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Everything posted by AlaskanHero

  1. AlaskanHero


    Hell, if the Wii really is only $200, I'll pick one up. As long as there's a Super Smash Brothers to play on it, I'll be happy.
  2. AlaskanHero

    The OaO Raw thread for 05/15/06

    And the plot thickens. Interesting.
  3. AlaskanHero

    ECW ONSII and Vengeance spoiler

    I have no problem with Cena/Edge. I rather liked the two matches they had against each other, so if it means more matches between the two, then I'm all for it.
  4. AlaskanHero

    The OAO RAW Thread 8/5/2006

    Id like to see someone jump off a ladder onto a trampoline and do a flying chairshot. That would be Shelton. Do any of the SS besides Kenny have an actual finisher? The High Spirits doesn't count since it involves all 5 of them. Johnny has the Johnny-Go-Round. Otherwise no.
  5. AlaskanHero

    The OAO RAW Thread 8/5/2006

    Watching Kane and Big Show "chain wrestle" was the greatest thing I've ever seen.
  6. He's doing pretty much the same role in ROH and they seem to be doing all right. Although I don't know if he has any creative control there.
  7. AlaskanHero

    the new king of rap

    Just keep him out of Cincinnati. Are we supposed to know what that means or are you being purposefully mysterious? *clears throat* Recently T.I's group was in Cincinnati (or outside it, whatever) and there was a shoot. One of the guy's is killed and some other shit happens. I'm not totally sure, seeing how I'm no longer living in Cincinnati. But yeah, it's a joke intended to play off the incident that I just described. Personally, I'm not a fan of T.I which makes listening to the radio a chore since their playing one of his songs every five minutes down here.
  8. AlaskanHero

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    I'm watching the Global Impact thing they have on their site and I just have to say that I love Eric Young. EDIT- I also want to add that Tyson Dux almost out-awesomed Eric Young in the 6-man match between them and Bobby Roode vs. Team USA. Almost.
  9. AlaskanHero

    TNA Notes from WON

    No, Homicide's shoulder has been healed up for quite a while.
  10. AlaskanHero

    The OAO Raw Thread 5/1/06

    On Unlimited, Todd Grisham has come out and is doing the announcer duties.
  11. AlaskanHero

    The OAO Raw Thread 5/1/06

    I forsee Joey quitting, leading to the return of JR.
  12. AlaskanHero

    Kingdom Hearts II

    You could just look it up on Wikipedia, like I did. I'm not gonna bother with playing CoM, so fuck that shit, yo. But anyways, having just beat this game a few days ago, I have to say that I rather enjoyed it. Everything was a lot better than it was in the first game, but it also seemed too easy. I mean, playing on normal, I had one game over and only used Mickey twice, and that was in one of the boss battles (The one at Beast's Castle against Xigbar, I think). Other than that I can't complain.
  13. AlaskanHero

    OAO 4/27 Impact Thread

    The finals are at Sacrifice? That's not a very long time.
  14. AlaskanHero

    OAO 4/27 Impact Thread

    I love James Mitchall. It's like the guy is legitimately evil. If someone told me he started his day by eating the hearts of baby orphans and kicking small animals, I would believe them.
  15. AlaskanHero

    OAO Anime/Manga Thread

    Maybe they aren't allowed to use the original Japanese voices? Though subtitles would probably be cheaper by cutting out voice actors. Anyways, I'm trying to find some good anime and manga to look at, but can't really find any sites to get them. Anyone have any suggestions or is YouTube my best bet?
  16. AlaskanHero

    Impact Spoilers

    So putting Samoa Joe in a Main Event angle with Sting, Jarrett, and Steiner is a bad idea? Personally, it all looks pretty good to me, so I'll watch it.
  17. AlaskanHero

    Lockdown Spoiler

    If he doesn't act like an asshole, he may be able to angle himself a deal just like Aries did.
  18. AlaskanHero

    ECW Coming Back Full Time in Sept

    I'm gonna give this a chance before saying it's gonna fail. Wrestling is in a slump right now, so why not throw shit against the wall and see what sticks? At worst, a company that was already dead disappears again, older guys get a pay day before returning to obscurity, and some OVW/DSW guys get some time on TV in addition to experience in working in front of a large crowd. At best, it's wildly successful, WWE makes a lot of money, guys like CM Punk and Colt Cabana make good names for themselves, and the old ECW alums get a moment in the sun. So yeah, I see no harm in giving it a chance.
  19. AlaskanHero

    Scott Steiner/TNA Conference Highlights

    How do you save the TNA themes off the site? I really want Kevin Nash's saved to my computer, so I can sync it up with Still D.R.E. I never noticed it, but the two songs do sync up with each other. That's kinda nifty.
  20. AlaskanHero

    Scott Steiner/TNA Conference Highlights

    Did anyone even stop to think that maybe he's just in character? Like he always is.
  21. AlaskanHero

    Thoughts on the new WWE talent

    I'm kind of curious as to why everyone is saying that Umaga is terrible when all he's done so far is beatdown Ric Flair and squash Colt Cabana. Yes, his gimmick is terrible, but so are the Spirit Squad's and they're not that bad. I mean, I don't think it's too much to wait for the guy to have an actual match and see if he learned anything from his time in Japan.
  22. AlaskanHero

    Randy Orton suspended by WWE for 60 days

    Actually, I kinda like Orton. I have nothing against the guy, but that doesn't mean I'm not gonna point out that he looks like the kind of man who'd give someone a blowjob for money. Or make someone pay money to give him one, either or.
  23. AlaskanHero

    Randy Orton suspended by WWE for 60 days

    Orton does look like the kind of guy who'd suck a dick for a $20.
  24. AlaskanHero

    Best Wrestling Simulator???

    I think it's 30 or 40 dollars, I forget which. Either way, I suggest trying out the demo. You'll have to hunt for the RaveX or T-Zone Modification if you want real world wrestlers though. http://www.greydogsoftware.com/ Thumb through it to find what you want. Or go with EWR 4.2. It still stands the test of time.
  25. AlaskanHero

    Harry Smith signs with WWE

    He is in the family by extension. He is (or was, at least) engaged to Neidhart's daughter who is of course Bret's niece. I thought that was TJ Wilson who was engaged to Nattie.