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Lt. Al Giardello

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About Lt. Al Giardello

  • Rank
    It's better to be judged by twelve than carried by six.
  • Birthday 06/21/1987

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  1. Lt. Al Giardello

    RE: Procedural Note (Taking Legal Action)

    A) You have no idea what even happened. B) I never did anything to you to cause you to delete me, so it's whatever. C) You got banned for threatening someone physically. I never did anything of the like. A) Yes, I've heard. B) I deleted everyone from TSM cus I moved on. Well Cena's Writer is still on my friends list C) You posted VX's address, I might have "threaten" someone, but it was never serious to the point where I'll find his address and harass him. It's just the internet.
  2. Lt. Al Giardello

    RE: Procedural Note (Taking Legal Action)

    You're losing it Matty. I'm glad I deleted you off my facebook awhile ago.
  3. Lt. Al Giardello


    B-) B-) B-)
  4. Lt. Al Giardello


  5. Lt. Al Giardello


    battlenuts is gay. fuck you buy me a beer.
  6. Lt. Al Giardello

    1 post of solitude.

    How's it going, baby?
  7. Lt. Al Giardello

    Leena's Victory Celebration.

    Battlenuts is a faggot.
  8. Lt. Al Giardello

    Amalgamated EHME vs. Battlenuts

    Hey guess what? Battlenuts is not really from NYC! He's from Oklahoma, which makes my redneck prediction even more right. He even has a WWE fan account. Muwahahaha http://fans.wwe.com/battlenut
  9. Lt. Al Giardello

    Amalgamated EHME vs. Battlenuts

  10. Lt. Al Giardello

    Amalgamated EHME vs. Battlenuts

    The funny thing is Battlenuts is scared to post his picture because he will be exposed as a short, dumb, redneck, queer.
  11. Lt. Al Giardello

    Amalgamated EHME vs. Battlenuts

  12. Lt. Al Giardello

    Amalgamated EHME vs. Battlenuts

    I'd suggest we make a new drinking game, how many cocks that Battlenuts gets up his ass in a day. We'd all die of alcohol poisoning in an hour.
  13. Lt. Al Giardello

    Amalgamated EHME vs. Battlenuts

    Shut up you long hair, grungy looking bitch. You're Battlenuts new boyfriend? Why is he cheating on Hotbutter?
  14. Lt. Al Giardello


    You're not allowed to watch any sitcoms with Lance Reddick in it you stupid faggot. He's too cool for your eyes.
  15. Lt. Al Giardello

    Amalgamated EHME vs. Battlenuts

    You will never win, Battlenuts. Another thing, you like battling nuts in your mouth! PWN'D!