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Everything posted by AlaskanHero

  1. AlaskanHero

    CM Punk banging Maria?

    This just proves that CM Punk is better than you. Does this mean Traci's single?
  2. Isn't this the basis of the whole JJ/AMW/Team Canada/Monty Brown/Christian/Rhyno/Team 3D thing? Anyways, until TNA shows that they can build some characters, then they should stay very far away from AmDrag and guys like him. I mean, I've heard good things about Bryan Danielson and seen some of his work, but the guy screams "generic, pasty white guy". Dean Malenko had more to him than that.
  3. AlaskanHero

    Better wrestler poll

    I'm guessing the criteria is who's better when it comes to the full gamut of being a pro-wrestler. In-ring presence, mic-skills, charisma, brawling skills, high-flying, story-telling, psychology, carrying ability, etc. And maybe their match ratings and stuff like that.
  4. AlaskanHero

    Vince saying "Nigga"

    Wait, so even though I'm black and I DO live in the ghetto, you would find it offensive for me to say "nigga". However, you DO approve of the word "nigga" being used when a rapper, who is more than likely rich and has no reason whatsoever to even come anywhere NEAR the ghetto ever again, uses it because it's being used in "art". The art of describing the ghetto. A place that they DO NOT live even remotely close to anymore. Did I get that right?
  5. AlaskanHero

    Vince saying "Nigga"

    I'm 100% black and I have no problem with Vince saying "nigga". Granted, I didn't see the segment, but when I envision it, it sounds kinda funny. Old Man Vince trying to be cool and hip by using slang. And Booker T is involved in yet another segment in which "nigga" was used. Go Booker.
  6. AlaskanHero

    Trimming the Fat

    A1 - Cut Abyss AJ Styles Alex Shelley The Alpha Male Monty Brown Andy Douglas Apolo - Cut Austin Aries - Borderline BG James Bobby Roode Cassidy Riley Chase Stevens Chris Harris Chris Sabin Christian Cage David Young - Borderline Eric Young Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels Gail Kim Jackie Gayda James Mitchell James Storm Jeff Hardy Jeff Jarrett Jerelle Clark - Borderline Jerry Lynn Johnny Devine Kevin Nash - I thought he was done with wrestling due to the heart scare he had. Kip James - Borderline Konnan Lance Hoyt Matt Bentley - Cut Petey Williams Prime Time Elix Skipper - Borderline Raven Rhino Roderick Strong - Borderline Ron Killings Sabu Samoa Joe Sean Waltman - Cut Shark Boy Shocker - Is Shocker still even in TNA? If so, Cut Simon Diamond - Cut Sonjay Dutt Sonny Siaki - Borderline Team 3D Traci Brooks
  7. AlaskanHero

    And the next piece of crap from WWEShopzone is...

    I'd buy one. Or steal one from someone else who had bought one. Whichever happened first.
  8. Since this is still overseas, I'd wait and see if this continues in the US. Or at least see if it increases, since he apparently has been getting boos (I don't have cable, so no Raw for me). If the negative reactions do increase or continue here in the states (which, odds are, they will), then turning him would be an easy decision to make. The guy can't sell much stuff if the crowd's against him. Personally I'm kind of interested in what happens to Cena when he does turn. He has the look, charisma, and (despite what some may say) the skills to remain at or near the top. But what exactly will he do when he turns? Does he get his current gimmick tweaked back to what he originally had before turning face? Does he get his UPW and OVW gimmick and become The Prototype? Does he go corporate and become some kind of corporate rapper? And how exactly is he going to turn? Basically I'm wondering about the "Why?" and "What happens now?" of his turning.
  9. AlaskanHero

    NFL Week Eleven

    I've got TB/Atlanta. I'm hoping I'll get Bengals/Colts later today.
  10. AlaskanHero

    Smackdown Title situation updated

    Outside of Orton and the Undertaker, there aren't any Main Eventers on Smackdown are there? Benoit could be doing the Main Event, but he's busy with Booker T and JBL is...wait, what is JBL doing again? I don't remember despite watching last week. [Rey Mysterio Mark Mode]Give Rey teh title!!![/Rey Mysterio Mark Mode]
  11. AlaskanHero

    iMPACT! tapings spoiler

    I don't see how Brown would be revealed as "not ready" for the title when most people around these parts were clamoring for Monty to win the title from Jarrett around this time last year. Hell, before Christian was even rumored as coming in, it was Monty and Raven that people were predicting to be part of the Main Event for the next two or so PPVs. Christian really doesn't need this win as badly as Brown needs it. A loss to Brown isn't really going to hurt Christian all that much, since he'd bounce back. However, Christian doesn't need to be dicking around with Team Canada. I don't know why, but to me he feels 'above' that kind of thing. Yes, he should be in the ME, but he doesn't need to have the title hotshotted onto him. It's hard for me to think of ways to book Christian at this moment, because I want to see him with the title at some point, but I also want Monty to win it.
  12. AlaskanHero

    How good are NWA relations with TNA Really?

    From what I know, the NWA hates TNA. IIRC, someone once said that TNA was holding the NWA Heavyweight and Tag Titles "hostage".
  13. AlaskanHero

    TNA Announces Major debut @ Genesis

    Does WWE have the trademark for the Chaptain Charisma name? I thought they didn't and that's why they stopped selling the shirt.
  14. AlaskanHero

    No Mercy buyrate is in

    Thanks to all the corners they've been cutting, WWE is able to remain profitable, but eventually they'll run out of corners to cut and be forced to confront the fact that the company has been slowly bleeding to death. Until then, WWE will be fine. Personally, I believe that WWE will have run out of money saving methods in about 5 to 10 years and that's when the freefall and mass panic and whatnot will begin.
  15. AlaskanHero

    NFL Week Nine

    As a fiercely loyal Bengals fan, I have but one message to my long-time favorite team. KILL THE RAVENS DEAD.
  16. AlaskanHero

    Austin Walks Out Again

    I can't really blame Austin for refusing to job to Coach. Clean or unclean, it would still hurt his credability. Then there's the fact that JR wouldn't be returning even if he was booked to win, so what's the point? I wonder if The Rock would've jobbed if he were around.
  17. AlaskanHero

    Smackdown VS Raw 2006

    It was a finisher in HCTP. In the one before it, it was a regular move.
  18. AlaskanHero

    Favorite Arcade Games

    X-Men (I remember helping to beat it with 5 strangers as each of the X-Men) TMNT Simpsons Wrestlefest Mo-Cap Boxing And my personal all time favorite game is Virtua On. Sitting there in the booth, using the dual joysticks to fuck other robots up was just too much fun.
  19. AlaskanHero

    OAO 10/28/05 Smackdown Thread

    That was... ...yeah.
  20. AlaskanHero

    Spoilers For This Saturday's Impact

    Like KNK said, Jarrett hasn't been over-exposed to the non-IWC fans, so they won't be turned off by Jarrett's win. Hell, I have no problem with Jarrett winning, seeing how they appear to be working towards Brown/Jarrett. Depending on the amount of advertising Spike TV does and the amount of hype TNA puts behind it, I could see anywhere from a slight increase to a 1.1 to (at the very most) a 1.6.
  21. AlaskanHero


    I'm too jaded of a wrestling fan to believe this right now. I too am skeptical. However, if this is true, what does TNA do if Nash can't work tomorrow night? Cancel the match or stick someone else in his spot?
  22. AlaskanHero

    So, Who's Going To Buy Their 1st TNA PPV?

    I would buy this if I had the money, but unfortunately I don't. Anyways, I don't think it'll get a very good number, maybe a little bit more than their average. They've only been on TV for three weeks and I don't think what they've shown in these three weeks will be enough to get a massive surge of new buyers. I think they'll see an increase in PPV buyers next month for Genesis or the PPV after that.
  23. AlaskanHero

    I just got a phone call

    C'mon of all the shitty pizza joints out there, you gave them the worst one? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Which pizza joint is it? LaRosas? Haven't been in Cincy since I left for college...
  24. AlaskanHero

    Arkansas Mother Gives Birth to 16th Child

    My dad is the last of 18 kids. I think someone in my family (A great-grandparent or something) had 21 kids. 16 ain't shit.
  25. AlaskanHero

    Raven out of Bound for Glory

    Yeah, I was talking about Slammiversary with Jarrett refusing to job and Raven replacing him in the KotM match (where he won after "being suspended").