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Gary Floyd

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Everything posted by Gary Floyd

  1. Gary Floyd

    Albums gary floyd Listened to Today

    These covers are interesting. What do they belong to? Agent mentioned the first one. The second one is Negura Bunget's Om-first time I heard it, and I loved it. Whatchya think of The Sham Mirrors? Anyways Yesterday Today
  2. Gary Floyd

    Pictures I Like

  3. Gary Floyd

    Pictures I Like

    "It's a rare condition/This day and age/To read any good news/'Bout the cocaine trade."
  4. Gary Floyd

    Hey Guys

    I always wished that wheel would break off one day.
  5. Gary Floyd

    Ron Simmons has been relased

    No, I'm not saying it. Saying what? Damn. Oh fuck...
  6. Gary Floyd

    Cuts are a comin!

    FromBeyondTheGrave/Hotbutter Spoontoaster must be smiling.
  7. Gary Floyd

    Albums gary floyd Listened to Today

    Drawings of a Patient O.T.
  8. Gary Floyd


    "Hurm. Must investigate further." Oh, and
  9. Gary Floyd

    What is your favourite Beatles album pre Rubber Soul?

    I'm going with Hard Day's Night. It has too many awesome moments ("If I Fell", "I'm Happy Just To Dance With You", the title track), and is the most fun of all the pre Rubber Soul albums.
  10. Gary Floyd

    Pictures I Like

  11. Gary Floyd

    The Youtube thread

    My God, why?
  12. Gary Floyd

    2009: The Year in Music

    Speaking of him, his pal David Michael (aka David Tibet) should have a new Current 93 album out this year. Also, can't wait to hear the new Antony album.
  13. Crank 2 Red Band Trailer. This is going to be awesome. Plus, It's been mentioned several times here. It come to DVD in March.
  14. Gary Floyd

    Weekend Box Office Report

    "The Unborn" is bad, but it's at least amusingly bad. It had an interesting premise, and a few moments are creepy, but the whole thing just ends up feeling more goofy than scary. If anything, watch it someday in case nothing else is on TV.
  15. Gary Floyd


    Hello TSM. How are you? Are you comfortable? May I offer you a beverage? Anyways, things are alright. Classes are alright (I'm taling a class on Satire, which seems like it's going to be great) and it's snowing. Actually, it's jst snow on the ground at the moment. Anywho, it's been largely uneventful lately. Ortonsault hates me (fine, I'll shut up about Leena), and I'm about to lose to 909 in the Best poster tournament round 1 (at least I'm up against a good poster.) Oh well. I have class a feature story writing class at 8:30 in the morning now, so I'm pretty tired just about all the time at the moment. I have a roomate too now, though I lucked out this time, as he's a good guy (and a fellow H.P. Lovecraft fan)-oh, and he works part time as an Indy Wrestler. This is the second guy I've known who works part time for Indy promotions. And that's what's up with my world. Hope you're happy TSM.
  16. Gary Floyd

    JAxl's Public Service Announcement

    You got that right.
  17. Slayer-I get along with Slayer in the metal thread, plus he tore Tack a new one. Venkman deserves points for making the WWE folder readable again. Kinetic Agent Vitamin X
  18. Gary Floyd

    A Letter to Leena

    Dear Leena, I doubt you are reading this-actually, since you seem to have OCD when it comes to TSM, you probably are, so here goes: People don't like you not because you just happen to be a woman. People don't like you because you're you. You are completely unlikable, do nothing but act superior to others, have mood swings, and behave like a total bitch. Maybe if you didn't obsess over this place (seriously, there's other message boards better and worse than this one), and got an attitude adjustment, then you wouldn't be a punchline. And who obsesses over a fucking message board anyway? How much free time do you have in your hands? We aren't forums.somethingawful.com ya know. My guess: a lot. Really, we aren't worthy of so much attenton. Maybe you just do this because it gets you the attention you cannot obtain in the real world (you know, that amazing place outside of the internet-yes, it really exists!) So in short: get a life, and drop the martyr complex. Love, gary floyd P.S. Paul fucking sucks.
  19. Gary Floyd

    Albums gary floyd Listened to Today

    Yesterday Today
  20. Gary Floyd

    Pictures I Like

  21. Gary Floyd

    JAxl's Public Service Announcement

    Backside melts into the sofa My world, my TV, and my food Besides listening to my belly gurgle Ain't much else to do Yeah, I sweat a lot Pants fall down every time I bend over And my feet itch Yeah - I married a scarecrow I hate you Talkin' to myself Everybody's starin' at me I'm only bleedin' Someone taps me on the shoulder every 5 minutes Nobody speaks English anymore Would anyone tell me if I was gettin' stupider? I hate you Talkin' to myself You don't feel it after awhile You take the beating I'm a swingin' guy Throw a belt over the shower curtain rod And swing - - - Toss me inside a hefty And put me in the ground A drink needs me I don't I ain't about to guzzle no tears So kiss my ass Newscasters, cockroaches, and desserts I hate you Talkin' to myself Everybody's starin' at me I'm only bleedin' where are the kids? maybepregnantorondrugsoronwelfareontopoftheworldonthehonorrollonparoleontheDodge rsonthebackofmilkcartons- onstakesinthemiddleofcornfieldsoncoversoffuturehistorybooksonoldlady'smantleswalkin'onwaternailedoncrosses I think it's time I had a talk with my kids I'll just tell 'em what my daddy told me YOU AIN'T NEVER GONNA AMOUNT TO NOTHIN'
  22. Gary Floyd

    JAxl's Public Service Announcement

    Enigma and Mecca say hello.
  23. Gary Floyd

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Way To Suck That Dick. This may be my new favorite blog.