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Everything posted by AlaskanHero

  1. AlaskanHero

    Raven out of Bound for Glory

    Last time Raven "wasn't planned to be at a PPV", he won the title. Just saying.
  2. AlaskanHero

    Should I go see Pretty Ricky?

    LA PARKA~! Fuck Pretty Ricky and Cosby's probably expensive, so fuck that. It's all about La Parka, holmes.
  3. AlaskanHero

    OAO 10/1 Impact Thread

    Well, Dames you really don't have to do the Diatribes on the PPVs seeing how PK and JHawk didn't do reviews on the WWE PPVs. Review the Impacts and do an occassional Diatribe on the PPVs for a nice surprise. I just want to see the Diatribes return since those are what brought me to this board in the first place.
  4. AlaskanHero

    TEW 2005 Demo released

    There is. It'll be available after the full version is released.
  5. AlaskanHero

    How many guys from WCW 1993 onward...

    Actually, Norman's had a few tryout matches for WWE in the past.
  6. AlaskanHero

    TEW 2005 Demo released

    http://www.greydogsoftware.com/tew/index.php?page=features That's a link to the Features page where Adam outlines all the nifty improvements and new stuff in it. I'm downloading it as we speak (I hate dial-up) and will probably try it out later today.
  7. AlaskanHero

    *SPOILERS* First hour on Spike

    Actually, I think the show doesn't look too bad. The new, casual fans are going to see a show of wrestling much different than anything they would see in WWE. I'd watch it if I had cable. I'm kind of curious as to why you all don't think casual fans would watch the show? I mean, sure if they were smarks who read the spoilers and knew exactly what was going to happen and what to expect then I could understand, but most of the new fans will probably be your garden-variety WWE fan who doesn't read (or even know about) spoilers (or TNA in the first place) and is checking TNA out because of the cool moves they saw during the commercials on Raw. Personally, I say watch the show and judge it from what you actually see on TV. Matches, angles, and interviews usually come off differently on TV than it does in person. So the things this particular person did not like from watching the show in person you may like because 1.] your opinion may differ from the writer of the spoilers and/or 2.] that segment may have come off better on TV than it did in person. Sorry if the above made no sense, it was 4:00 AM when I wrote this and I was exhausted.
  8. AlaskanHero

    CM Punk buried by HHH, Hayes, and HBK

    What exactly is meant by "pretending to be a wrestler"? I honestly have no idea what that means and would be very thankful if someone could elaborate on what that means.
  9. AlaskanHero

    NWA Championship News

    Hmm, interesting. I know Jarrett isn't really liked around here, hell I don't like him much either, but I am intrigued by the possible teaming of JJ and AMW. I'm a mark for stables so I'd like to see this turn into a faction of some sort. The bookers have been doing well lately, so I'm gonna sit back and wait before calling this a stupid move or anything like that.
  10. AlaskanHero

    CM Punk buried by HHH, Hayes, and HBK

    Punk's just going to need some time to adjust to the WWE. He's going from being a huge fish in a small pond to a guppie in the Pacific. Him going to OVW now will probably be good for him, allowing him to adjust his moveset and style to something that would help him stand out and maybe get over. He has a great wrestling mind, so if he really tries he can possibly avoid being completely misused. Though to be completely honest, unless Mick comes to bat for Punk and protects him from political sabotage, I could see Punk ending up like Raven or Jericho (at the very, VERY best).
  11. AlaskanHero

    Christopher Daniels Vs. Samoa Joe Vs. AJ Styles

    Hey Ripper, if it's not a problem, could you send me that link to the Ki/Styles/London three-way download too?
  12. AlaskanHero

    It's the 10th anniversary of PSX

    I remember playing Jumping Flash back when I was little. I had so much fun just jumping around the stages before getting serious and beating the game. I haven't played it for a long while. When I first played Ehrgeiz, I had no idea who any of the characters were. But I still kicked ass with Tifa. There's a wrestling game I remember playing back near the earlier days of the PSX. Power Move Wrestling (or something like that). It's been so long the only thing I remember from it doing moonsaults off the top rope over and over again.. And why no Crash Bandicoot love?
  13. AlaskanHero

    WWE Legal Battles

    I also thought Kidman's name really was Billy Kidman. Live and learn I guess. And could someone clarify this for me? Would Vince really be the one to blame for this or would it be Linda? Vince is just the promoter, a board member, and has the final say creatively. Linda is the CEO, so shouldn't she be in charge of sending the legal hounds after released workers?
  14. AlaskanHero

    WWE Legal Battles

    If they legally changed their name to their wrestling name then WWE couldn't do shit. I mean, look at the Ultimate Warrior. EDIT-Damn, Laz beat me to the post, so to salvage this post, I want to say that Raven did always strike me as the smart one from ECW. I admire the fact that he's been able to avoid being legally fucked over by WWE.
  15. AlaskanHero

    Michael Cole

    I once thought Todd Pettengill and Michael Cole were the same person. Personally, I don't think Cole is a bad PBP guy, but if he had to be replaced then I'd like to see Josh Matthews in the booth. I've never really gotten to see many Velocities, but from the few I have, Josh does a pretty good job.
  16. AlaskanHero

    The OAO Raw Thread for 8/29/05

    Chalk it up to a life time of translating ebonics. It ain't easy living in the hood. It's harder if you can't figure out what people are saying.
  17. AlaskanHero

    The OAO Raw Thread for 8/29/05

    I'm bored so I thought I'd give my hand at translating it into something easier to understand. Call it Translating Maria to English if you want. That's some deep shit, yo. But apparently she doesn't like Ravenbomb. Or it's a gimmick and it's having fun. Whatever.
  18. AlaskanHero

    WWE tries explaining Kane's history...

    For an anti-social, psychopath, Kane sure has fucked a lot of women... Anyways, I'm kind of curious about this book. I may buy it and read it, because really why not? It can't be any worse than The Rock's book (which I've read about five times, for some reason). Besides, Kane's always been a favorite character of mine. The moment Rando mentioned stands out in my memory as one of my all time favorite Kane memories.
  19. AlaskanHero

    August 13th, 2005 - RAW House Show Results

    I think it's kinda funny how people are overreacting to Benjamin jobbing to Carlito in this thread. It's a house show. Chill the fuck out.
  20. AlaskanHero

    SD Thread for 08-11

    Eddie winning would also sorta take away any reason for him being a heel. Personally, I want to see Dominic turn on Rey and cost him the match. Or something. They did sorta book themselves into a corner here. Oh and DA, I don't see how it's so difficult to explain.
  21. AlaskanHero

    Birchill called up? RAW worker w/ familiar role?

    I think the C4 could be done in the WWE. The other person basically just needs to flip forward and land on their back, and isn't that one of those basic, first things they teach in wrestling training?
  22. AlaskanHero

    Since we have to watch it... (Diva Search 2005)

    She was sent to Deep South Wrestling for training, IIRC.
  23. AlaskanHero

    Since we have to watch it... (Diva Search 2005)

    I say Leyla because she's the least generic. I do give Ashley a small bit of respect since she's supposedly learning to wrestle.
  24. AlaskanHero

    *Smackdown Spoilers*

    I still like the Eddie/Rey storyline. I just love Eddie and Rey's characters and their parts in this story.