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Everything posted by AlaskanHero

  1. AlaskanHero

    Upcoming Vickie Guerrero plans

    How would Vickie hooking up with a new man be betraying Eddie? Last I checked, widows did tend to meet new people and remarry.
  2. AlaskanHero

    OAO Raw Thread for September 10

    So is Vince.
  3. AlaskanHero

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    But for all intents and purposes, this is his TNA debut. I mean, should people really count his appearences from five years ago as basically a jobber? Also, from what I know, Kid Kash and AJ have a lot of heat with each other, from Kash saying a lot of shit about Styles.
  4. AlaskanHero

    Ric Flair quits WWE

    I'd hate to see Ric wrestle someone like Bryan Danielson or Nigel on the indies, simply because I doubt he'd be able to keep up with them. The WWE style was a boon to Flair because it encourages keeping the matches slow and subdued, which is basically all he can do at this point in his career. Honestly, it's a shame because Flair should have gotten a chance to go out with his head held high in a strong storyline and given a job as a road agent. No one's doubting it, but even though the man has little left to give in the ring, he has plenty to give in a backstage capacity.
  5. AlaskanHero

    Complete Raw spoilers

    Personally, I can't take Carlito seriously with his hair in a fro like it is. Maybe if he had it braided in cornrows.
  6. AlaskanHero

    The OAO TEW/EWR Thread of Fun!

    I don't know if Adam fixed it, but if you designate Jarrett and/or Lawler as the loser of the match and leave the winner blank, then they shouldn't try and stop and block it.
  7. AlaskanHero

    Impact spoilers

    I'm just going to turn my brain off and smile and nod.
  8. AlaskanHero

    OAO TNA: Hard Justice PPV Thread

    I watched a stream and didn't pay for it because ABSOLUTELY NOTHING they did encouraged me to give them any of my money. Sure Impact had been entertaining leading up to the show, but being entertaining isn't worth shit to a company if it can't convince people to open up their wallets to spend money to watch them.
  9. AlaskanHero

    OAO TNA: Hard Justice PPV Thread

    That ended pretty much how I thought it would. I'm rather glad I did not pay for that.
  10. AlaskanHero

    OAO TNA: Hard Justice PPV Thread

    As entertaining as Impact has been leading up to this show, TNA hasn't done a single thing to make me want to buy the show. I mean, Kurt Angle's character is probably his best to date and he's playing it to perfection, but watching his marriage fail on TV doesn't exactly inspire me to spend $39.95.
  11. AlaskanHero

    ECW on 8/7

    I think the story they were trying to get across (but failed miserably doing so) was that if Punk couldn't beat Morrison in 15 minutes, he probably couldn't beat him at all, since Punk had lost in every single match the two have been in for the ECW title. Though that requires us to forget that Punk has beaten Morrison in the past.
  12. AlaskanHero

    Impact spoilers

    Of course she's gonna turn on Joe. Anyone with some half-functioning brain cells could probably see that coming. The swerve would be if she -didn't- turn on Joe.
  13. AlaskanHero

    Impact spoilers

    No, it's going to be rather overbooked. To be defeated, that person has to be bleeding and whoever gets the victory gets a title shot at...some point in the future. It sounds incredibly stupid to me.
  14. AlaskanHero

    Bound for Glory taking place in Atlanta

    I'm going to find a way to go. I don't particularly care what the card ends up being, since the last time I saw wrestling in person I was 13.
  15. Those holes are there because the workers abuse the fact that they are allowed to use steroids and whatnot if they have a prescription and by the company not really showing much concern that the wrestlers are abusing said loophole. It's like carnival folks trying to run a game legitimately. The game and rules can be perfectly fair and on the level, and the carny will play fair for a little while at least. However, when things stop going their way, the carny will go back to his old ways.
  16. AlaskanHero

    WWE General Discussion for July 2007

    This could be a very good thing. The downside is that we see even less of Noble in the ring. On the plus side, if he does a good enough job, he could get an official Road Agent job and get all the benefits that actual WWE employees get.
  17. AlaskanHero

    OaO ECW on Sci-Fi 7/17

    What exactly is so shitty about the John Morrison gimmick? I'm just kind of curious because it seems kind of interesting to me and I honestly want to know why everyone seems so negative towards it.
  18. AlaskanHero

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    I'm not exactly in a position to look it up, but did they say how much testosterone was found in Benoit's body? EDIT- Ahh, never mind.
  19. AlaskanHero

    Edge injured; out of action for undetermined length of time

    The only knock I have on Nitro is that he can't cut a promo. Anyways, I'm going to go out on a limb and say that Rey Mysterio gets the title.
  20. AlaskanHero

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Also, if I recall correctly, Vince was ready to fire Orton for doing this, but was talked out of it. Though, it's possible I'm wrong since Orton's antics are beginning to run together in my mind.
  21. AlaskanHero

    The OAO Victory Road 2007 Thread

    Isn't the stip that if Joe or Angle gets the pin, they get the tag titles and get to pick their partner?
  22. AlaskanHero

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    This was probably one of the funnier threads I've read in the four or so years I've been here. People seriously stepped their game up. However, maybe it would be best if we wait until more facts are available before we go all out with the jokes and mocking.
  23. AlaskanHero

    Mr. McMahon "dead" - Now for the "whodunit" angle.

    Since they've turned this into a comedy, it was probably the fat, oiled-up stripper guy.
  24. AlaskanHero

    WWE General Discussion for June 2007

    What's the story here? I believe he's talking about a story on her mentioning that she was very popular amongst the veterans backstage. Apparently, if you're a woman and you're popular backstage that means that you're a whore. Melina must not put out then. Also, I have to say that Snitsky (and soon Viscera) lucked out. Going from foot loving, baby kicker to Cena's Opponent Of The Month is a pretty damn good promotion.
  25. AlaskanHero

    Mr. McMahon "dead" - Now for the "whodunit" angle.

    Al already said it, but it's the truth. That is fucking brilliant. I mean, I'd actually buy one of those and wear it in public.