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Posts posted by AlaskanHero

  1. Uhmm...what about jobbing to Coach (Tajiri) or the King (Tazz) or David Arquette?

    Hmm, you have a point there. Ok, you don't get much lower than jobbing to David Arquette. Although Mideon jobbing clean to Spike, week after week is pretty low.


    Anyways, I don't think Mideon should really do much if he gets back in the WWE. Give him a solid midcard spot then banish him to the realm of B-shows. Or, like I said, make him 'Taker's bitch/zombie-servant.


    Off-topic comment: Mentioning David Arquette made me remember WCW. Does anyone remember when DDP and Karl Malone teamed up to go against Dennis Rodman and I think, Hogan? Who won that match?

  2. Like Brian said, if HHH doesn't have anyone but HBK to feud with then his worth is kinda dented. Think about it.....


    HHH vs. HBK Part 10! By Gawd, they're still really pissed!


    And doesn't RVD's contract expire in June? So, it could be possible that RVD won't even be around during Summerslam.

  3. If the WWE signed Konnan and/or Juvi and placed them on Smackdown then they could recreate the Filthy Animals. I know Konnan's not the greatest wrestler in the world, but it just wouldn't be the Filthy Animals without him. It would give Rey and Kidman something to do, causing mischief. Rey and Konnan or Rey and Kidman or any combo of Rey, Eddie, Kidman, Juvi and Konnan would be another tag team for the dying tag team scene. If something caused them to break up (let's say between Rey and Eddie) then you got some pretty good matches between the two of them ocassionally bringing in Kidman, Juvi and/or Konnan to be the feud enhancer with a tag match. Depends on who turns and leaves the group. WWE could make them heels unless they had an established heel stable already.


    For a heel stable, they could give JBL some people to make him the modern Million Dollar Man. Or give Paul Heyman the Dudleys and some other guys who aren't doing much on Smackdown. Stick the Bashams in it if they feel like it. They could probably do the enforcer role pretty good. Or you could put some heels under Teddy Long's care. Some stable battles would probably do some good for Smackdown, because at this point not much can hurt Smackdown. Except giving JBL the title. That would kill Smackdown. They just need to keep throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks.

  4. I wouldn't look too deeply into the Harley Race thing. For all we know he could just be sitting in the crowd. But if he is going to have a role then I wouldn't be surprised if this happened.


    Harley will still be sitting in the crowd, then Randy comes out and cuts a promo insulting Race, ending with a challenge. Race climbs over the guard rail and into the ring and says something to make Orton look stupid (probably comment about his father). Randy responds with a smartass comment before letting everyone know what the five fingers said to Race's face. Thus begins the legend beatdown. Cue Edge's music and he runs in to make the save.


    Probably not gonna happen, but I think it's simple enough to work.
