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Everything posted by stahl

  1. stahl

    I need smart people.

    That's correct, some games require more bandwidth than others.
  2. stahl

    I need smart people.

    Tell me more.
  3. stahl

    I need smart people.

    Dr Tyler has the best approach. There's nothing you can really tell them that will stop the cycle of them saying its something else. IP's are sneaky like that.
  4. stahl

    I need smart people.

    I used to work for xbox customer care. It's comcast. It was so annoying when IP's would say everything is fine when they are cutting bandwidth behind your back. Any time there is lag, it's your IP. If something is wrong with the xbox live service, then there will be a message at xbox.com. Other than that it is always the IP.
  5. stahl

    Pictures I Like

    I was wondering what was wrong with his arm (pink area) before I noticed the tattoo.
  6. stahl

    The NHL Thread

    Boston are retards. Way to ship off your franchise player. No playoffs for a few years it seems.
  7. stahl

    Forrest, Cummo, Hughes, & Franklin

    Is this a repeat of something that happened a while ago? Im a past observer Meltzer wrote about this story and how the show tried to constantly rip on ultimate fighting by bringing up stuff that wasn't true (hair pulling, etc) and Hughes would simply correct him in a polite manner. Apparently the host just kept on persisting that it was dangerous while Hughes always had an answer to shut down whatever accusations that were thown. I remember Dave writing about how the neurosurgeon didn't even have a clue regarding the dangers of UFC and claiming things were much worse then they really are.
  8. stahl

    ROH Eddie Tribute Show this Sat.

    This is where Ring of Honor can't win for losing. You think its a pretty shitting tribute yet if they did do anything more, then more people would think they were trying to cash in on Eddie's death. It was just a simple tribute. Why do people feel the need to rate tributes, its the thought that counts and regardless if you think it's crappy or not, it is a very classy gesture and that SHOULD be all that matters.
  9. stahl

    ROH Eddie Tribute Show this Sat.

    I'm sorry but If I hear something called an Eddie Tribute show I am not so stupid to assume anyone related to Eddie would be appearing unless it was a WWE event. Simply naming the show is not for additional press, but to salute and pay tribute to one of the best wrestlers that ever lived. People like you are being blinded by nothing more then a nice tribute. Unless you can provide some solid proof that Ring of Honor made any extra money off of this event then your arguement is lacking and very tasteless to assume the company would try to profit off of his death. And no, your previous attempts at assuming fans are stupid and would think Eddie's family would be there does not count because you can't blame stupid fans on Ring of Honor when they list the talent scheduled to appear, and Gabe himself stated in the original message that it was simply a tribute and nothing else would be changed.
  10. stahl

    ROH Eddie Tribute Show this Sat.

    A casual wrestling fan has never heard of ring of honor.. Also, if said casual fan thought an appearance by Chavo was upcoming, then they are a retard and that is not ROH's fault. ROH list their talent very clearly that will appear on each show. This argument is very flawed. As for ROH not needing to rename the show unless they were going to have something special. Are you insane or just so blind to a very nice gesture? The gesture in itself was very special since Eddie actually appeared on two earlier ROH shows. If they did anything else then most likely it WOULD be a ploy to sell tickets off of Eddies name value and that is what you are supposed to be arguing that they did in the first place. Nothing but a simple and nice gesture to one of wrestlings legends and nothing more, that too many people are taking way out of context without any valid support for their claims.
  11. stahl

    ROH Eddie Tribute Show this Sat.

    I would still like someone to explain how exactly calling it an Eddie Tribute show actually sold any extra tickets when the card remained exactly the same.
  12. He has. I think that has to do with dieting then roids. Jericho got big, but it was mostly pudginess, not muscle.
  13. stahl

    ROH Eddie Tribute Show this Sat.

    I think people are being too negative here. Jesus, all they are doing is a tribute to a fallen wrestler. It's not like people are suddenly going to go "OMEG!!!!! EDDIE TRIBUTE I MUST BUY TICKETS NOW" The card is still the same, the show will just have a more emotional feel. If ROH doesn't do anything, a small group of people might call them classless. If they do something they are making money off of Eddie's death. Can't win either way.
  14. stahl

    The NHL Thread

    Are you blind? The reply showed he clearly struck Eddie's right foot with his skate and thus, tripped him up.
  15. stahl

    Spoilers for Raw & SD! Tapings

    Where did he say that?
  16. stahl

    The NHL Thread

    I bet that pick looked good when you made it.
  17. stahl

    NHL Thread

  18. stahl

    NHL Thread

    Aki is one of the worst defensement in the league. Gill is Bobby Orr compared to him. Berg and Antropov are two complete garbage players with no upside whatsoever.
  19. stahl

    Arkansas Mother Gives Birth to 16th Child

    How the fuck do they afford this?
  20. stahl

    20 Ways To Mess With Telemarketers

    Never do that, you WILL get a call back. I used to telemarket so I know all the tricks. The best method if you don't want them to bug you is to say "not interested" and then hang up. Doing so will prompt telemarketers to put you on the "no" list instead of the "call back" list.
  21. stahl

    Possible eBay scam?

    This is a scam boon. Be careful, this one might involve a clueless fed ex guy showing up at your door wanting the Xbox before you even receive payment. Internet wrestling geek Scott Keith actually had a similar experience he posted in his blog around a year ago.
  22. stahl

    NHL Thread

    Brent Seabrook for rookie of the year
  23. stahl

    Unforgiven buyrate

    Meltzer said in a past newsletter that break even for a ppv is 175 000 buys.
  24. stahl

    RAW rating is shockingly bad

    Meltzer has disproved this theory in his newsletter when he analyzes ratings and the demographical rating points. Boxing mainly draws viewers 50 and older, UFC and even wrestling draw an average age in the 30's with high concentration in the 18-25 age group.
  25. stahl

    CM Punk's gimmick

    Sorry to bump this up but it's kind of Ironic that in Punks first OVW match he gets his eardrum busted and is now half deaf.