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Everything posted by natey2k4

  1. natey2k4

    Impact (October 8th)

    I got this directly from TNAWrestling.com Looks like we'll have about the same card as last week. 3 Live Kru will take down Team Canada in about 5 minutes to open. Abyss will beat Siaki in under 2 minutes. Daniels will beat Bentley and Aries in 6-8 minutes. Dudz/AMW will go to a no contest in 5-6 minutes. .. What matches do you expect to be added? Devon, Ray, Killings, Konnan, & James + possibly Homicide v. Storm, Harris, Roode, Young, + A1 and/or The Outlaw? The Naturals v. Roderick Strong & Sharky ? LOL.. that would be such a great and random tag team.. Raven v. Monty? I'd LOVE to see Alex Shelley v. Austin Aries added for the preview 30 minutes.
  2. natey2k4

    And the ratings are in....

    Tuesday nights. That's where it's at. honestly.
  3. natey2k4

    And the ratings are in....

    .8 is phenomenal for a Saturday Night. WWE was doing .5.. TNA did a .8... that's a great rating. I know MOST people arent even home saturdays.. I stayed home this saturdy to watch, but I can't imagine all marks doing that. Trust me, if this got say.. and 8-9 PM timeslot on Tuesday, the ratings would be 2.0 at the least most likely.
  4. natey2k4

    Impact (October 8th)

    Naw, I expect it happen on Impact sometime, and Sabin to pretty much massacre him. Williams, Daniels, Sabin, Styles, Bentley, Joe, Aries, and Shelley look to be the main eight in the X-Division right now. Dutt, Skipper, Sharky, and Shocker will be fighting for the final two spots. If I could only keep 10 of those 12, I'd cut Shocker and Skipper. Dutt has been having pretty good matches and Sharky is a HUGEEE fan favourite. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Don't forget Roderick Strong. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I wasn't. I have a feel Strong will be left out of the X-Division and put into a feud with possibly Bobby Roode. As for the AMW/Dudz thing.. I totally expect 3 Live Kru (possibly with Homicide) and Team Canada (possibly with the Outlaw) to get inovolved less than 5 minutes in making a 8-12 man tag match like I previously predicted.
  5. natey2k4

    Impact (October 8th)

    if I was gonna debut Joe (which i would in week 3, Monty #1, Abyss #2, and either Raven or Joe #3 and #4) Joe would face Dutt.. because Dutt/Joe was fantastic.
  6. natey2k4

    OAO 10/1 Impact Thread

    He didn't really get booed that bad. He still got face heat from the Hardy fangirls. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> He didn't really peform that bad either..
  7. natey2k4

    Impact (October 8th)

    Naw, I expect it happen on Impact sometime, and Sabin to pretty much massacre him. Williams, Daniels, Sabin, Styles, Bentley, Joe, Aries, and Shelley look to be the main eight in the X-Division right now. Dutt, Skipper, Sharky, and Shocker will be fighting for the final two spots. If I could only keep 10 of those 12, I'd cut Shocker and Skipper. Dutt has been having pretty good matches and Sharky is a HUGEEE fan favourite.
  8. natey2k4

    OAO 10/1 Impact Thread

    as much as I hate Hardy (and Rhino for that matter).. I thought the match they had wasnt really all that bad. It was better than most WWE matches of that length and the crowd was into it. It entertained me, and Jeff didn't blow anything. I think Jeff may be getting motivated again, and I think the whole show was phenomenal. I expect a better timeslot and a 2 hour timeslot within 4 months if they keep this up.
  9. so expect a 6 man tag or mayhem too be added? Reyes may be the newest member of Lacey's Angels, but I'm hoping for someone not alreay announced.. like.. Jerelle Clark or haha DELIRIOUS.. .. jokes about Delirious. Either Reyes, Clark, or ADAM PEARCE. Adam Pearce is my pick. Then we could have something like Izzy, Deranged, and Pearce v. Clark, Jacobs, & Whitmer. and Reyes v. some other random studen in a 40 second squash.
  10. natey2k4

    OAO 10/1 Impact Thread

    What a great show.. I havent watched WWE lately, because this is exactly what WWE is not.. Good. Oh.. and I can just imagine the expression on someone's face, who hasn't seen TNA before, when Petey hit that Destroyer.
  11. natey2k4

    OAO 10/1 Impact Thread

    Will this air in Spike TV in Canada? I remember we NEVER got RAW.. but that's probably because got it on TSN? We always got Velocity on Spike, Saturdays..
  12. natey2k4

    Bound For Glory

    Fuck that, feed Jarrett to to Shark Boy and we'd have the perfect card. lol joking.. I'd love to see Austin Aries & Roderick Strong team up to take on Alex Shelley & if a deal is worked out Sean Waltman... if not, make it a Three Way Dance. Add AMW v. Team Canada (Eric Young & Bobby Roode) v. The Naturals in a steel cage.. (our Second Monsters Ball as Predicted) Give us... Hoyt v. Brown v. Raven v. Abyss.. and have Raven win to take on Jarrett (more so for whatever name value is left). Whatever the case, the card looks fantastic so far.
  13. natey2k4

    Warrior DVD Trailer

    http://www.lethalwrestling.com/opinions/ne...hp?fileName=925 Funniest thing ever. lol.
  14. natey2k4

    The One And Only Unforgiven Thread

    I read something about that earlier, actually. Seeing as how Gibson still hasn't returned to WWE yet, though, you make a good point. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Gibson's Indy bookings end 10/6 (he has 3 more shows in ROH going against Daniels on 9/24 and potentiall the six man match later that night, Jimmy Yang (Akio) on 10/1 in Manhattan and an yet to be named challenger of his choice on his final night in Philly on 10/2). So Gibson's reign was forced to be short lived... I'll take Gibson's 6 week reign over Batista's 7 month reign... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> While Gibson will probably fight someone more technically sound on his final match, I'd absolutely love to see James Gibson v. Jimmy Rave. I could see the match being awesome. James Gibson v. Alex Shelley also tickles my fancy.
  15. natey2k4

    The One And Only Unforgiven Thread

    Yeah, you're right. Aries held the belt from December 2004 to July of this year, I think. I'm just saying it suddenly went from Aries, who had held the belt for so long, to Punk (who was supposedly about to leave for WWE at the time, but turned heel and was a heel champion for a few shows until Gibson won the title from him), then the hot-shot title changes started since then. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah, but both CM Punk and James Gibson's wins were completely unexpected to most. Why? Because both were headed back to the WWE. Now, expect Danielson to keep into at least January, probably April or May.
  16. natey2k4

    Unbreakable Card

    I HIGHLY expect Shocker/Sabin to be added. Hopefully Daniels retains setting up; Bound for Glory: Christopher Daniels v. Samoa Joe (X-Division Title) Raven v. Jeff Jarrett (World Title) The Naturals v. Alex Shelley & Sean Waltman (Tag Titles) Petey Williams & Eric Young v. AMW AJ Styles v. Austin Aries Chris Sabin & Shark Boy & Sonjay Dutt v. Shocker & Matt Bentley & Elix Skipper Abyss v. Rhino v. Jeff Hardy v. Monty Brown v. Lance Hoyt w/ Kevin Nash v. Sabu (#1 Contenders match) Bobby Roode v. Jerry Lynn BG James & Kip James v. Konnan & Ron Killings Pre-Show Match - David Young & Simon Diamond v. Mikey Batts & Jarelle Clark That would be my idealistic card. But it's not gonna happen. (Actually my idealistic card wouldnt have Nash, Hardy, and a bunch of them are the card, but thinking realistically, I'd love this show)
  17. natey2k4

    Unbreakable Card

    I HIGHLY expect Shocker/Sabin to be added. Hopefully Daniels retains setting up; Bound for Glory: Christopher Daniels v. Samoa Joe (X-Division Title) Raven v. Jeff Jarrett (World Title) The Naturals v. Alex Shelley & Sean Waltman (Tag Titles) Petey Williams & Eric Young v. AMW AJ Styles v. Austin Aries Chris Sabin & Shark Boy & Sonjay Dutt v. Shocker & Matt Bentley & Elix Skipper Abyss v. Rhino v. Jeff Hardy v. Monty Brown v. Lance Hoyt v. Kevin Nash (#1 Contenders match) Sabu v. Jerry Lynn BG James & Kip James v. Konnan & Ron Killings Pre-Show Match - David Young & Simon Diamond v. Mikey Batts & Jarelle Clark That would be my idealistic card. But it's not gonna happen. (Actually my idealistic card wouldnt have Nash, Hardy, and a bunch of them are the card, but thinking realistically, I'd love this show)
  18. natey2k4

    Michael Cole

    I like Cole... but all announcing sucks right now... why? Because every single show is the same.
  19. natey2k4

    Ted Petty Invitational 2005

  20. natey2k4

    Your ROH MOTY

    1. Jimmy Rave v. CM Punk - Third Anny Show: Night 3. 2. Samoa Joe v. Austin Aries - Third Anny Show: Night 3. 3. Alex Shelley v. Austin Aries - Manhatten Mayhem 4. Jay Lethal v. Samoa Joe - Manhatten Mayhem 5. CM Punk v. Alex Shelley - Third Anny Show: Night 2. 6. James Gibson v. Spanky - Third Anny Show: Night 2. 7. AJ Styles v. Jimmy Rave - Third Anny Show: Night 2. 8. Jimmy Rave v. CM Punk - Manhatten Mayhem 9. Jack Evans & Roderick Strong v. BJ Whitmer & Jimmy Jacobs - Manhatten Mayhem 10. Jack Evans & Austin Aries v. Samoa Joe & Jack Evans - Third Anny Show: Night 2. 11. Puma v. James Gibson - Third Anny Show: Night 3 12. Lacey Angels v. Dixie & Azrieal - Manhatten Mayhem 13. Jack Evans v. Alex Shelley - Third Anny Show: Night 3. 14. Bryan Danielson v. Homicide - Third Anny Show: Night 3. 15. Jimmy Jacobs v. Spanky - Third Anny Show: Night 3. Yeah I've only seen Third Anny Shows: Night 2 & Night 3, as well as Manhatten Mayhem.
  21. natey2k4

    News on Video Game, New Talent,Unbreakable line-up

    Wrestling Video-Games tend to make a lot of money. If I remember correctly, wrestling video games with fake wrestlers do great numbers as well. If the game is as good as Legends of Wrestling II or III, it'll get a fair share of buys.
  22. natey2k4

    Ted Petty Invitational 2005

    As far as I'm concerned, Puma is an upgrade from Jonny Storm. Too bad we couldn't replace Chris Harris with Jimmy Rave. I'd love to see Chris Bosh or Joey Ryan... Scorpio Sky/Human Tornndo/Quicksilver to a lesser extent. Disco Machine maybe too. Any of those six from PWG would be great.
  23. natey2k4


  24. natey2k4

    Tombstone: The History of the Undertaker

    Haha, I really am not an Undertaker fan.. but this set is a must buy. Great quality, Good Matches (well really good for the guys involved).. and a fun time. Bret v. Taker is a legitimate **** match, give it a look!
  25. natey2k4

    Chris Jericho to TNA?

    Styles v. Jericho *drrrroooooool*