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Everything posted by Promoter

  1. Promoter

    WM Main Event vs World Titles

    Well, generally speaking I think HHH is right about having the championship always end the show because what happens in the years when you don't have a big draw match-up? The title and main event spot will have to be sold. I think that is why they always push that aspect more than say the REAL main events like Hogan/Rock or Golebrg/Lesnar. It's just good business to do that. Triple H shouldn't have been in the damn main event at 18 in the first place coming back from injury two-3 months before. They could have built it up long term wise with Jericho taking out Trips, but they didn't. When you put Hogan and Rock within a few weeks of that match being announced what did they expect? Goldberg/Lesnar WAS the main event at one time remember guys? Once Goldberg started to give contractual problems in December they changed gears.
  2. Promoter

    Hassan/Hogan at WM?

    HHH jobbing in that fashion would be similar to another Mania in "hollywood". How likely will lighting strike twice, but Batista would be a rocket of heat if he ever destroyed HHH in that fashion. Maybe Goldberg/Hogan type heat and career before Nash put that flame in smoke. The appeal is not really Hogan giving Hassan the rub, but Hassan wanting to take on the most deserving HOF inductee to a last match. Again, if they book the match and write the storyline effectively it CAN work.
  3. Promoter

    Trish Stratus

    And yet she was more over than any women's wrestler until Sable in 1998. That says something.
  4. Promoter

    Hassan/Hogan at WM?

    Hogan vs. Hassan in LA for WrestleMania(rematch of WM 7 . Could be interesting and I wonder if it could be Hogan's last match for REAL this time. I mean it would be a fitting end don't you think to have Hogan's last match against a character like Hassan's. I mean they pimp Hogan over Iron Shiek(oops you see the connection). The storyline and booking if done properly COULD make Hassan a star(once that Real American blares**oops another connection), but he could also screw things up like monday. This one's a toss up because I do see the argument in having Hogan lose his last match to an Anti-American and to someone as green as this guy. Add to that UT losing his undefeated streak at the event and the fans may just damn well riot.
  5. Promoter

    Trish Stratus

    What about Sable or Chyna I might have to say Richter in all seriousness because the division was red hot along with the male world champion division. As soon as she was dumped, so was the heat for the division for YEARS. Trish is awesome though and probably would have been better off in that era. She's a one woman division now.
  6. Promoter

    Generic Post-Raw Thoughts Thread

    Ookay, it seems the wwe is pulling matches out of its ass for Mania now. I was giving them chances unlike the rest of the net with the crappy build up, but it really does suck. Orton reading a magazine and leaving it on a desk? HBK pretty much having Edge as a JTTS? Jericho talking about a ladder match with 5 men and leaving fans wondering what the hell he is talking about. This is lame for a road to Mania build. Hogan and Piper's Pit had better promotion that basically 90 percent of the damn card.
  7. Promoter

    WWE Tiddybits

    Orton doesn't want to be a heel? The wwe will keep him babyface? Yeah, I can see the fans really getting behind Orton in a match to end Taker's win streak
  8. Promoter

    How close is the WWE close to tanking?

    I think you're kidding yoursef here. Live gates are still the most profitable form of business the WWE pulls off. TV may get them exposure, and build to pay per view buys which are another big factor, but you're overestimating the monetary value of TV. The company is more ppv driven than house show driven compared to the model they had in the 80's.
  9. Promoter

    How close is the WWE close to tanking?

    Well, you have a point about having a non-title match as the main event of the biggest event of the year for wcw. However, please don't forget how the match happened in the first place. WCW actually did book the match and the storyline properly. Hogan gets surprised by Roddy Piper(and so did a lot of people) at Halloween Havoc. Piper goes down the laundry list that included WrestleMania 1 and why fans cheered Hogan in the first place. Then they had the whole Bischoff set up where he turned heel on wcw. The match was based off WRESTLEMANIA 1 which did not have Hogan defending the world title. They did do the storyline properly because Piper only showed up to give Hogan a lesson and not become champion because he was in "retirement". They booked the match for the face to go over and to keep Hogan with the strap to build for the Sting program a YEAR later. As I said, wcw in 1996 and 1997 did things very well in terms of heat for the main event storylines until that debacle at Starrcade '97 which was what many claim was the beginning of the end(which still had a bigger feel than WM that year with additions like Bret Hart from the wwf).
  10. Promoter

    How close is the WWE close to tanking?

    The WWE OF TODAY is not what some are talking about. Of course, they can't tank right away because of things they just established over the last 5-7 years due to the boom. I can't see how it can't be possible for the company not to go out of business. That is not to say the industry itself would disappear. Who would have thought that the NWA would have gone the way it did when they controlled the damn industry at one point with the AWA and WWWF(and it was during the 70's) under its wings? Things are possible. Everything takes time just as it took time for the wwf to return to being the undisputed kingpins of "sports entertainment". Please remember how things were in 1996 and ask yourself who would have thunk things would be the way they are now where Vince runs two "brands". People would be laughing and calling the "soothsayer" crazy for a prediction like that in 1996 when RAW got a 1.8 rating(1.8 RATING in December around Starrcade). The wwf was on the ropes in 1996 and 1997. Why do you think he went through all that trouble to get out of the contract with Bret Hart? Those were the days of bad storylines and small attendance. WCW caused the wwf to book more shows here in Canada because of low attendance in the US. There are nowhere near that point now, but again who would have thought the company that basically ran the 80's wrestling industry would fall so far in that little time. That was less than 10 years after the world reknown WM 3 event in 1987. The continuation of crap does turn fans off bit by bit. It happened in the 80's when Hogan's act got stale and they kept on repeating it through Warrior, Luger, Diesel, etc. It took time for them to basically bottom out and who knows if Vince did not luck into the Montreal screwjob and the Mike Tyson signing where things would have gone. Looking at the conference call with Linda is superfluous because compare the numbers from 2002 until now and there is clearly a drop in business. She says stuff like the brand extension is a success because of things like 28% of fans watch both shows only showing that the fans are buying them as separate. I still would like to know how the wwe came up with this figure and what they judge it on. I'm always one to question "wwe numbers" because they manipulate it. How does that number show the brand extension is working(I think it is somewhat in terms of separation, but she does not really explain how and why). I also did think wcw was still #2 at times(creatively) when they were beating raw in 1997, but it was clear who was hotter and why. Another to thing to point out about wcw giving big money contracts is that the wwe is in a better position to low-ball the wrestlers and avoid signing big names like Hogan, Savage, Sting etc. to damage the finances. They are lucky guys like Rock are willing to come back and not really demand what is worth in the market. If it were 1997 who do you think would win the bidding war for The Rock at his current stock? The wwe is probably trying to avoid all this with the addition of wwe films and so on being a clone as Turner's conglomerate in the 90's. The reverse here is that Turner's people excelled at those business ventures and were weak with the wrestling dealings. Vince in this situation can't afford to be weak(already has with the big flop of the XFL in the media and other things mentioned) in all areas because as someone stated it brings the stock down of the core product that is the main revenue unlike Ted Turner's operation.
  11. Promoter

    How close is the WWE close to tanking?

    Vince missing in action in the new few months won't be a sign. He's still the owner and will lay the groundwork with where he wants the majority of the company to go. That's what he's been doing in the last few years anyways. Vince has already stated that no one person will do his job and that it will be carried out by different people. Again, observe the madhouse that was wcw with too many chefs in the kitchen. Linda seems to be the business saavy person in terms of business deals and whatnot. I don't think Triple H will be doing that.
  12. Promoter

    WWE.Com WrestleMania Jukebox

    In business, the rule is to keep it to 3 initials to avoid akwardness when consumers say the company's name. That is a reason why they never really pushed wwfe on screen. Since we're on this topic what names would some of you come up with for the company? Of course, Vince could have just used World Championship Wrestling
  13. Promoter

    How close is the WWE close to tanking?

    Yes, wcw was losing money, but they were always LOSING money before Bischoff turned things around in 1996-1998. WCW had a huge conglomerate behind it that could afford to lose money(new brass kicked it to the curb). It was a popular product and Ted Turner backed it. If the wwe starts to lose ratings in the future do you think the big television excecutives will keep it in prime time like it is now? The key here for pro wrestling's come back was prime time exposure during the 90's and in the 80's it was the new forum of ppv/closed circuit and NBC. Now there are tons of other forms of entertainment in the ppv forum unlike the 80's. The wwf can always get tv exposure, but it's the type of exposure that counts. The wwe use to depend on the house show circuit to make its money, but now it's really all tv as they have taken the importance of house shows off the minds of fans in the last few years. If they don't broker a great tv package with a major network/station they are screwed because if they aren't in prime time and if they are forced to do things where the tv shows have to sell the house shows they are in trouble. There is a reason for increased house shows internationally.
  14. Promoter

    WWE.Com WrestleMania Jukebox

    I think there might be one too. UT's legacy, HBK's legacy, and John Cena. UT for Orton reasons, while HBK for Angle in terms of being the "most celebrated athlete in "wwf(ha)" history. John Cena showcased because he will be crowned wwf(ha again!) champion. I still don't know why the wwe just didn't go back to world wide wrestling federation champion because wwe sounds lame. They don't even say the whole phrase or put it in words and I bet it's for the lameness of it all. They really could have come up with a better name.
  15. Promoter

    Possible Location for WrestleMania 22

    Shadow Behind You, I think you make a good point about why Vince wanted Sammartino for the HOF last year. It is also why Bruno did not accept it. Bruno said that Vince insulted him by saying he would not be making money off him(he says he wants no Mcmahon to make money off him ever again) since MSG was already sold out. Bruno stated that Vince tried to kayfabe him and thought he did not know he would profit of the ppv audience and DVD sales(must admit this is questionable because he has been out of the limelight since the big boom of the 80's).
  16. Promoter

    Best selling WWE dvds

    Yeah, but wasn't Hogan's DVD at the time the best seller ever? They can still milk another Hogan DVD easily.
  17. Promoter

    How close is the WWE close to tanking?

    You know, this is a serious topic and just shrugging things off like the company is made of kryptonite is what brought wcw down and all the other wrestling promotions in North America. UFC seems to be gaining steam with that Ultimate Fighter series. Who knows, maybe fans will start demanding that sort of product from wwe. You never know. Another thing to take note of is that wcw was not really a ratings disaster in terms of other television shows, yet they were taken off the air. In terms of the tv world, even the most popular shows get taken off the air for no reason regardless of its popularity. The wwe having 24/7 could be a sign that the company is considfering securing its own station in case of such a thing down the line. Maybe not in 10-20 years, but how about after that? Pro wrestling was huge in the 50's, yet it never made it back onto broadcast television on a major network until 1985 and it only became live in 1988 due to the popularity of Hulk Hogan(yet people mock the man's contribution to the business). The company isn't even at the level it was for demands the last time RAW went into a bidding war for television rights. Wasn't there even talks about smackdown being cancelled? Rumour or not, it would not have legs if it were in 1999 to be gossiped about because it was so hot.
  18. Promoter

    How close is the WWE close to tanking?

    They are as close as Vince Mcmahon not being able to run the damn company. All hell will break lose. We saw how things went when Vince was not around last year for that terrible ppv GAB. We saw how the company ran like wcw on that one raw show last year in Las Vegas I think when they showed a ppv match to open the show because the production staff went haywire without Vince. Say what you will about Vince, but he is the blood of that company. There are already reports that Steph can't get along with others who have wrestling knowledge in the company and only likes to listen to her yes men from hollywood. Imagine if Vince isn't around and she has complete reign? Maybe we will be hoping Triple H does have strong input or we could end up with more Lucy the Dog in world title match storylines where the company really turns into soap opera. I can bet big bucks if they go that route they would eventually bottom out. Who would have thought the wwf would have sunk so low in the 90's after the big boom of the 80's. Luckily, for us fans there was wcw with something new and "in" or we might have been drilled into the ground with stuff like Doink The Clown and The Plumber and be watching wrestling on 2:00am in the morning. Anything's possible because look at wcw and the powder keg roster they had of talent from star power in Hogan and Flair to up and comers like Goldberg and Jericho.
  19. Promoter

    Chicago gets Wrestlemania 22

    I guess they weren't joking about last year's theme with "Where it All Begins Again". I was kind of liking the Montreal/Calgary location personally. WM 23 has to be in Detroit, but what I want to know is what the hell are they going to do for WM 25? Maybe they might save Detroit for WM 25 or try to make a new record at the event. Anyways, am I the only person that kind of liked the 3 different location idea? If it was possible it would be neat to see Mania coming from at least 2 different continents where each brand would present Mania(not brand only of course).
  20. Promoter

    Could Van Dam be a viable WWE main eventer?

    Okay, we have BRADSHAW AS CHAMPION. If they want RVD can be a main eventer easily.
  21. Promoter

    The Next HOFamer....

    Not really, I turned Vince down last week
  22. The company seems to understand that fans are eating up the DVD products like Benoit and Eddie's etc. I don't know, but wouldn't that clue them in on what the fans actually want? You know, how they put together these DVD products from more of a sophisticated approach without all the hollywood crap they put on their tv shows. You know, how fans are eating up stuff like Flair and ECW dvd products could be giving them a damn hint, no?
  23. Promoter

    Bruno Samartino

    But would Bruno draw today? Would Hogan draw today? Steve Austin was on TV constantly, worked a ton of matches on TV, and STILL drew like mad. It was for a shorter time, but his exposure was many, many times greater than Bruno or Hogan's. I honestly think Austin is the best draw the biz has ever seen, simply because he never really had the novelty of his appearance as a drawing card --- something Bruno and Hogan had. -=Mike Would Hogan draw today? Would Bruno draw today? You know, there are some people who are called "ALL-TIME" greats for a reason. All this Hogan bashing is ridiculous. The guy was over in the 80's and 90's or do people forget his run in wcw with the nWo? Yeah, fans were mocking his ring skills and what did Hogan do? Used it for heel heat and was a heat magnet like no other until Austin rose to power. Hogan knows how to work a crowd. I thought his match with The Rock pretty much cleared that up. You think some of that face heat was NOT by design? Bruno is another case as well. If he knew how to get over in the 60's and 70's he would know what to do to get over today. People are judging things after seeing a whole careeer of a wrestler and comparing to wrestlers today that have not completed their careers. I wonder how Ric Flair still stays over and he doesn't even wrestle well or that often anymore. I bet that he is a student of the game and knows what he has to do to get a crowd to react to him. Hogan did have the novelty of his appearance as a drawing card, but he was drawing before WrestleMania 1. Austin really started to take off in terms of mainstream success when he went up against Vince Mcmahon(who was very over because of the Montreal Screwjob) and the challenge to Mike Tyson that some of the media actually bought. You see, it's easy to discredit what these guys have done, but it doesn't take away the fact that they were successful nonetheless.
  24. Promoter

    JBL Reaches Modern Day Milestone

    Yeah, people really saw HBK/Bret/Razor as the real champions in 1995. Again, in kayfabe land Bret Hart was screwed at Survivor Series and never got a rematch. Diesel gets the title shot out of nowhere(sounds familiar?). HBK was becoming very popular was well. Vince was just too stuck on creating another Monster champion like Hulk Hogan(you know how people say he was in the right place at the right time and that's why he was a success? why couldn't Diesel take off the same way with his super push then?). As for Cena not winning at Mania 21, I think the wwe will only solidify Batista more as the top face. He already got his tail thrown out the Rumble by Batista. Faces are suppose to WIN at the big show unless they plan on turning Cena heel and JBL face(which Meltz did say Vince thinks is a good idea). Wasn't this the worry of some people last year with Benoit not winning when it MATTERS? JBL's last title squeak victory is bad as it is. Maybe Vince was right here and wanted Cena/JBL for SummerSlam. They will jeopardize Cena in any case because of the set up for Mania(imo he shouldn't even be going for the title).
  25. Promoter

    Bruno Samartino

    Funny, people are ripping on Bruno, yet Piper gets a pass after the way he ripped on Vince for firing him in his last run. Piper has accepted the HOF induction and everyone accepts it, while Vince sent him packing for talking about drugs and death on a national sports show. I also think Vince Mcmahon is more than qualified to choose the inductees for the HOF. I mean it is Vince Mcmahon you know, the man who has seen everything over the years. Yes, he could have an agenda, but what difference would it make if there was a board with multiple agendas?