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Everything posted by Ace309

  1. Ace309


    The second, and imho better, Crossfire Match: And the quintessential "Idea-execution" promo, in which I took a two-dimensional character and wrote him as if he were hilarious, mainly because I was bored with fighting Ash again on PPV:
  2. Ace309


    I'm having hotmail issues as well.
  3. Ace309


    Apparently you don't pay all the well attention, Va'aiga because Johnny's outfit is very sensible. If your refering to the suit/tux(thanks a lot Ejiro) he hasn't worn that since a few shows after Genesis, and even still it makes perfect sense for Johnny to wrestle in a suit since Secret Agents ala James Bond do everything in a suit. The tux pwned, although I pictured Johnny in a white dinner jacket with black piping, a black bow tie, a white shirt and black pants. Call me crazy.
  4. Ace309

    Sunday Night Frost

    ...? *looks at passport* GOD DAMN IT
  5. Ace309

    Sunday Night Frost

    We've always known you were talented, Cedric.
  6. Ace309

    Does anyone follow the NCAA?

    In. (Y)
  7. Ace309

    SWF Storm Card, March 12th!

    Eh, I could only help Maddix because I know we're GMT -5.
  8. Ace309

    SWF Storm Card, March 12th!

    Maddix: You have five hours after the EST time. So if the due time is 7 PM EST, you have until midnight local time.
  9. Ace309


    I appreciate Ejiro's consideration for the Mastermind Heel spot, but I definitely cribbed a lot of my act from Wilson. I think the quiet, brooding tweener is an archetype that developed quite a bit in the late 1990s and the 2000s to date. Early Edge was probably the most notable, but he drew on Jake Roberts' style, and in any case Edge was more gothic than necessary. This sort of character needs extraordinary skill to get his wrestling over (particularly when working a technical style) and to develop a rapport with the fans, and I think one person did that more than anyone else. Sacred, anyone?
  10. Ace309

    SWF From the FIYAH!

    Mystery man returns. ::cracks knuckles::
  11. You, sir, have been mightily whooshed.
  12. Ace309

    SAT Score

    1350, mainly because I didn't prepare. I got a 171 on the LSAT, though, and scored in the 99th %tile boasting>.
  13. Ace309

    Misery Date

    All you have to do is hang out until I'm President. One of my campaign promises will be to employ the SWF.
  14. Ace309

    Misery Date

    Oh, boo, I was hoping you'd either gone on a really bad date or been asked out on a pity date.
  15. Kurt's weight class doesn't exist anymore. The 1996 Atlanta Olympics, where Kurt won, had 10 weight classes. By Sydney 2000, they were down to 8, replacing the 198 and 220 classes with 213. By Athens 2004, it's now down to 7, with a 96 kg/211-pound class. The only class that's referred to by name anymore is technically called the superheavyweight class, which is used interchangeably with heavyweight since heavyweight doesn't refer to anything and is the biggest weight class in boxing. In the 70s it was unlimited, leading to such abominations as the 450-pound Chris Taylor (who later competed for the AWA) and such reasonably-proportioned competitors as the teddy-bearish 300-pound Bruce Baumgartner (who was the US's opening ceremony flagbearer in 1996, seen here executing a footsweep badly). It later got trimmed down to 130 kilos or 286 pounds, where it stayed for a long time. The US has traditionally used a 275-pound limit, but increased that to 285 in college when the other weights received a 7-pound allowance following the deaths of several wrestlers from cutting weight (although the seven-pound allowance only encourages wrestlers 10 pounds over the old limit to cut three extra pounds). It's now down to 264. EDIT: To clarify, the college limit is 285. The international limit was cut to 264 when they reshuffled the eight down to seven in order to make the medal limit to include the women, who onyl get four weights.
  16. TEMPLATE: MAIN EVENT INTERCONTINENTAL TELEVISION TITLE MATCH Charlie "Grappler" Matthews© vs "Coyote" Coy West YES THERE HAD TO BE A WACKY STIP MATCH Ann "Ichiban" Onita vs Landon Maddix Rules: Hardcore rules, first person to be trapped inside the cage loses, but there are only two people anyway. CRUISERWEIGHT TITLE MATCH Wildchild© vs Todd Royal NON- TITLE MATCH Aecas vs Sacred USJL #1 CONTENDERSHIP MATCH "Hollywood" Spike Jenkins vs Johnny Dangerous HARDCORE TITLE CONTENDERSHIP MATCH Toxxic vs Jacob Helmsley SINGLES MATCH Janus vs John Duran SINGLES MATCH Aidan Redmond vs Insane Luchadore
  17. Ace309

    Lockdown 2/25 Predictions Thread!

    MAIN EVENT INTERCONTINENTAL TELEVISION TITLE MATCH Charlie "Grappler" Matthews© vs "Coyote" Coy West - Gotta go with Grappler here. YES THERE HAD TO BE A WACKY STIP MATCH Ann "Ichiban" Onita vs Landon Maddix Rules: Hardcore rules, first person to be trapped inside the cage loses, but there are only two people anyway. - Annie's just so much more inventive. CRUISERWEIGHT TITLE MATCH Wildchild© vs Todd Royal - WC, hands down. I love Todd, but WC. NON- TITLE MATCH Aecas vs Sacred - Aecas is good, but Sacred's Sacred. USJL #1 CONTENDERSHIP MATCH "Hollywood" Spike Jenkins vs Johnny Dangerous - Johnny. HARDCORE TITLE CONTENDERSHIP MATCH Toxxic vs Jacob Helmsley - I mark for Toxxic. SINGLES MATCH Janus vs John Duran - Screwiness. SINGLES MATCH Aidan Redmond vs Insane Luchadore - Aidan.
  18. It's the Cruiserweight Title, if only because both WC and I went to pains to write it that way at Clusterfuck and because the new historian considers it a different title.
  19. Ace309

    A question for you all

    Cheerfully withdrawn. I assumed you were being facetious and referring to the third, fourth, etc incarnations of the nWo.
  20. Ace309

    The best botches.

    Maven vs.... Christian, I think, on Smackdown. Maven climbs to the top rope for his dropkick, then falls off awkwardly. I think that was when he broke his leg and still finished the match.
  21. Ace309

    Reminisce with me...

    TNT and Zed deciding to no-show their last JL match. King telling them this would cost them their bumps. The resulting mess involving Zed being warned off AIM. King revealing he was kidding.
  22. Ace309

    SWF Storm Card - February 20th!

    Clearly not just you, since everyone's hyping how MVS lost to Tom at the show before CF. He won that match. I carried his sorry, broomstick-like ass, but he won it. Insert obligatory winking smiley here:
  23. Ace309

    A question for you all

    No, but you're implying that the Drunken Deathmatch incident puts them on par with recent AJPW by drawing an analogy to the coke-drinking contest. The problem is that "peak-nWo quality sports entertainment" (as Just Too Uber calls it) is becoming the norm in AJPW, whereas it was an unusual event in IWA-MS. There's no inconsistency here, no matter how much you want there to be one.
  24. Ace309

    Reminisce with me...

    Oh, hey... there was the time Tod deKindes and I decided to tease Tod joining the M7 just before the Clusterfuck where I was planning to beat ELM. I posted a bar promo and Tod promptly replied to the effect of "I didn't agree to this." I killed the angle there and approached Silent about the tease... and, well, we know what happens when someone works out an angle with Silent.