. I know he can. HARDCORE TITLE 200 LIGHT TUBES MATCH Aecas vs Toxxic ~MMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... Aecas, Christ I need to get into one of these matches 'fore I'm gone... mmmmm.... CAGE MATCH John Duran vs Janus ~Seems cool, I'll go with Janus. But it'll be close. STAIRWAY TO HELL MATCH Ann "Ichiban" Onita vs Jamie "Jay Dawg" Drazon ~*Hums Stairway to Heaven* That's where somebody's heading because how brutal I -hope- for it to be. I'm not sure, but it should rule. USJL TITLE MATCH Sacred vs "Coyote" Coy West ~Hmmm... I'll go with Sacred. TAG TEAM TITLES Wild and Dangerous vs The House of Todd ~W and D. But that's assuming Wildchild can show and write a good bulk, because I really want to remember such an amazing run with a nice match. ICTV TITLE MATCH Charlie "Grappler" Matthews vs Insane Luchador ~...Apparently Graps won't show, so I guess me... I don't mean to tarnish the ICTV title's rep/history, I swear.
  22. The Ill One

    The Shield, season 3. Official Thread

    Yeah, I caught most of season one and some of the last. I'm trying to get back into it. So what happened with that drug dealer who was dealin' to kids and the money train hit?
  23. The Ill One

    Lee Murray Streetfighting Stories

    Yeah, I've just recently got into MMA... so I was reading this to my amusement. Who do you post as, Rick? Oh yeah, Dexter Casey says that he knows everyone in Iowa... is that just for wrestling skills or whatever? My favorite story is when he knocked out a bouncer in a urine puddle.
  24. The Ill One

    From the Fire predictions!

    Wow, Wild and Dangerous, chill out. Of course I didn't mean to bash Dangerous. What I was trying to say was that both of you guys could show and Johnny didn't have to suddenly rush an ending because WC has had some problems lately. Matter of fact I'm almost offended, for the first time, that you guys would assume the worst. Christ. Besides if WC's leaving I was trying to say I want him to be able to write his heart's content because I mark for WC and he deserves to be remembered by a great match. Thanks Toxxic for defending me (and getting it right too). "Because I really want to remember such an amazing run with a nice match." Note that I said because and then explained. Not anything like "Because only WC can carry those to where they are." Man, I think it's pretty fucking stupid to jump all over me especially when I haven't seriously bashed people. I've let off minor steam and let some jokes rip but I never seriously mean them. I'm not witty enough to not make it extremely blunt anyway. I'm not pissed or anything but explaing myself. Sorry if you took it the wrong way but hey man, try some IM, chat, or PMs 'sides jumping down my throat while I'm gone.
  25. The Ill One

    The Olive Garden

    Oh don't worry about having too high of standards. I come from an Irish family, we hardly ever have pasta, and I still don't like the Olive Garden. Meh I'm too young to even look 18, let alone 21, but I got two words for getting smashed easily: steal extract.