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Everything posted by Ace309

  1. Ace309

    IWA draws a scary low

    Talk about unprofessional promoting. You're suggesting that they promote beer in order to get fans to come to the show. We all know that that wouldn't be looked upon positively by anyone, whether it be the Internet or the local community. And if it weren't to be frowned upon by the Internet, the ONLY reason would be because IWA has a generally good rep of being quality wrestling that doesn't get the support it deserves. If it was XPW following your suggestion, we all know that there's be ppl. bitching left and right. I'd mock you, but the challenge is gone.
  2. Ace309

    Pick Trish's New Shirt?

    Well, I think that sums things up nicely.
  3. Ace309

    If you're into e-wrestling...

    You know, we DO have two perfectly viable e-feds going right at the bottom of these boards.
  4. Ace309

    Pick Trish's New Shirt?

    Those are as bad as the two HLA shirts.
  5. Ace309


    Duran, you're being a testicle. To say that Wildchild is Crash and Ejiro is D-Von just because of some passing similarity in the titles they hold is silly when both of them are among the more talented writers in the fed and they're both in the middle of elevation. What you had was an upper-midcard-level wrestler, as evidenced by his placement in the recent four-way contendership match, finally getting a win with an interesting wrestling-based subplot over a top contender who is not only half of a dominant tag team but also one of the top singles writers in the fed. Wildchild's not a comedy wrestler and Ejiro's not an incompetent boob. I'm sorry you don't understand that, but hopefully we can move past this topic.
  6. Ace309

    WWC Second Round Roleplays and Results!

    Hope you didn't mind me taking some liberties with your character.
  7. Ace309


    Have you been paying attention to the angle WC and Ejiro have been running for... many, many moons now? WC going over Ejiro was a conscious decision on the part of the team to give Ejiro another clean win over Flesher and follow that up with Wildchild avenging a lot of the bullshit that Ejiro's been feeding him. No one ever reads or comprehends stylistic nuance, which pisses me off, but there was major stylistic nuance in Wildchild's finish. He had been wrestling the Ejiro-influenced conservative style for a while now, and he finally went back to his crowd-pleasing flip-floppery to get the big win over the Jir. To say that it was a badly-booked, meaningless finish is... well... stupid.
  8. Ace309

    WWC Second Round Roleplays and Results!

    I should so copypaste Survivor Series for ny next RP.
  9. Ace309

    WWC Second Round Roleplays and Results!

    otoh, I'm a bad RPer.
  10. Ace309

    Ashes 2 Ashes

    Total: 20,543.
  11. SJL METAL CARD Date: Tuesday, November 18, @ 9 PM EST Venue: The parking lot outside the St. Pete Times Forum (formerly the Tampa Ice Palace). As some of you may remember, the SJL has been banned from the Ice Palace. However, we were planning to be in the area, and so they let us hold a card in their parking lot. Weather will be sunny for the early matches but we’ll kick the lights on for the later ones, and the fans will be general admissions (read: crazy). Send Promos & Marked Matches To: Longdogger_Pete OPENING PROMO: Not called yet. ROOKIE MATCH Charismatic Kev vs. Wes Outlett Description: Wes Outlett hasn’t been doing well in his first few appearances, but Commissioner Raynor is wondering if he’ll do better against fellow rookie Charismatic Kev! The ladies love him, for some reason. Rules: Standard singles match. DQ & countout in effect. Word Count: 3000 Send To: Ace309 SINGLES MATCH Todd Royal vs. Unknown Warrior Description: Todd’s got a title shot coming up after defeating Insane Luchador in a Quadruple Domination match. He’ll have to tune up against the Unknown Warrior, who has his sights set on the World Title as well. A win here, or even a strong showing, will put Warrior in line for a shot. Rules: Standard singles match. DQ & countout in effect. Word Count: 4500 Send To: Ace309 FOUR WAY VERY ODD VICTORY CONDITIONS MATCH “Hollywood” Spike Jenkins vs. Manson vs. Alan Clark vs. Dominic Korgath Description: These four men struggle to stand out from the field. Tonight, they will try to be the last man standing in the ring that’s situated in a parking lot, not a field. Rules: All four men in the ring. A wrestler is eliminated when he is pinned, submits, or is thrown over the top rope and has both feet touch the floor. No, there are technically no disqualifications. No, this does not mean you get to go medieval on your opponents’ asses using all kinds of hardcore plunder. Word Count: 5500 Send To: Thoth MAIN EVENT WORLD TITLE MATCH FANS BRING THE WEAPONS Aecas © vs. Landon “La Cucaracha” Maddix Description: Maddix is cashing in his title shot here! He’s been enjoying the hradkore stylingz thus far, so why not let these two get it on hardcore? This time, the fans will be supplying the madness! And remember: They’re comped, so they’re crazy! Rules: Hardcore-style match. A garbage can full of fan-donated weapons will be in the parking lot, and the fans can hand the wrestlers weapons at any time. Only the World Title is on the line. The winner has Todd Royal waiting in the wings to challenge him at some indeterminate point in the near future. Technically, the fans brought their cars to the arena. Word Count: 6000 Send To: Longdogger_Pete
  12. Ace309

    Ashes 2 Ashes

    We'll be in fine shape, Mr. Slim.
  13. Ace309

    WWC Second Round Roleplays and Results!

    I'm really surprised that I advanced. I thought for sure that the Zen ninja's 4000 RP in which he yakked about his home fed for 3500 words was going to take it.
  14. Well, for one, it's a small world.
  15. Ace309

    Hawaiian Style~!

    Pineapple and bacon pizza.
  16. Ace309

    Explain THIS TO ME

    It's not that your vocabulary bothers us... at least, not me. It's that there are other words that would serve the same purpose and come off sounding much less awkward. Example: "This is a stupid question, but I'm in denial, so I'll ask anyway." I can't imagine your phrasing rolling smoothly off the tongue, and so when I read it it just sounds bad. You sound like a twelve-year-old who just bought his first thesaurus and can't wait to use it. I'm just waiting for you to accuse McLennan of hubris and then declare your sad lament that coitus is not imminent. Or you could call Craig a jerk and complain that you're not getting laid. The only redeeming factor for awkward phrasing is that it sometimes helps with precision. Sometimes, using a cumbersome word is unavoidable, and sometimes the extra syllables help the rhythm of a sentence. I can safely assume, having read your posts here, that's not your motive. A in Advanced English or not, I can't imagine a competent instructor returning your papers without tons of "word choice" proofreading marks.
  17. Ace309

    Random question regarding Playas, Inc.

    They can replace the "This is the Slickster" line with a sound bite of Teddy Long yelling, "LEMME HOLLA AT YA PLAYA," and then replace the "I ain't no jive soul bro!" bits with "B'LEE DAT!" Come on, that's money.
  18. Ace309

    Breaking Kayfabe 11-14-2003

    It's like a sleeper only FAR more stylish.
  19. Ace309

    Explain THIS TO ME

    You'll do a lot better when you tone down the attempts at speaking poetically. A lot of what you've said in this thread is prhased awkwardly, and it seems like you're trying to use big words whenever possible. Girls HATE that. They like it when your speech is relaxed and cadenced properly. Trust me on this one.
  20. Ace309

    11-13-03 Crimson Comments

    Well, as far as I'm concerned, it's like Owen selling the bag of popcorn. In the context of a comedy match, it's entirely appropriate.
  21. Ace309

    Breaking Kayfabe 11-14-2003

    Mark, your internet rumors make me feel all squishy inside.
  22. Ace309

    An offer for someone with an efed

    I heart how people ignore the two perfectly viable efeds we already have on this board.
  23. Ace309

    Moore ousted as Chief Justice

    Well, JOTW, what he's trying to do is get us to stop and look at what he perceives as a double standard. He's trying to say that if Moore were standing up for a cause we believed in, we would back him... which is obvious, of course. The problem is that he's apparently trying to relate the two situations; basically, he's saying that we see people who support causes we support as martyrs when they lose their jobs for standing up for what they believe in, and then draws some unintelligible conclusion from there. He seems to imply that this is a double standard, but of course it's clear that we back the causes we perceive as just. It would be an outrage for a judge to lose his job for supporting gay rights within the confines of the law he's sworn to uphold; it would be good business for a judge to lose his job for supporting gay rights going above and beyond the confines of the law he's sworn to uphold. He seems to understand that the cases are completely different, but insists on drawing a tenuous analogy anyway.
  24. A while back, a friend of mine had an away message that I liked, and so, to honor him, I stole it. Shamelessly. This led to many interesting things, including several haiku, and Ash Ketchum rewriting the theme from Shaft about me. However, today, I am truly creeped out. I came back, and this was waiting for me: *shudder*