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haws bah gawd

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Everything posted by haws bah gawd

  1. haws bah gawd

    WWE General Discussion-November 2008

    Recent pic of Macho Man Randy Savage at the premiere of BOLT, if anyone cares:
  2. haws bah gawd

    WWE Raw - November 17, 2008

    It was an OK RAW: - Victoria is so underutilized it's unbelievable. She still looks great considering how much older she is than a lot of the other Divas. I just don't get the finish. If you're gonna have Victoria get her heat back after the roll-up, and get beat down by the RAW Divas, why not let her win, THEN take the beat down? That way she doesn't look like a complete jobber?! Guess we just can't have Kelly Kelly look weak can we? Really, I can't wait for Gail Kim to finally debut. You know her moveset is going to be reduced to nothing (or maybe not considering all the crazy shit *by WWE standards* that they let Evan Bourne do), but she should be able to do a lot of good matches in whatever brand she's put on. - Holy Crap at Miz and Morrison getting a clean win over Mysterio and HBK with HBK's own finisher. - I know Punk is a tag champ now and everything, but I don't get the constant loses in singles competition. Storyline wise, with the way everyone was calling him a fluke champion, it's mostly been proven true. Orton punted his head to cause him to lose his Championship without even being in the Scramble match, and Punk still get's beat by Orton somewhat cleanly (oh wow, Regal touched Punk's ankle). Then again, you couldn't have Orton lose in the match either, since he's a team captain at Survivor Series, and he needs to look strong going into the show. - File Burchill with Victoria in the "Being Criminally Underutilized" department. My thing regarding Burchill is either use the guy, or let him go. I've watched some of his old indy clips from Europe on YouTube, and the guy has more agility and power than someone of his size has a right to have. - I agree that something fishy is in the works between Jericho and Stephanie.
  3. haws bah gawd

    Main Event Mafia vs The TNA Frontline

    For some reason, the visual of Nash or Steiner taking the Border Toss makes me laugh. Hernandez is sickeningly agile for his size though, but I doubt he would be added to the Originals group.
  4. haws bah gawd

    Smackdown vs. Raw 2009: News/screens

    It's actually not super in-depth. It's more just mixing moves already in the game together, or being able to string multiple moves as one move. It's only front grapples as well. A quick youtube search shows some of the latest made ones. Now I'm not saying anything bad about the mode, I've had fun with it, and made some sweet finishers (Although damnit I wish I could do a package piledriver, instead I had to settle for a package powerbomb type deal) But don't go into expecting to make your own Phoenix Splash or something crazy like that. Chances are, your finisher will be a variation of a piledriver, powerbomb, or backbreaker, or a combination of all 3. I did give HHH a new Pedigree though, as I like the CAF pedigree animation better then the ones in the game. Thanks for the link. I'm really excited about the game. I know it's just the beginning stages of the long-awaited CAF mode, but I'm pleased with what I've seen so far. Looking forward to getting this over the next couple days.
  5. haws bah gawd

    Smackdown vs. Raw 2009: News/screens

    Could someone give me some details on how elaborate or creative one can be with Create-a-Finisher? I'm looking to pick this up soon, and this is one of the features I am most excited about. What's the strangest/most original finisher anyone here has come up with?
  6. haws bah gawd

    WWF Wrestlemania X-SEVEN DVD on Ebay

    I'm selling my extra copy of the original unblurred WWF version with no reserve. There's about 9 hours to go, so if you're interested, click here.
  7. haws bah gawd

    The Shield

    I'd mark out something fierce if Antwan or Kavanaugh made some surprise cameos before the show ends.
  8. haws bah gawd

    The Shield

    Here's my considerations for how this whole crazy thing ends: - Referencing Ronnie's comment of "he taught me everything I know", referring to Vic. Vic things all is well and he and Ronnie are going to get away scot free, only for Ronnie to shoot him in the face ala Terry Crowley. The final episode ends similarly to the first, with Vic staring up at Ronnie, just before he dies. - Vic goes down, and takes everyone with him. Ronnie, Shane, Mara, Acaveda, Olivia, anyone that he's ever had dirt on, or did something crooked with. Though Vic gave Olivia's file back to her, you KNOW he made copies of everything before doing so. - Claudette is able to nail Vic, but something comes up to make her victory look more like a vendetta (which is what it's looking like more and more), thus none of her evidence becomes usable. - Shane and Mara kill each other, ironically leaving Vic (Corrine) to look after Shane's son. - The closest thing to a "Happy Ending" this show could generate: Shane and Mara escape to Mexico, Vic and Ronnie join ICE, Claudette's illness is made knowledge of the Barn, and she is replaced by Dutch (seemingly her successor), Danny and Vic come to a custody agreement, Vic and Corrine patch things up but remain separated, etc etc. Theres so many ways this can go.
  9. haws bah gawd

    Best WWE Entrance themes

    I could have lived with Finlay's heel theme if it weren't for "My name is Finlay......and I love to Fight!" at the beginning. The music would've been fine by itself. Whenever I hear his current "happy" theme, I turn the channel.
  10. haws bah gawd

    UFC 91: Couture vs Lesnar

    Good for Brock. He's finally done something to justify walking away from his insanely-high WWE contract. Isn't he supposed to go into a Unification fight to crown an Undisputed Champion? Hopefully that goes well for him as well
  11. haws bah gawd

    WWE General Discussion-November 2008

    Ryder. Thanks, couldn't remember. FWIW, I was talking to someone a couple weeks ago that was so convinced Triple H's real name was Hunter Hearst Helmsley, I didn't have the heart to tell him what a fool he was.
  12. haws bah gawd

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Anyone here enjoy listening to Live back in the day? I just found out they put out a live album earlier this week called "Live at the Paradiso". I haven't listened to these guys in years, but they're still pretty good, IMO.
  13. haws bah gawd

    WWE General Discussion-November 2008

    With Goldberg. And Bret Hart. Remember when Bret returned to lead the Invasion? Who was it that started that? Keller?
  14. haws bah gawd

    Best WWE Entrance themes

    Edge's champion entrance is always good. WWE always goes balls-out on the entrance pyro for him. That Sudo entrance is amazing. Wonder how embarrassing it was for him to have that elaborate entrance, complete with Segway, to lose qso quickly?
  15. haws bah gawd

    Best Matches of the Decade

    Survivor Series 96 and Judgment Day 2000 say hello. Just sayin. Hello what? Guy's right. X7 was the pinnacle of each man's career. His opinion is that they had better matches. I'd agree with Austin having better matches, but I don't think Rock's Ironman Match tops WrestleMania X-Seven. When I'm talking with friends or something, and we start to discuss our favorite matches, this is the first that pops to mind. I have yet to have another pro wrestling match top how I felt during, and after Rock vs Austin from Wrestlemania X-SEVEN. Austin's desperation to win back the gold, and prove to himself that he "still has it" after his year-long recovery from neck surgery, even if it involves selling his soul to his most hated enemy to get the job done. I love the story told in this match. There are those that will argue that the ending was overbooked, and to an extent it was. The ending just played into Austin's desperation. Others may feel differently, or see the story differently, but that's my take on it.
  16. haws bah gawd

    WWE General Discussion-November 2008

    Just saw former Smackdown Super....Entertainer "The Shooter" Brent Albright, (formerly known as Gunner Scott) on an NWA taping on a channel I didn't know I had. Guy's put on some weight since leaving WWE, but he had a pretty decent match against someone who's name I don't remember. He won the match with a snap German suplex, followed by a very unique submission which looked like a combination of the Rings of Saturn and the Crossface.
  17. haws bah gawd

    Spike TV announces noms for their farce of an awards show

    There are also games missing that could have been nominated but aren't out yet, such as the new Prince of Persia. It's gotten better, but the awards will never live down their debut, where the show starts and they go "LOL GOTY--MADDEN!!!!", which was screwed up on so many levels. IIRC, although Madden won GOTY at the first Spike VGA's, didn't it LOSE in it's own category of "Best Sports Game"? Someone tell me how it can't win in it's own category, but can still win GOTY?
  18. haws bah gawd

    Best WWE Entrance themes

    Triple H - The King of Kings - It actually made his Conan attire at Wrestlemania 22 somewhat bearable to hear him come out to this awesome theme Edge - Metalingus Stone Cold Steve Austin - Glass Shatters (Disturbed Version) Christian - Just Close Your Eyes Chris Benoit - Whatever Brock Lesnar RVD - Fury of the Storm - Yea, I know it was only used once, maybe twice, but that's a badass theme!
  19. haws bah gawd

    Best Matches of the Decade

    10. Jeff Hardy vs Chris Jericho - Raw February (I think) 2003 - Hardy was at the height of his drug abuse, but Jericho carried him like a backpack to a very good free TV match 9. Kane vs Big Show - Extreme Rules for the ECW title - ECW on Sci-Fi 2006 - Just a fun, surprisingly violent and well-worked Hardcore match. 8. Chris Benoit vs Randy Orton - RAW 2004 - The night after Summerslam - Benoit cemented Orton as a legitimate main eventer as this match. One of Benoit's finest carry-jobs. 7. Edge vs Mick Foley - Hardcore Match - Wrestlemania 22 - Foley at his best, and Edge going above and beyond. A very fun hardcore match! 6. Chris Benoit vs Stone Cold Steve Austin - WWE World Heavyweight Championship - Edmonton Smackdown 2004 - Just for the 10 German's, and a brilliantly-worked match between the two. 5. The Rock vs Hulk Hogan - Wrestlemania X-8 - Not a great WRESTLING match, but for the spectacle of it all, this is a wonderful experience. NUCLEAR crowd heat! 4. Triple H vs Chris Benoit vs Shawn Micheals - World Heavyweight Championship - Wrestlemania XX - What can you say about this that hasn't been said? 3. Triple H vs Stone Cold Steve Austin - 3 Stages of Hell - No Way Out 2001 - HHH's best work, IMO. Just amazing! 2. Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit - Royal Rumble 2003 - If it weren't for that long-ass rear chinlock sequence, this would be as close to perfect as you can get 1. Stone Cold Steve Austin vs The Rock - Wrestlemania X-SEVEN - Probably each man's best work, as far as match quality is concerned Honorable Mention - Batista vs Undertaker - Wrestlemania 23 - These two just clicked. According to Big Dave's bio, he had been bugging Micheal Hayes about letting them go on last. Hayes asked him, "Shawn's going to make Cena a star tonight, do you REALLY want to follow him?". Big Dave followed with "Hell Yea we want to follow them". Hayes just laughed him off, and said Cena vs HBK was still going on last. So, after the match was over, Big Dave ran backstage, found Hayes, and yelled "FUCKING FOLLOW THAT!".
  20. Fuckin' Hell, that chick is ruined!
  21. haws bah gawd

    Pictures I Like

    I found this final pic while going through my "My Pictures" folder. It's my TV setup from sometime in July of 2004. Funny how still you get the occasional Kane (still wearing the same outfit) vs Jericho match. I wonder how much cash I had dropped on all those Transformers?
  22. haws bah gawd

    South Park: Season 12

    This episode was EPIC. I fucking hate those HSM movies, but this was amazing. Parker and Stone are usually pretty good with musicals, and this was no exception. Brilliant!
  23. haws bah gawd

    Does Anyone Still Play World of Warcraft?

    I'll admit I've never given this a try. A friend of mine in the Navy is beyond addicted. Just about every time I talk to him on the phone, he's in the middle of a raid, or a quest of some sort. He's got several maxed-out characters, too. He was telling me the other night about how pissed he is that his younger brother has only been playing for a couple months and already has better equipment than him. I had to remind him that he does have a day job, and his brother (who is 23) has no job, no responsibilities, and nothing better to do with his life than play WoW all day.
  24. haws bah gawd

    WWE General Discussion-November 2008

    I can't stand the ticketmaster ticket offering system. Several years back, a friend and I were trying to get tickets to a Smackdown taping (the one before Armageddon 2004 with the awesome Eddy/Undertaker/Booker T vs JBL's Cabinet, main event). About 6 times in a row, I had been offered the same tickets in the level just off the floor, about 8 or so rows up. I figured I would give it one more shot, and ended up with 3rd row floor sets straight across from the camera. Why floor and next-section-up tickets cost the same, I will never know, but needless to say it's still the most fun I've ever had at a wrestling show.
  25. haws bah gawd

    Gas Price Check...

    $1.83 this afternoon. Filled up for less than $20.